The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Tina released a large area of ​​smoke, surrounding the Fang Pirates.

Instantly, the pirate ships became headless flies, and could only spin in the smoke, and some of them even collided directly with each other.

Soon, the warships caught up.

The navy acted angrily, subdued all the pirates in a few minutes, and tied them up and piled them on the ship.

Smoker turned around and found more than a dozen female pirates, some of whom were very beautiful.

However, although their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Smoker, there was a fierce light flashing from time to time in their deeper eyes.

Smoker would not be merciful to women.

How could a woman who could mix with such a group of criminals be a good person?

[I was originally worried about those female slaves, but now the problem is solved! ! ]

Smoker walked slowly to Bender.

"You had a lot of fun on the island, Pirate Bender..."

"Hehehe cough..."

Bender laughed bitterly, his eyes full of arrogance.

"I'm defeated now that I've fallen into your hands. You can kill me if you want. Anyway, I've paid enough."

Smoker lit a cigarette and took a puff slowly.

"Don't provoke me. You won't die. On the contrary, you can live for a long time..."

"However, in the days to come, death will be a luxury for you..."

"Now, let me ask you for some interest first!"

Smoker stretched out his hand, and many white balls emerged from his palm, all thrown at the pirates.

The deck was suddenly filled with ghosts and wolves howling.

Zephyr came forward: "Smoker, what's next?"

Smoker didn't answer, but turned around and shouted: "Marlowe!"

A well-mannered navy man wearing glasses stood up, saluted and said: "Colonel Smoker!"

Marlowe is responsible for intelligence work and knows the bounties of pirates very well.

"Take your people to identify them, keep those with bounties, and take the rest back to the Celestial Dragons!"

"Celestial Dragons?!"

Hearing this name, all the pirates shuddered.

Smoker pointed at Bend: "Send this one too!"

Zeff secretly praised in his heart.

For unruly pirates, becoming a slave is more uncomfortable than death.

He had heard that pirate slaves were more popular among Celestial Dragons because they were more tormented.

Smoker, this bastard, is really a devil!

Well done!

The next morning.

The warship returned to Pumisoma Island ahead of schedule.

Bancroft had just woken up, yawned, and sat on the boat, feeling a little bored.

"That's not right... I am a Celestial Dragon, why am I waiting for a navy here?!"

"Come here! Go to the island and capture 100 slaves for me, I'm going back now..."

Before he finished speaking, a guard suddenly walked in.

"Saint Bancroft, Black Arm Zephyr is back!"

"Huh? Back?!" Bancroft was stunned, and thought for a moment: "Forget it, since I'm here, help me get up!"

When he got up, the warship had already returned with a string of pirate ships.

On the ground of the dock, hundreds of pirates were lying in all directions.

Although they were all bruised and swollen, they could be seen to be burly.

Smoker was holding Bend and slapping him,

slap after slap, his mouth was full of blood.

When he returned to the dock, he thought of Orr again, and for a moment he couldn't suppress his anger.

Zefa stood by and did not stop him at all.

Just kidding.

His students were tortured to death by this bastard.

If he was not afraid that he would kill him directly, how could Smoker have his turn!

When Bancroft saw Smoker torturing Bender, he was not angry, but his eyes lit up.

"Not bad! Not bad!"

"He didn't die even after being beaten like this, he is really a top-class slave!"

Seeing the Celestial Dragon coming, Smoker stopped and accompanied Zefa to meet him.

"Meet Saint Bancroft..."

"Well, is this what you got?!"

"That's right! Smoker, report it!"

Smoker stepped forward.

"Thanks to you, a total of 447 pirates were captured this time, including Captain Bender and the deputy captain!"

"We have screened 307 pirates without disabilities, and they are all here! You can choose the good ones as slaves!"

Bancroft laughed.

"Well, very good, very good! Your navy is still useful!"

As he spoke, he looked around with interest.

Smoker stepped forward and said, "Respected Saint Bancroft, I see that the slaves on your ship are already very

Weak, not worthy of your status at all!"

"Why not take this opportunity to replace all of them with new slaves, so that you can be proud in front of others after returning to the Holy Land! ! "

Bancroft didn't care about anything else.

But when it comes to being able to show off in front of others, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"You are right, come here!"

Guernica stepped forward.

"I am here!"

"Kill all the slaves on the ship! Make room for my new slaves!"

Smoker hurried forward: "My lord!"

"Let me handle it! I can make them disappear silently and won't let their blood stain your ship!"

Bancroft didn't care about this at all: "Then you come!"

After that, he ignored it and started to select slaves.

Guernica stepped forward: "Colonel Smoker, the handling of slaves requires CP to monitor the whole process! "

Smoker smiled slightly.

"No problem, I will definitely carry out God's orders to the letter!"

Guernica nodded and arranged the handover of slaves.

Under the witness of CP, all the slaves wailed and sank into the darkness, and the new slaves were put on collars.

There is also a small episode here.

There are only 200 slave collars, but the pirates have more than 300, and Bancroft wants them all.

Smoker and others were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

CP still has experience.

Directly convert a pirate ship into a prison ship and stuff all the extra slaves in it.

At first, Smoker still felt uneasy.

If the pirate riot alarmed the Celestial Dragons, he might be implicated.

But soon he I found that I thought too much.

When I dealt with pirates in the past, there were many stubborn people like Bend who refused to repent.

But I don’t know what method CP used.

Two people dragged Bend into the dark room and sent him back half an hour later.

When he came back, Bend had completely collapsed and cried.

CP did the same thing, focusing on taking care of a few troublemakers.

The remaining pirates were more obedient than rabbits.

Smoker couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

It's true that every profession has its own specialty!

Looking at Guernica standing next to him and not smiling, Smoker walked up to him in a mean manner.

"I heard the adults call you Guer?"

CP's identity is confidential.

Although Smoker knew that he was the innocent man who was beaten to death by Kaido, he still had to pretend not to know him.

Guernica glanced at Smoker and didn't say anything.

Smoker didn't get angry either, and continued to say shamelessly: "I want to ask you a professional question."

"Hmm? !” Guernica was stunned: “What? !”

“What is the price of slaves in general? !”

“You are actually interested in this...” Guernica was a little surprised, but this question did not involve any secrets, so there was no need to hide anything.

“Ordinary slaves are about 200,000-300,000. The better ones, such as dancers or pirate slaves, are about 500,000.”

“Slaves of rare races, such as the long-handed and fish-men, are about twice as expensive as ordinary slaves.”

“The most expensive are slaves of giants and mermaids, whose prices are more than 100 times that of ordinary people!”

Smoker nodded: “I see...”

When Luffy arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, ordinary slaves were about 500,000 Baileys.

It seems that prices have doubled in recent years...

Smoker asked the most concerned question again: “What about the bounty prisoners? How to calculate the bounty? ! ”

Guernica: “This is the market price plus the bounty. If it is a famous pirate, it can increase by several percent.”

“Huh? Why? Isn’t it true that the higher the bounty on slaves, the more loss it will suffer?”

“Face!! Gods are not short of money, face is important, understand?”

“I see, I’ve learned… By the way, Gelsang, please leave me your contact information!”

Guernica wanted to refuse outright.

But thinking that the Celestial Dragons seemed to have a good impression of Smoker, he hesitated for a moment and left his contact information.

Smoker thanked him and left.

Thinking of those bounty pirates, Smoker’s eyes were red with excitement.

[I’m going to post this…]

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