The captain's room was full of people, but the truth was that he was not going to do anything.

In the captain's room, Zane shook his wine glass.

"Diamanti, you are free anyway, tell me what Doflamingo wants to talk to me about!"

"Based on what you say, I can decide whether to bring a gun or wine, so you have to think about it before you speak."

Diamanti laughed dryly: "Master Zane, you are really a joke~"

Then he moved closer.

"In fact, the content of the cooperation is very simple. Our family wants to use the G2 area as the base camp to carry out slave trade on the Grand Line!"

"So, we need you to cover it up for us! Of course, the benefits are naturally indispensable to you..."

Zen was stunned at first: "Slave trade?!"

Then his eyes drooped slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he raised his head again.

"In the G2 area, the slave trade has a profit of about 10 billion every year."

"But these businesses are in the hands of pirates and underground forces. If you join rashly, you won't even have a slag left."

Diamanti laughed.

"Lord Zen, we are pirates!!"

"The strong will be strong, and the weak will die. If there is such a day, we are not as good as others!"

"But...with our family members here, the young master will never fail!"

Zen did not comment, picked up the glass and drank a sip of wine.

But he secretly complained in his heart.

God damn family...

Although he doesn't like them, Zane has to admit that Doflamingo is indeed a talent.

Bold, treacherous, ruthless...

His strength is also remarkable.

But he is confused,

He doesn't have the overwhelming strength of Whitebeard, but he likes to play this kind of trick of loving family.

The key is that you can find some reliable ones!

But his so-called family is more weird than the other.

They are not very strong, but they are all arrogant.

Especially Diamante and that slug Trebol in front of him,

Most of their skills are in bragging and talking nonsense,

They are two conspicuous bags who are more likely to cause trouble than to do good.

They are really loyal,

But that's all they have left...

There is a mushroom-headed kid who is quite steady,

But this kid is relatively low-key, and I haven't seen him many times.

Of course, no matter how arrogant Zane is, he would not say these words.

Having been in the system for so many years,

he still has the emotional intelligence to expose others without hitting them in the face.

"I naturally believe in the ability of your Doflamingo family, otherwise I would not take you around in such a big circle."

Zane's mission is to test the new shells brought by the Navy's science and technology forces and collect combat data.

In fact, the best choice is to wait on the route where pirates often appear,

but she was curious about Doflamingo's proposal, so she ran to this place where no one lives.

However, in this way, the time of this voyage was extended a lot.

In fact, on this ship now,

there are not only people from the G2 branch,

but also scientists and their guards.

People from both sides are mixed together,

in fact, they are not very good at dealing with each other.

The G2 Navy dislikes the guys in the science force for being willful and stubborn,

scientists dislike the G2 Navy for being simple-minded and strong-limbed,

it's okay if the time is short,

but if it drags on for a long time, various contradictions emerge in an endless stream, which also makes Zane very annoyed.

If it weren't for the pressure from above to force this crappy task, she would have thrown this mess out long ago.

In her mind, going through so much trouble was already a great sacrifice.

Diamanti slapped her thigh.

"That's right, Lord Zen! You and the young master are working together, that's a strong alliance! And we are very sincere!"

Xi Ze smiled slightly and shook the wine glass.

"Really? I like sincere partners, so I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Diamanti hurriedly raised the wine glass to clink glasses.

But Zen had already taken back the wine glass and sipped it by himself.

Diamanti's expression was a little stiff, and she could only shrink back embarrassedly...


On the edge of the island, in the ruins.

Two clouds of smoke, one black and one white, rose.

The white smoke quickly gathered and turned into Tina's appearance again.

Although the bombardment was fierce,

it had no effect on the natural ability users.

However, Tina didn't care about herself now.

She quickly moved a few pieces of wood to reveal Smoker underneath.

"Smoker, are you okay?!!"

Compared to Tina, Smoker was in extreme misery.

The whole person was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Wounds of all sizes were all over his body.

, his limbs twisted into a knot.

If there were no wisps of darkness,

Tina would have suspected that he was killed by the explosion.

Smoker didn't die, but he was worse off than dead.

The side effect of the multiple times pain at this time made him feel that breathing was a torture.

Fortunately, with his strong willpower, he didn't faint directly, and he was able to use his ability to absorb the damage...

The recovery process was very fast.

Just a few seconds later, Smoker recovered completely,

But the sequelae of the severe pain still made him tremble and lie on the ground gasping for breath.

"Damn... It hurts so much!!!"

It was the first time for me to experience such intense pain.

The previous explosion was extremely violent.

My iron block couldn't bear it at all.

Countless shrapnel tore my body apart.

The intense high temperature carbonized the skin and flesh.

The powerful shock wave twisted my limbs.

It was originally a painful injury, and it was strengthened several times because of the Dark Dark Fruit.

No wonder Blackbeard was beaten so hard that he called his father...

Tina hurriedly helped him up: "Smoker, are you okay..."

Smoker looked at the warship with hatred.

"These guys are not right!"

Tina was stunned: "What's wrong?!"

"Under normal circumstances, the navy will not directly fire when encountering a building."

"Our house is a shelter no matter how you look at it, it should not be a target!"

"Uh..." Tina's eyes were a little vague.

"Well, there was a hole in the wall yesterday. Because there was not enough wood, Tina blocked it with a pirate flag..."

Smoker: "..."

On the warship, Zane came to the window of the command room and looked at the island from afar.

"When will your young master arrive?!"

Diamanti stood up: "You can meet after the last day!"

Zane squinted.

This island looks very interesting.

"You contact Doflamingo and change the meeting place. I'll wait for him on this island!"

Diamanti was stunned and said anxiously: "Hey? But..."

"No buts, it's settled! Or..."

Zen's eyes became dangerous: "What surprise have you prepared for me?"

Diamanti choked when he heard it, and laughed dryly: "How could it be...Okay, I'll contact the young master first!"

Diamanti was helpless.

In the North Sea, he is also a well-known figure,

But in front of Zen, he has no capital to be arrogant.

He walked to the corner and started to contact Doflamingo with Den Den Mushi.

The warship also began to turn and slowly sailed towards the island.

Tina looked at the warship from a distance.

"Great, Smoker, the warship is coming! Now we are saved!"

Smoker patted Tina's shoulder: "Don't worry, hide and see the situation first!"

For some reason, he always felt that there was something wrong with this ship.

Tina: "?!!"

Although she felt strange, she didn't say anything and followed Smoker into the woods.

Soon, the warship docked at the ruins of the hut.

Zen got off the ship and looked at the ruins, exclaiming in amazement.

With just one shot, the house in front of him was almost gone.

It seems that the power of the new shells is really good...

Then, a group of scientists in white coats hurried down,

ignoring Zen, and studied the ruins on their own.

Zen knew the character of this group of scientists and didn't deal with them very well,

So he turned and walked away and called a few officers.

"Pass on my order, the guards of the scientific forces will protect the safety of the scientists on the spot."

"Others, search nearby to see if there are any pirates entrenched here!"


The navy received the order and began to act separately.

At this time, Diamanti walked over carelessly.

"What a beautiful island... I'll go stretch my muscles, and I'll come to see you when the young master arrives!!"

Zen naturally had no objection.

The other party was a pirate,

Although these were his confidants, there were still many people and eyes.

So, Diamante left with a sword in hand and crab steps.

Seeing him leave, a naval captain walked up to Zen and whispered: "Major General, do you want to..."

Then he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This captain was an old subordinate brought by Zen when he was in the North Sea,

He was one of the few people who knew Diamante's identity.

Zen pondered for a moment.

"No need for now, find a few of our own people to follow him..."


In the distance, Smoker and Tina were holding telescopes and quietly looking at the coast.

Although Smoker had traveled here for a long time,

but except for the people in the original plot, he basically didn't know the others.

So Tina

to act as a guide.

"Those wearing white clothes are the Navy's science and technology troops!"

"That female officer... is Zen! She is the princess of the Principality of Toden'ao in the North Sea."

"She was a colonel in the North Sea before, and was promoted to the Navy Headquarters because she successively eliminated dozens of dark forces."

"Not long ago, she was just appointed as the deputy base commander of the G2 branch!"

"North Sea..." Smoker subconsciously thought of Doflamingo.

"Who are the senior executives of the G2 branch?"

"The base commander is Lieutenant General Kaisha, and the deputy base commanders are Major General Gumier and Major General Zen!"

"I see..." Smoker nodded: "It seems that the other party's identity is no problem, why don't we go out..."

Suddenly, Tina asked in confusion: "Hey, who is this guy?!"

She was looking at Diamante.

No uniform, not like a navy, not like a scientist, not like a government official, could he be a nobleman from some country?

Smoker asked curiously, "Let me see..."

He took the telescope and took a look, and was stunned.

Smoker didn't know many people, and Diamante happened to be one of them.

"It turned out to be this guy... It seems that we can't go out. This Major General Zane of the North Sea is really weird!"

"What do you mean? Tina doesn't understand."

"You know the Doflamingo family in the North Sea, right? This guy is called Diamante, and he is one of the senior cadres of the Doflamingo Pirates..."

"Really? Are you sure? Why is the major general of the Navy Headquarters with the pirates?!!"

"I don't know about this... Hey, this Diamante seems to have left alone, why don't we ask him in person!"


Diamante walked in the jungle.

Suddenly, he found a few scattered footprints.

"Hey, is there someone else on the island?"

If the navy found a stranger on the island, they would naturally go back and report it first.

But Diamante is not a navy, and is arrogant by nature. Seeing this, he followed without thinking, and went around and around to the opposite side of the island.

This place is far beyond the navy's search range.

On the beach, Tina changed into a navy uniform and waited for Diamante quietly.

"Oh, oh, hello." Diamante glanced at Tina's uniform and said sarcastically: "This navy...private lady."

Tina had a blank expression and said lightly: "Diamante of the Doflamingo Pirates, I didn't expect a guy like you to follow the warship!"

Diamante's pupils shrank and grinned: "What an ignorant little girl..."

While speaking, he pulled out a silk ribbon from his waist, shook it slightly and turned it into a sword, hitting Tina's chest.

Suddenly, Tina turned into a puff of white smoke, and then re-condensed in front of Diamante, punching him in the chest.

Diamante was startled and hurriedly raised his cloak.

"Bullfighting Cloak·Rewind!"

The cloak rolled up on his body and instantly turned into a steel shield.

Tina punched a dent in the iron shield, but did not cause any damage.

"Damn, a natural ability user?!"

Diamante was about to fight back when a black hand suddenly stretched out from behind and grabbed his neck.

Diamante was shocked and just wanted to resist, but suddenly found that he could not control the cloak.

"Damn, what's going on?!"

The one who attacked was naturally Smoker.

Under the power of the Dark Dark Fruit, Diamante's ability was instantly invalidated, and the steel cloak wrapped around his body turned into a cage instead.

Smoker sneered: "You are a cocoon for yourself, and that's what I mean by that!"

Diamante shouted angrily: "You bastard, who the hell are you! Let me go!"

But he could only be helpless and furious.

How convenient the floating fruit was originally, how embarrassed he is now.

Smoker pulled out the seastone pendant from his pocket and hung it around Diamante's neck.

Instantly, Diamante felt limp all over.

"Damn... Damn, it's seastone..."

Tina didn't expect the battle to be so easy, and stepped forward.

"Smoker, do you need to torture me?"

Smoker shook his head.

"No, although this guy is a fool, he won't betray his captain!"

"That's right! I won't betray Dover!!"

Smoker didn't bother to pay attention, carefully avoided the seastone, and took out a Den Den Mushi from Diamante.

"It's a long-wave Den Den Mushi, great!"

"With it, even if we don't take the G2 warship, we can contact the headquarters to rescue us."

Tina breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally, there is good news..."

"But Tina is still curious, why did the pirates appear on the warship, why don't we

Go investigate!"

"Okay, no problem!" Smoker nodded, then turned to look at Diamante.

"But, there is one thing I want to confirm! !"

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