The two marines were naturally Smoker and Tina. After they captured Diamante, they knocked out two unlucky marines, stripped them of their clothes and disguised themselves, and hid them in the food storage cave. Smoker muttered to himself while shooting: "Strange, why are they fighting?!" Tina whispered: "Isn't it normal for the navy to fight pirates?" Smoker frowned and was also confused. The guy just now was definitely Diamante, and he didn't look like he was hostile to Zane. Could it be that Zane didn't know the other party's identity? Impossible, a navy from the North Sea, how could he not know the highest cadre of the Doflamingo family! "I don't know. Let's hide our identities and observe to see what they are up to!"

Smoker had also checked Doflamingo's intelligence because of the different timelines.

The current bounty of Doflamingo is 160 million Baileys. He has not reached the peak and is still at the supernova level.

In terms of strength, he is basically on par with the rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Of course, it also depends on what kind of rear admiral he is.

If it was Kake or Gion who took action, they would definitely be able to pull his hair out.

Smoker stared at Doflamingo, and he felt the urge to spar with him.

In the past two years, the enemies he encountered were all quite extreme.

Either Garp, Zephyr, or Kake at the worst,

Or ordinary pirates and students of the same period,

Every time he fought, he either killed the opponent instantly or was killed by the opponent instantly. He had never encountered a suspenseful game of life and death.

Therefore, Smoker wanted to find an opponent who needed to go all out to test what level he was at.

On the beach, Zane and Doflamingo were fighting.

Doflamingo used the power of the fruit to dodge in the air and easily avoided the hail of bullets from the navy soldiers.

Smoker raised his eyebrows.

[Young man, you are very arrogant! ! ]

[In that case, I will add some spice to you! ]

He picked up a few guns from the side and learned Bell-mère's method to string the triggers together with ropes.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Smoker pulled the rope, and five or six guns were fired at the same time. The strong firepower attracted the attention of the surrounding marines.

The smarter ones began to look around to see if there were any spare guns.

The scientist who was shrinking to the side had a bright look in his eyes.

"Connecting muskets in series to increase power, this guy is quite something!"

"Connecting multiple barrels in series... is an idea, but it's too complicated. It's better to improve the bullets and loading methods..."

"Can you develop a device that can automatically load bullets?!"

The navy is not short of weapons.

More and more navy ships followed suit, and their firepower increased greatly for a while.

Doflamingo finally felt troubled and couldn't help but attack the navy soldiers.

"Five-color thread!"

Several colored silk threads slashed at the navy soldiers like blades.

"Asshole chicken-feather man!"

Zen appeared in front of the navy soldiers in an instant, pressing his hands to the ground.

"Thorn wall!"

Large patches of black thorns emerged, densely packed, cross-arranged, forming a wall.

The five-color thread cut off some black thorns, but was still stopped.

"You are no match for this chicken-feather man! Hurry up and evacuate with the scientists! I'll cover you!"

The navy soldiers were not hypocritical, and they quickly retreated after responding.

Smoker was in the crowd, looking at Doflamingo, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tina pulled his sleeve.

"Smoker... Let's retreat too!"

Smoker saw that everyone around him was running, and he was the only one standing, which was indeed a bit annoying.

After all, the two were just in disguise, so it was better to be cautious.

Just now, Smoker got a little excited when he saw Doflamingo, and he fired a wave of firepower, which was already very eye-catching.

If he behaved incompatible with others, he would be recognized.

Then he might be mistaken for a spy sent by Doflamingo...

That would be like a piece of mud falling into the crotch.

Smoker followed suit and evacuated with Tina.

[Forget it, let's just watch the battle this time. ]

[If you want to fight, there will definitely be a chance in the future...]

After everyone evacuated, only Zane and Doflamingo were left on the beach.

Zane spat lightly: "The means are still as despicable as before!"

Doflamingo was in mid-air, with strong mobility, so he seemed more calm.

"Fufufufufufu, actually complaining about pirates being despicable, what a naive guy!"


The attack power of the thorn fruit is good, but unfortunately... it is not suitable for guarding! "

After saying that, he flashed and rushed towards several marines who did not have time to run away.

"Thorny Fruit?!"

When Smoker heard this name, his heart was also shocked.

Isn't this Mr. 1's partner, Miss Two Fingers-Sara's ability?!

It turns out that Zane is the last user of the thorn fruit...

Because the two women are very different in appearance and fighting style,

Smoker did not recognize them for a while.

However, Zane's strength is much stronger than Miss Two Fingers, why did she die later?

Is it because of Doflamingo?!

At this time, Doflamingo approached several marines, smiled sinisterly and raised his hand.

"Get rid of you first! "

Suddenly, his heart tightened, and he dodged subconsciously.

Almost at the same time, more than a dozen spikes flew past his body, leaving long tears on his suit.

Doflamingo was sweating coldly.

Just now, it was really a matter of life and death.

If he was a little slower, he would have been ripped open!

Zen's palm was aimed at Mingge, and several spikes extended from his palm.

"I didn't expect you to be able to dodge. Just now, it was the observation Haki, right? It seems that you have not been idle in the past two years!"

"If you are not afraid of becoming a living target, you can continue to attack my subordinates..."

"Sacrificing a few people to kill you is a good deal no matter how you look at it..."

While speaking, he approached Doflamingo,

At the same time, thin and long spikes grew on his body, densely arranged, as if he was wearing a suit of armor.

The navy soldiers were all horrified when they heard what Zen said: "Huh? ! ! "

However, Smoker noticed that no matter whether their expressions were panic, fear or anger, they did not relax their weapons at all.

[So they were acting, what an amazing tacit understanding...]

After listening to Zane's words, Doflamingo really stopped chasing the soldiers and slowly landed on the ground.

"Fufufu, a new move for long-range attack? It's really troublesome! But... Super Whip!"

While Doflamingo was talking, he suddenly attacked, and the filaments condensed into a whip, whipping Zane fiercely, leaving bottomless gullies on the ground wherever he passed, as if the entire beach was cut open.

"Shave! "

Zen dodged with speed, approached Doflamingo, and smashed his spiked fist into his chest.

Mingo's Armament Haki was not fully developed, so he didn't dare to take this move head-on.

With a flick of his finger, the silk thread pulled his body back quickly to dodge, and at the same time manipulated several thin threads to tightly entangle Zen.

The silk thread rubbed against the thorn armor, making a tooth-grinding friction sound, and sparks flew.

Zen was not panicked at all. Several thick spikes suddenly emerged from the armor to stretch the silk thread, and he took the opportunity to jump out.

Smoker and Tina watched the battle from a distance, and they were all amazed.

Smoker couldn't help but praise.

"Zen's ability is really well developed. He can attack and defend, and can also attack from a distance. He is simply a Kimimaro."

Tina was stunned: "Who?"

"Nothing, an acquaintance with bone hyperplasia, died of illness. ”


At this time, an officer shouted: “Everyone, support Major General Zen!”

“Oh! "

The navy shouted in response and then raised their guns to shoot.

Doflamingo dodged several bullets and looked at the navy with cold eyes.

If it weren't for Zane, it would only take one minute for him to sink these scum to the bottom of the sea.

But with Zane beside him, he couldn't spare any hands.

But if he ignored them, he would be too passive to dodge bullets and fight at the same time. He might really capsize in the ditch...

At this time, Doflamingo had calmed down a little.

Seeing that he couldn't make any profit,

and his reinforcements couldn't arrive for a while.

He stopped procrastinating and found an opportunity to jump high and land on the silk thread in the air.

"Fufufufu, Zane, there are too many bugs around, let's stop here today..."

"The next time we meet, it will be your death, enjoy your last life..."

Zane sneered: "Heh, I'm not afraid of you! "

Doflamingo's eyes were sinister.

"Wait... I will cut off your head with my own hands and avenge Diamante!"

After saying that, he flew away, leaving only Zane dumbfounded.

"No... What happened to Diamante?"

The surrounding navy looked at each other: "I don't know..."

Zane's face was gloomy, and he always felt that something was wrong.

"Search for me! Dig three feet deep to dig that bastard out!"

"Yes! !"

So, all the navy took action.

However, with only a hundred people, it would be difficult to find them in a short time.

How could it be possible to search such a large island? Only one or a few people can be responsible for one area.

Smoker and Tina deliberately came to the direction where the marines were hiding.

"Leave this to us, you go over there and take a look!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!!"

Even so, no one still found that the two marines had been swapped.

After searching for a long time, everyone returned empty-handed.

"Report, no discovery!"

"Report, no abnormality found..."

The news kept coming back, and Diamante was indeed missing.

Zane couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What happened?

That idiot fell into the sea and drowned?

He couldn't be put in solitary confinement...

On second thought, it would be good not to cooperate with Doflamingo.

That guy is generous with money, but he is too crazy to do things. You can't say when he will bite back.

As for the previous cooperation...

After this incident, I confirmed that the other party had no substantial evidence.

Otherwise, why would I have to be so humble and fight face to face? !

After all the trouble, Zane was exhausted.

"Forget it... Let's go back!"

So, the navy boarded the ship and left,

Smoker and Tina also successfully got in.

As for the two unlucky marines,

When they woke up, the warship would have sailed away.

Fortunately, there was a lot of food in the cave, and there were birds and beasts on the island, so there was no need to worry about starving.

As for when they could be rescued...

After eating the reserve food for a few days, they would be able to find the Den Den Mushi buried in the food!

After boarding the warship, Smoker and Tina avoided everyone and stole a Den Den Mushi to the bottom cargo hold.

Kaji was drinking in front of their graves,

Suddenly, the Den Den Mushi in his arms rang,

When he picked it up, it turned out to be Smoker, and he almost fainted on the spot.

He stopped for a while with courage, and found that the two were fine, and he couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

Just when he was excited, Smoker's next words calmed him down.

"Brother Kaji, there is something else to report..."

Then, Smoker told Kaji everything that happened later.

Kaji held the Den Den Mushi and fell into silence.

He also knew about the task of the G2 branch to test the new shells.

She also knew Zane.

At this time, the naval scientists and shell information were all on Zane's ship.

If she really had a connection with the pirates, then things would be serious.

"Smoker, I will report this to Mr. Zefa immediately."

"You and Tina are hiding on the ship for the time being, be careful!!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone and went to find Zefa anxiously.

In a huge office, Zefa sat behind his desk.

At this time, his face was solemn, his breathing was rapid, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was fighting against something.

Next to him, there was a spray.

Zefa was trying hard not to cough, but the disease could not be resisted by sheer willpower.

After holding on for a while, he couldn't help coughing a few times, and breathing became difficult.

As a last resort, Zefa stretched out his trembling hand, took the spray and sprayed it into his mouth, and then he recovered.

He greedily took a few deep breaths, stared at the spray in his hand, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't live without this kind of thing for the rest of my life..."

The last experience was a big blow to Zefa.

He originally had asthma,

but he was afraid of worrying people, so he never said it.

As a result, he was contaminated by the highly toxic dust this time, and his condition worsened sharply.

After the doctor's diagnosis, he concluded that he was now entangled with poisoning and disease, and he could no longer be treated, and could only rely on spray to relieve it.

In fact, this is nothing.

What really hurt him was that when the students needed him, he was unable to do anything because of his illness!

"Damn it!"

Zefal clenched his fists and crushed the spray directly.

"Da da da..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Teacher Zefa, I'm Kaji, I have something to report to you. Is it convenient for you?!"

Zeffa said calmly: "Come in!"

Kaji walked into Zefa's office, his face extremely solemn.

"Teacher Zefa, there is something I must report to you in person!"

"Must be in person? What is it? Tell me!"

So Kaji reported everything in detail.

When he heard that Smoker and the others were still alive, Zefa was overjoyed.

But then he heard that there were pirates on Zane's ship, and he was furious and wanted to go out to sea to clean up the mess immediately.

That's right, Zane is also Zefa's student.

In the end, Kaji persuaded him.

The current information is only Smoker's one-sided statement.

The real situation needs to be investigated.

As for the candidates for investigation, this is ready...

On the same day, in the lower cargo hold of the warship, the two sides communicated again


"What?! Not only did they not come to pick us up, but they also asked us to go undercover to investigate Zane?!"

"Do you know that this is their territory!!"

"Have you prepared your new identity?!"

"It's not that I'm afraid of danger, it's mainly because I'm not good at it. I've never done this kind of mission!"

"Don't hold it! Hello? Hello?......"

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