The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

The Celestial Dragons stayed for a few more days to train the new slaves.

Smoker would hang around the Celestial Dragons or chat with Guernica when he had nothing to do.

The fourth day.

With the farewell of all the navy, the Celestial Dragons' ship slowly sailed away from Phumisoma Island.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the navy was like Alexander in the face of the moody Celestial Dragons.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger.

Accompanying a brainless king is more dangerous than accompanying a tiger.

The women and children hiding in the mountains can finally return home.

Because it is not clear whether the World Government has left any spies, Smoker did not release the wounded.

They will definitely not be able to live on Pumisoma Island in the future, so just pack them up and take them away.

I heard that Zane had just conquered a non-member country with a very short population, so it was just right to send them there.

It was a bit tiring to open up the land, but it was at least a way to save lives...

The townspeople came to the warship and thanked Zefa and the navy a thousand times.

However, they looked at Smoker with complicated eyes.

Although he was a lifesaver and helped them avoid the suffering of slavery,

he killed hundreds of wounded without saying a word, and there was still fear and anger in his heart.

Of course, Smoker didn't plan to explain anything.

With a whistle, the warship also left the port.

After Smoker arranged everything and returned to the command room, Zefa was waiting for him.

"Stinky kid, hand over those bastards' good cigarettes!"

Smoker was stunned. He had just witnessed a tragedy and the sacrifice of students, and he was thinking about cigarettes and alcohol.

Did Zefa adjust his mentality so quickly?

It's normal to think about it.

Zeff has fought against pirates all his life, and he has seen at least 800 people suffering on Pumisoma Island.

As for the comrades who died, it is estimated that several ships can't pull them down.

I'm afraid they are numb...

"Stinky brat, do you want to take it all for yourself?!!"

Smoker came back to his senses: "What are you talking about? I don't understand..."

"Do you think I don't know? You took away all the treasure chests of the Fang Pirates!"

"I'm too lazy to ask about the others. It's a bargain for the Celestial Dragons to take them out, but you can't take all the cigarettes and alcohol for yourself!!"

Smoker scratched his head awkwardly: "Okay..."

I have been very secretive, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't hide it from Zephyr.

He took out a gold-inlaid box and handed it to Zephyr.

Zeff opened it, and there were dozens of cigars stacked inside, and a strong aroma of tobacco hit him.

Zeff took a deep breath with a look of enjoyment.

"Hiss... This is the only hobby I have in my life!"

I couldn't wait to cut a cigarette, light it, and then start to smoke.

"Smoker, why do you want the contact information of that agent?! What are you planning?!"

Smoker didn't answer directly, but talked about something else.

"Teacher Zefa, should we graduate?"

Zeff was stunned and nodded.

"Yes, five years have passed in a blink of an eye..."

"But don't worry, with your and Tina's strength, graduation will be easy."

Now Smoker's strength has long exceeded the level of the students.

Even surpassed most of the instructors,

Only the swordsman genius Gion and the domineering genius Kaji can compare with him.

This talent is no less than that of Sakaski, Bonosarillo, Kuzan... and Monkey D. Dragon back then.

Not only that,

Smoker, with his own strength, turned the elite navy expansion class into another 161 base.

Other students were also crazy about internal competition, and their strength was far beyond expectations.

Smoker wanted to reach out and take out a high-end cigar,

but Zefa quickly put it away, obviously wanting to eat alone.

Smoker had no choice but to take out an ordinary cigar, light it, take a deep breath, and slowly exhale a puff of smoke.

"I'm not worried about graduation, but the future."

Zefa was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Smoker sighed.

"After we graduate, we will be assigned to various branches, right?"

"I came from the base, so I know very well that the current branch is too poor, not to mention the bases below..."

Zefa's face darkened, and he nodded helplessly.

The Navy Headquarters is naturally not short of money.

There are people, ships, and equipment.

In theory, the Golden Lion has disappeared,

as long as the Navy Headquarters' combat power is combined, any big pirate can be quickly wiped out.

But the problem is that the deployment of the Navy Headquarters is constrained by the World Government.

In order to protect the Holy Land of Mary


The Navy Headquarters built countless turrets and towers, and stored a large amount of artillery shells.

The World Government even ordered that the Navy Headquarters must always retain more than half of its combat power...

In this way, Mary Geoise is safe.

But most of the headquarters' strength has become a decoration...

This also led to the fact that once the Navy went out to sea, it could only shrink back in the face of the pirates.

But once the pirates attacked the Navy Headquarters, they would only be crushed.

The best example is Golden Lion and Whitebeard.

Seven years ago, Golden Lion broke into the Navy Headquarters alone,

and was captured alive and thrown into the Impel Downs.

The headquarters lost only a few hundred soldiers, a few warships and a house.

More than a decade later, the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the Navy Headquarters with all their strength.

Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, and Kizaru acted desperately.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea either turned against them or became soy sauce.

In the middle, there was also Blackbeard who messed up the situation.

In the end, they still returned in defeat...

If Red Hair hadn't come, they would have been wiped out.

Now the panel of the Navy Headquarters is very distorted, with low attack, high defense and no agility...

It is obviously the king of the sea, but it poses no threat to the pirates of the New World.

The World Government allocates funds according to the needs of the entire Navy.

But a large amount of funds are used to meaninglessly strengthen the defense of the headquarters, and the branches and bases are in trouble.

The strong ones can still defend their own territory and barely avoid trouble.

The weak ones can only run around and save the situation everywhere, and they may be killed in a counterattack.

They can't catch them, they can't catch them at all!

Smoker's eyes are firm.

"Justice is not an ideal of high culture, it needs real money to support it!"

"I want to try to let the Navy raise its own military expenses!"


Zeffa slammed the table and stood up: "No, I don't allow it!"

As a former admiral, he knew very well that if the Navy let go of making money, it would definitely be very fat.

Whether it is helping the allies to eliminate the rebels...

or searching for the lost treasures of pirates...

or collecting protection fees...

it is possible to accumulate a huge amount of money in a short time.

But the problem is that the World Government will not allow it!

The military expenditure is the reins of the navy, and they will never allow the navy to be able to get out of control.

At that time, I was the admiral of the navy,

directly tearing the face will damage the government's face.

So they did not take action directly, but attacked their wives and children.

But if it were Smoker, they would never hesitate.

I will never allow my beloved disciple to go down this old path! !

Smoker waved his hand.

"Teacher Zefa, I know your concerns. Don't worry, I won't do anything reckless!!"

"I know that the government will never allow us to get funding, but what if the money is given by the Celestial Dragons?!"

Zeff was stunned: "Celestial Dragons?!"

"That's right..." Smoker nodded: "Bancroft has been complaining that the slaves are too weak and it's embarrassing to take them out."

"I'm thinking, if I catch a pirate in the future, I'll just sell him as a slave!"

"The navy naturally can't get a bounty for catching a pirate, but if it's sold to the Celestial Dragons, it can be added to the price."

"I asked, pirate slaves are stronger, so they are more popular."

"More importantly, one more pirate slave can at least reduce ten civilian slaves!"

Zeff thought for a while and nodded.

"I see, starting with the bounty, and the one who pays is the Celestial Dragons...then the government really has nothing to say!"

There are rules for the World Government to allocate military expenses to the Navy.

Basic funds are allocated at the beginning of the year.

This part of the money is basically fixed, and is used for the navy's food, clothing, housing, transportation, base and ship maintenance, weapons research and development equipment, etc.

It is allocated at the beginning of the year and used up at the end of the year.

At the end of the year, flexible funds are allocated,

The bulk of it is the bounty.

Because the bounty is unknown, the navy advances it, and the total amount is counted at the end of the year, and then the government is reimbursed.

Bounty hunters can get money when they catch bounty hunters.

The navy cannot do this, and the bounty hunters cannot be cashed out after catching them, so the tens of billions of bounties are wasted every year.

So, Smoker is going to recycle it.

The bounty hunters are sold to the Celestial Dragons, and the Celestial Dragons will definitely donate generously.

Slaves will not live for a few years in the hands of the Celestial Dragons,

In general, they are thrown away directly when they die.

This kind of waste is simply unbearable! !

Smoker and Guernica have agreed that he will collect the bodies of slaves and bring them to Smoker.

Because the bounty will only be cancelled if the pirate dies or goes to jail, but not if he becomes a slave,

So Smoker plans to sell it to bounty hunters at a discount and make a second profit...

As for Guernica, it will not be in vain.

This guy is not the type who has no desires.

Being able to provide high-quality slaves to the Celestial Dragons is a remarkable achievement, which is quite attractive to him.

Smoker smiled slightly.

"Other Celestial Dragons will know sooner or later, and by then, it will not be just Bancroft who will cooperate with us!"

"Even if the government wants to oppose it, the Celestial Dragons will come out without us saying anything!"

Zephyr nodded: "What you said is indeed feasible. But the Navy is still..."

Smoker: "We can train agents, or an underground navy to do this!"

Zephyr pondered for a moment.

"I'll think about it..."

"By the way, since you are about to graduate, by the way, which base do you want to go to?"

Smoker smiled slightly: "Sabaody Archipelago!"

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