After the trip, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Smoker said goodbye to Zen and did not go back to the branch directly. Instead, he changed his clothes and came to Island No. 16.

Island No. 16 and Island No. 43 sound far apart, but from the map, they are only separated by a waterway.

But the two islands are so close to each other, but they seem to be two different worlds!

As a tourist island, Island No. 43 has clean and tidy streets, and tourists and merchants come and go.

There are all kinds of shops, restaurants, cafes, bars, etc., and the sounds of hawking and laughter are endless.

No matter how you look at it, it is a prosperous, orderly, and prosperous business.

Although there were pirates sneaking over,

Smoker arranged Gaspard to guard here, which was enough to deter 99% of the pirates.

Although Gaspard could not make any waves in front of Smoker, he was a dimensional strike against the pirates.

In the first half of the Grand Line, except for the big guys who came to the Novice Village for a stroll, there were fewer pirates who were domineering than the natural system.

The next door Island No. 16 was the opposite scene.

If you use one word to describe it, it is chaos.

Island No. 16 was originally the island with the worst public security in the Sabaody Archipelago.

There were not many civilians, and it was harassed by pirates every day.

After Smoker came, he directly moved the civilians and merchants out and threw Island No. 16 to the pirates.

It can also be regarded as a pilot island for the islander migration plan.

Smoker quietly landed on the island from an uninhabited place and then wandered around.

Island No. 16 is indeed the most lawless island. Just walking through one street, you will encounter two fights with knives and guns.

In the dark alley, you can vaguely see people lying in a pool of blood.

The people around are already used to it.

They eat and drink as they should, and don't take it to heart at all...

[Tsk tsk tsk, a group of desperate people...]

Smoker left without a care.

Anyway, the civilians of Island No. 16 have been evacuated long ago.

Those who stayed here are either pirates or underground forces.

Even the shop owners are ruthless characters who value money over life.

Smoker once saw several drunken pirates enter the shop.

Soon, sharp screams came from the shop.

After a while, the boss covered in blood came out and hung a sign of closing the business.

Seeing Smoker looking at him, he smiled meaningfully...

Smoker didn't care about the current situation of Island No. 16.

As long as it doesn't affect the civilians, you guys are going to do it!!

In order to add fuel to the flames, he even repainted and waxed some guns and ammunition that were about to be scrapped, and sold them to pirates who didn't know the value of the goods at a high price.

Although he didn't know what happened to the buyer, he didn't come back to find him, so it must not be good...

Smoker avoided the violent bloodshed all the way and came to a tavern.

This tavern was curled up in a remote corner. If it weren't for the word "tavern" written on the sign at the door, I'm afraid no one would think it was a tavern.

The paint on the wall had peeled off, the window glass was broken, and the steps were full of dust and debris, looking dilapidated.

Smoker pushed the door open and went in.

There were several tables and chairs in the tavern, and some unknown wines were placed on the bar opposite.

There was no customer, only the white-bearded boss was reading a newspaper.

Smoker made a lot of noise when he came in, but the boss didn't even raise his eyelids.

Smoker went straight to the bar, picked up three cups and arranged them in a triangle.

The boss then looked up and walked quickly to the door. Seeing no one around, he hung up the sign and closed the door.

Then, he walked behind the bar and pushed open the wine cabinet, revealing a dark secret passage.

"Let's go!"

The boss lit a candle and took Smoker into the secret passage.

After the two of them entered, the wine cabinet "clicked" back to its original state.

The two walked a long distance along the secret passage and came to a basement.

Compared to the run-down pub, the basement was particularly spacious and comfortable, with sofas and wine cabinets.

Smoker sat down on the sofa.

"Pabu, you look good! You are still the same, being cautious in everything you do..."

The boss pulled off his beard and wig, and turned out to be a handsome middle-aged man.

"You're the one who left me here... If I hadn't been careful, I would have been killed by the pirates!"

"Be careful?" Smoker said with a half-smile: "Why didn't you say be careful when you secretly captured the pirates for the bounty?!"

Pabu's expression froze, and he denied it flatly: "That's not true... Major General Smoker, don't talk nonsense!!"

"You dare not admit it? Otherwise,

I want to remind you, One-eyed Snake Jinlun, don't kill Bone Sean..."

"No, no, no..."

Pabu hurried to stop Smoker's mouth.

"Major General Smoker... Godfather, I'm just making some extra money. We don't have to be so serious between old classmates, right? !"

"Don't tell those bastards in the discipline unit, right? !"

Smoker knocked Pabu's dirty hand away.

"I don't care about these things. As long as you do your job well, you can do whatever you want..."

Pabu's expression relaxed: "You must not be lame when doing your job! !"

He walked to the wall, opened the secret compartment, and took out a form.

"The current situation is the same as you expected!"

"Before the navy was there, although the pirates fought, their main focus was on dealing with the navy! ”

“Now that we have withdrawn from Island No. 16, they are free of pressure and are only concerned with fighting for territory every day. The number of pirate cases has dropped by more than 40%...”

Smoker took the form and nodded with satisfaction.

[This is still the result of many pirates roaming around...]

[Once all pirates are blocked in the illegal zone, the crime rate will be further reduced.]

[With this, the headquarters will definitely not oppose the relocation plan...]

Although Zephyr will support Smoker, this form can also relieve Zephyr of a lot of pressure.

“Well done...” Smoker put away the form: “I have already dealt with the bounty for you. Don’t be so careless in the future...”

Pabu smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Smoker continued: “Can the current intelligence stations and manpower cover the entire illegal zone? !”

Pabu shook his head.

“We have built a lot of intelligence stations using bars, hotels, and warehouses. There is no problem covering the illegal zone. "

"But there are still not enough people. Basically, there are only one or two people in each station. They have to disguise and gather intelligence. The efficiency is too low..."

Smoker sighed secretly.

He also knew that it was not a wise move to set up an intelligence station when there were not enough people.

But there was no way. There were smart people among the pirates.

If the intelligence station was established after the islander migration plan was implemented, the risk of exposure would increase exponentially.

Smoker patted Pabu on the back.

"Thank you for your hard work. The headquarters has approved our application for troop transfers, and new recruits will soon be added to the branch. Then we can send you more people. Hang in there! ! "

Pabu didn't say anything, but saluted solemnly.

After chatting for a while, Smoker was about to leave.

Pabu hurriedly put on his disguise and sent him away without any flaws.

Smoker walked and thought.


[To accurately capture pirate slaves, it is not enough to rely solely on the navy intelligence network!]

Although he will focus on pirate slaves in the future, Smoker does not intend to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Too many pirates will definitely arouse vigilance.

The best way is to only target valuable targets.

In his eyes, the most valuable self Of course, they are bounty hunters and people with special abilities.

One has a high price, and the other can steal fruits.

But if you want to catch these guys accurately, you naturally need a strong intelligence network.

[In the pirate world, the place with the most concentrated intelligence is naturally the bar...]


Suddenly, Smoker's eyes lit up.


Isn't there a ready-made intelligence master in the Sabaody Archipelago!

The previous emperor of Amazon Lily, the former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and the proprietress of the extortion bar - Peony.

Later, Luffy just arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. When she was in the Earth Archipelago,

she knew the dynamics of the 11 supernovas accurately at the first time.

This kind of accurate and timely intelligence ability is exactly what she needs! !

However, it is not easy to get her to contribute.

Although Shaoyao has never taken action, think about Flame Flower and Hancock.

One is a Shichibukai, and later the bounty is 1.6 billion,

The other is the starting cadre of the Rocks Pirates.

It can be basically determined that she has at least the combat power of Shichibukai level, and her domineering is also guaranteed to be second and third.

If it is just like this, Smoker can still try, the problem is There is also the right hand of the Pirate King - Silvers Rayleigh!!

He has three colors of Haki, is a swordsman, has no fruit, and can restrain the Dark Dark Fruit no matter how you look at it...

And this old man is now in his early sixties, and he is in his prime.

It is hard to say who is stronger between the old Rayleigh and Kizaru,

But now he can definitely hold me down and chop me...

Of course, Smoker also has his own trump card.

That is to call for people, and ask the admirals and substitutes to leave the field.

The problem is that if a strong man like Rayleigh wants to run, two or three admirals may not be able to stop him...

The Navy's high-level

Only someone with a sick mind would force a so-so expert to a dead end...

This is why the headquarters has not taken action against Rayleigh.

Even after the Battle of Marineford, Rayleigh lived in the Sabaody Archipelago for several years and was too lazy to change his base. It was obvious that the navy was afraid of the consequences.

Since even Garp, Akainu, and Kizaru didn't touch him, why did he provoke him?

Even if he did, he couldn't do it now...

Smoker walked and thought, and unknowingly walked into an alley, and there was no one around.

[Huh? ! ]

[So many weak breaths? ! ]

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the side.


Dozens of big men jumped out with swords and guns, and surrounded Smoker fiercely.

Smoker was not panicked at all.

"Everyone, what can I do for you? I don't have any money..."

He shook his clothes, T-shirt, shorts and slippers, his leg hair fluttering in the wind, a simple and unpretentious outfit of a strong man.

A tall and thin pirate walked up to Smoker.

This guy had a long mouth and sharp teeth, claws on his fingers, red hair all over his body, and a fluffy tail swinging back and forth.

[Oh? Animal-type ability user...]

"Don't think I'm a gangster who robs people on the road, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters... Smoker!"

Smoker was stunned.

"Oh? Do you know me?!"

The tall and thin pirate licked his paw.

"I am the captain of the Jackal Pirates, the Red Death Reed Garco, the user of the Red Jackal form of the Dog-in-Dog Fruit!"

"Any disguise is futile in front of my sense of smell! You are the one who caught my vice-captain, and I remember your smell clearly!"


Smoker subconsciously raised his arm and smelled it, and it felt okay.

"Uh... Who is your vice-captain?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, do you want revenge?!"

Reed Garco smiled grimly.

"Revenge? I'm not that bored! I just want to take off your head and increase the bounty!"

Smoker looked around, and there were pirates rubbing their hands.

"I wanted to slack off, but now I'm here... Dark Cave Road!"

Pirate:? ! ! !

"What is this?!!"



Soon, all the sounds disappeared, and Smoker walked out of the alley, dragging a large sack behind him.

He came to a weapons store, and the boss, who looked like a mercenary, had a gleam in his eyes and greeted him with a smile.

"It's you again, my dear guest whose name I don't know! What do you want to sell this time?!"

Smoker threw the sack on the counter.

"Here are 25 flintlock rifles, 37 pistols, 17 knives, and a bunch of other things... You can give them as you see fit!"

"Okay, wait a moment..."

The boss counted them for a while: "Dear guest, the value of these weapons is a total of 1.18 million berries, what do you think?"

Smoker nodded, and didn't bargain.

"I want gold coins..."

After the transaction was completed, Smoker walked out of the store, weighed the heavy purse in his hand, and smiled sweetly.

[Pirates...are really full of treasures! ]

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