The old man was in a hurry.

Not long ago, somewhere in the Grand Line.

The flamingo-shaped pirate ship was moving at full speed.

If a merchant ship in the North Sea saw this ship, it would definitely run for its life.

On the ship was the Doflamingo Pirates, who dominated the North Sea in the early years and recently caused trouble all over the Grand Line.

At this time, Doflamingo and several top officials were in the conference room.

There was a huge conference table in the middle of the conference room, which was piled with maps and books, and there was a cute Den Den Mushi.

Doflamingo was talking to someone.




Doflamingo put on the Den Den Mushi and sat back at the table.

"Fufufufufu... That crazy woman Zenn actually changed the meeting place at the last minute."

"After so many years, she's still so cautious!"

Pica said in a shrill voice, dissatisfied: "Dover, that woman is too arrogant, do we really want to cooperate with her?"

"With our strength, we can definitely defeat those competitors! Why do we need to share the benefits with her!!"

"Fufufufu, that's right..." Doflamingo stood up: "However, our goal is not money, but to get a stable territory!"

He walked to a sea chart, drew a line, and circled a few islands.

"These islands are very suitable in terms of population, resources and location!"

"The only problem is that it is difficult to hide from the eyes of the G2 branch."

"So, winning over that woman can avoid many unnecessary battles, which is necessary for us!"

Pica frowned and said, "But does she have to be the partner?"

Virgo was sitting at the table drinking coffee. Hearing this, he looked up and said, "In the G2 base, the one who knows us best is none other than Zane. If she can stand on our side, safety can be greatly improved. Winning over her is also the best solution at present!"

"Hey, hey!"

At this time, Torrebol also came up with a long snot.

"Dover, Vergo, that crazy woman is very greedy, she will definitely ask for a lot!"

Doflamingo and Vergo said in unison: "You are too close, Torre!"

"Fufufufu... Greedy is good!"

"Slave trade is a cover and bait, so what's wrong with giving all the profits to her?!!"

"Besides..." Doflamingo smiled sinisterly: "If you are not greedy, how can you send her to the execution platform?"

Doflamingo sat down next to Vergo.

"Dude, what do you think of the plan?!"

Virgo nodded: "Dover, as long as it is something you want to do, I will make it a reality!"

"Fufufufufu, please..."

At this time, the cabin door was knocked open with a "bang".

Everyone's eyes looked over.

Doflamingo said lightly: "What's wrong?"

Several top cadres felt nervous.

Although Doflamingo was very calm at this time, the few people grew up together and knew his character very well, so they could naturally hear that Doflamingo was angry.

When he was young, Doflamingo fell from the altar of the Celestial Dragons to the mortal world,

and experienced a miserable period,

probably in order to find a balance, he usually attaches the most importance to rank,

people in low positions, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the reason, are never allowed to disobey and offend people in high positions,

when he is meeting with the highest cadres, no one else is allowed to break in.

Several of the highest cadres looked at the person who came in, and their eyes were as cold as looking at a dead person.

The person who came in was a young man who had just joined the group, named Seniolu.

He had joined the Doflamingo Pirates not long ago, but the few people were very impressed by him.

This guy is outstanding in ability, reliable in work, calm in character, and loyal to the family. He is a rare talent.

Doflamingo and the top executives liked him very much, and even proposed to train him to become an executive.

But for some reason, he was so reckless today.

At this moment, Seniolu's forehead was sweating and his face was pale.

"My lords, something happened!"

"The life card left by Master Diamante... has shrunk!!"

The life card is a product of the new world.

The paper made by mixing human nails into the material can represent the vitality of the owner.

The shrinking of the life card symbolizes that the vitality of the owner is getting weaker.

Although this kind of paper is rare,

Doflamingo still got some through his connections for himself and the top executives

All use.



The people in the conference room were shocked when they heard what Senior said.

Senior stretched out his hand.

There was a piece of paper in his palm with Diamante's name on it.

At this time, the paper was burning, with only a little corner left...

"Originally, there was nothing wrong with Master Diamante's life card, but it suddenly burned just now, and it became like this in just a few seconds..."

Doflamingo's face was dark, veins on his forehead bulged, and a bloodthirsty aura suddenly broke out, and even several top cadres changed their faces.

And Senior was even more unbearable, and was forced to retreat repeatedly, and barely stood firm after leaning against the door.

"Fufufu... How dare you!"

"You dare to attack my family!"

"No matter who it is, I will cut him into pieces!!"

After that, he grabbed Diamante's life card and jumped out of the window.


The subordinates behind him wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Doflamingo used his ability to fly away, and disappeared into the sky after a few flashes.

"Damn it!"

Vergo slammed the table and stood up.

"Pica, is Dover's life card with you?! You go take charge of the direction!"

"Torre, keep contacting Diamante, and tell us as soon as there is news!"

"Senior, notify everyone, take your positions, and sail at full speed!"

Everyone was shocked and hurried to act according to his orders.


On the island.

The seastone on Diamante's chest has been taken off.

At this time, his eyes were white and he was foaming at the mouth. He lay on the ground like a dead dog and had fainted.

Smoker stood beside him and kicked him lightly.

"This guy has practiced well. He didn't die after enduring so much damage."

Tina looked at Smoker, and a trace of heartache flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Just now, Smoker transferred the pain he absorbed to Diamante.

Only one third of it made Diamante look like she was dying.

I can't imagine what kind of pain Smoker had just experienced.

Although the Dark Dark Fruit can withstand damage, the pain is real!

"Don't worry, Tina..." Smoker probably guessed Tina's thoughts and said to comfort her: "My training over the years is not in vain. My tolerance for pain is far greater than that of ordinary people. This guy can't bear it, but he is too useless!"

If Diamante is still awake, he will definitely curse.

Do you have cat biscuits?

It's okay to train defense,

Who would train pain? ! !

Tina knew that Smoker didn't want to make her worry, so she stopped pestering him and just said lightly: "It's good that you have an idea..."

Then, she looked at Diamante: "What to do next? How to deal with this guy?!"

It's better to bury it directly, clean and hygienic...

"Didn't I say that I want to try something..."

Smoker stretched out his palm, and darkness seeped out like oil, slowly flowing to Diamante.

"I have developed a new move, and I have never used it on anyone."

"It's a good time to try it on him, which can be regarded as a waste utilization."

The darkness flowed to Diamante and wrapped into a large black ball several meters square.

Then the black ball slowly sank into the darkness, leaving only a semicircular deep pit in the original place.

Tina asked curiously: "What kind of move is this?!"

It doesn't look like a dark cave.

"This move is called 'confinement'! It can absorb this guy and the surrounding space completely."

"In the dark, he will not be harmed by gravity, but he will never be able to escape!"

"This move is very suitable for pirates. Let them slowly reflect on their dirty lives in this confined space!!"

Tina was shocked after hearing this.

"Devouring space? You can even do such a thing!"

Then there was a trace of sympathy on her face.

"Confinement... This name is good. It sounds much more terrible than the confinement room of Chief Kaji!"

"However, if you don't plan to kill him, remember to let him out for a while, otherwise he will go crazy if he doesn't die."

Smoker smiled slightly: "Of course, this is a rare experimental material! I can't bear to let him die!"

Tina's eyes twitched slightly.

Well, originally it was just a matter of life and death, but now it's impossible to die.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard not far away.

Some navy soldiers searched here.

Smoker and Tina looked at each other and nodded at the same time.



On the coast, Zane had people set up parasols and lounge chairs, prepared iced wine and fruits, and began to enjoy the sunshine and beach.

The sea breeze caressed people, making them drowsy.


She moaned comfortably: "Ah! This is life!"

In the eyes of the navy's top brass,

Zen has both strength and brains, and is a top-notch general candidate.

The only thing that needs to be criticized is that he loves to enjoy himself too much and never compromises himself in terms of material things.

What about eating and living together, what about simple meals, sorry, it has nothing to do with me!

Even if Zhan Guo and Zefa came, they only had one sentence.

I fought for my life and death, spent my own money, and enjoyed myself, what's wrong?

If the navy inspection team came, it would be even more fearless.


You ask me where the money comes from? !

Don't you know that I am the princess of the Principality of Toden?

No matter how powerful your navy inspection team is, can it still investigate the Principality of Toden?

What do you mean? !

When can the navy interfere in the internal affairs of the member states? !

Tsk tsk tsk...

You are in trouble!

You are in big trouble! !

Just when Zane was about to fall asleep, she suddenly realized something.

She stood up slowly without changing her expression, took off her sunglasses, stretched her body, like a lazy cat, and then put on the cloak of justice.

A few seconds later, there were several vibrating sounds of silk threads in the air, as if plucking the strings of a guitar.

"You're early, Doflamingo..."

The surrounding navy was surprised to find that

someone appeared in the air at some point, and was standing in the air.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly raised their guns to aim.

Doflamingo looked down at everyone.

"Fufufufu, long time no see, Zane... Major General!"

As soon as he got on the island, the life card that was still indicating the direction suddenly stopped moving.

Although he didn't know why, it was definitely not a good thing.

He scanned the beach with a gloomy face, and finally focused on Zane.

"Where is Diamante?!"

Zane was furious after hearing this.

Damn, we agreed to have a secret meeting.

It would be fine if you, a lunatic, arrived early, but you showed up in public!

You should know that there are not only his own subordinates here, but also many people from the Navy's technology unit! !

If these people find out, it will be a disaster.

Zen took a deep breath.

Calm down! Calm down!

In this situation, there must be no politeness or compromise.

I just hope this idiot doesn't propose cooperation in public...

Zen's thoughts were like a revolving lantern, but his expression did not change at all.

"I didn't expect you to show up at this time, Doflamingo!"

"It's really unfortunate. I have a mission and can't compete with you!"

"Put away these dangerous lines and leave quickly. I can pretend I haven't seen you!"

Doflamingo ignored her hints, just stared at her coldly, and said, "Where is Diamante?!"

Zen took a puff of cigarette and cursed in his heart, how the hell do I know where she is.

"Who knows, maybe it's somewhere on this island, we can find it if we look carefully."

Suddenly, she remembered that her subordinates had reported that Diamante went to the other side of the island.

"If I'm not mistaken, your subordinates are waiting for you over there, if you hurry up, you can meet them!"

Doflamingo lowered his head and murmured, "So that's it... Over there!!"

Then he put his hand on his forehead and laughed a few times, his laughter was full of madness and sadness.

Zen was also a little confused.

What's wrong with this guy? ! What's wrong with him suddenly? !

He was anxious and spoke impolitely.

"Pirate Doflamingo, this is the navy base, leave now!"

"Do you still want me to send you to see your subordinates?"

Hearing this, Doflamingo couldn't hold back anymore and roared: "You damn woman, I will take off your head with my own hands! Chop you up and feed you to the fish!"

"What did you say?!!"

Zen's face turned black in an instant, like the bottom of a pot.

Although she is not cruel and bloodthirsty,

but in terms of temper, she is worse than Doflamingo.

It's rare for me to lower my posture, but this guy actually came up and sprayed him on the head!

"Chicken feather man, you are looking for death!"

"Everyone, volley!!"

The surrounding navy noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and they had already consciously stood in formation, waiting for the commander to give orders.

Now that they have received the order, there is no hesitation at all, and they raise their long guns and short guns to output crazily.

The soldiers who were searching nearby heard the movement and hurried back to the beach.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he joined the attack without thinking twice.

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by Doflamingo.

He didn't notice that two strange marines had sneaked in...

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