In the following days, the Chabaodi Archipelago ushered in a vigorous infrastructure construction.

First three days later.

More than 1,000 new recruits came to report, and Smoker also seized the troop transport ship.

The shortage of manpower and ships was greatly alleviated.

Looking at the list of new recruits, Smoker secretly praised Zefa for being reliable.

He said that only ordinary soldiers could be sent, but he secretly opened a back door.

These people were all students eliminated from the elite navy expansion class.

Although they were eliminated, it did not mean that they were bad.

Anyone who was qualified to participate in the expansion class assessment could beat ten of the same level.

With the addition of new recruits, the expansion of the G12 branch was also fully launched.

On one side, the new recruits were training in full swing, and on the other side, the construction workers were busy with construction.

The entire G12 branch presented a busy and orderly scene.

Two months later.

The new barracks, training grounds and command posts gradually took shape.

The G12 branch was also completely new.

Not only did the base area expand several times, but a new dock was also built.

It was not just G12 that changed.

In the past few months, merchants and residents on islands 1-29 began to move away one after another.

However, some bars and casinos were opened sporadically.

Three months later.

G12 announced the islander relocation plan and officially demarcated the illegal zone.

In fact, many islands and even countries have illegal zones.

But for the sake of face, most of them just acquiesce to the existence of illegal zones.

Such a high-profile demarcation of illegal zones,

Except for the Uncertainty Terminal of the Kingdom of Goa in the East Sea, this is the first time.

The Navy Headquarters also sent a special letter to inquire.

Smoker directly threw out the previous investigation report, and with the operation of Sengoku and Zefa, the matter was left unresolved.

The World Government also did not show up from beginning to end.

After all, the system of member states and non-member states they formulated is itself the biggest isolation policy.

However, this policy has caused an uproar in the pirate and underground world.

They continued to attack, and for a time, they also caused a lot of bloodshed.

But under Smoker's strong suppression, it finally calmed down.

Smoker also took the opportunity to build bunkers and bases around the illegal areas to form an unbreakable defense line.

After half a year of tossing, the islanders' migration plan was finally successfully completed.

The Sabaody Archipelago was also divided according to Smoker's idea.

On the new map, the Sabaody Archipelago is divided into two parts, black and white.

Black represents the illegal areas where pirates are rampant.

White represents the orderly areas guarded by justice.

The two sides are clearly divided, and in the middle is a dense defense line formed by the navy.

No matter whether it is pirates or underground forces, they can move freely in the illegal zone,

but once they appear in the orderly zone, they will be ruthlessly pursued and killed by the navy.

At first, the pirates were not used to it, and always wanted to get into the orderly zone to make trouble,

but after a few months, they found that the illegal zone was more suitable for them.

After all, buddies go out to sea just to be free, why bother to go head-to-head with the navy.

Especially the Sakura Fubuki Company, which has recently become famous in the underground world, first established a large casino and a slave auction house, and then cooperated with the Shipping King with great wealth to establish a basic pirate ship supply point. Not only did it make a lot of money, but it also made the illegal zone more popular among pirates.

They also specially gave it a nice name.

Black Paradise!


G12 Base.

Smoker is in a meeting again.

In the past six months, I have been soaking in Wenshan meetings every day, and my head is about to explode.

"Major General Smoker, the Black Paradise special base has been built, and the next step is to determine the candidate!"

This special base is located on Island No. 13, very close to Zane's casino.

Although the existence of the casino itself is to attract the attention of pirates, Smoker will not really ignore it.

Smoker flipped through the photos of the new base.

The base is not large, but the high walls stand like nails in the center of the lawless area.

It can be imagined that once this base is used, it will immediately become a thorn in the eyes of pirates.

"Do you have any candidates now?"

"40 soldiers have been selected, all of them are gambling troublemakers. I heard that the new base is next to the casino, and they are crying and shouting to go there to garrison."

Smoker: "..."

"The only thing missing is the candidate for the base commander. I wonder if you have any arrangements?"

Smoker nodded: "Yes, there is a favorite

, um...he's here."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Smoker put down the documents: "Come in!"

A tall, burly, fierce-looking navy man with long hair walked in. It was Gaspard.

When he just graduated, this guy was a colonel as an excellent student exempted from the exam.

Now, less than half a year later, he has been demoted to major instead of promoted.

When others saw Gaspard, their faces were not good either. It was obvious that this guy was not very popular.

Gaspard glanced at everyone, showing a trace of disdain, and finally fell on Smoker.

"Hey, Major General, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to let me attend the meeting...I wonder what you want? ! ! "

Smoker ignored Gaspard's sarcasm and threw out a pile of letters.

"Look at the good things you have done recently. You didn't catch many pirates, but you affected a lot of civilians. "

"The complaints are almost piled up on my desk. Don't you want to explain? "

Gaspardi snorted: "What's there to explain? !"

"I believe in justice that fights violence with violence, which is different from you weak guys!"

When the people around heard this, their faces turned black.

I didn't provoke you, why are you firing a map cannon?!

Smoker said disdainfully: "You have to use a butcher knife to kill a chicken, which will naturally hurt civilians."

"Gaspardi, your performance makes me doubt your strength..."

"My strength? !" Gaspardi heard this, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes: "Then you can try my strength yourself! !"

While speaking, his arm turned into a spike and stabbed Smoker's face.

Smoker was not in a hurry. He waited until the spike was close to the tip of his nose, then stretched out his palm covered with armed color domineering and blocked it lightly.

"Do you think this little trick can defeat me? ”

“Don’t pin your hopes on these crooked ways. Practice hard to improve your strength. That’s more reliable.”

Gaspardi’s face darkened, as if he had been stabbed in the lungs.

I also want to kill you in an upright manner, but my strength doesn’t allow it!

“Tell me, what’s the matter with calling me here? !”

Smoker put away the report letter on the table.

“In the past few months, you have accidentally injured more civilians than pirates. If you continue like this, you won’t even be able to keep your rank of major.”

“As a commander who loves you, I’m very sad... So I’ll find you a good place. Do you dare to go...”

Gaspardi looked suspicious.

“What good place can you find for me? !”

Smoker smiled slightly and told him about the Black Paradise.

“Now, I want you to be the base commander there.”

“You can do whatever you want there. No civilians can be affected by you, and no merchants will come to complain. ”

“But the risk factor is much higher than the base in the Orderly Zone. What do you think, do you dare to go?”

When Smoker introduced the base, Gaspard remained silent and expressionless.

When Smoker asked the last question, he finally widened his eyes and laughed, which was uglier than crying.

“Hahahaha, Smoker...Major General, this place is perfect for me!”

“This is the first time I want to thank you! Very good, I accept this position as the base commander!!”

Smoker nodded.

“Although you can do whatever you want, you must also set three rules!”

“First, you are not allowed to attack your comrades!!”

Gaspard smiled: “No problem, as long as you don’t get in the way, I am still very considerate~”

Smoker’s eyes became sharp.

“Gaspard, don’t play these boring word games, I mean no. "

"If I know that you attacked your comrades... you should know the consequences!"

Gaspardi's face turned pale, but he didn't say much, just snorted coldly to agree.

"Second, you are not allowed to harass the casino and the human auction house."

Gaspardi said unhappily: "I know it without you telling me!"

The boss behind these two places is Zane.

When the casino was just built, Gaspardi went there to make trouble and injured several security guards.

Unfortunately, Zane happened to be there, and he was not polite when he saw the situation and beat him up severely.

That time, Zane left a deep psychological shadow on Gaspardi.

He secretly warned himself that before he had enough strength, he must not provoke that crazy woman.

"And the third point, you can deal with those pirates as you like, but try to capture them alive if you can, I'm useful! "

Gaspardi nodded happily this time.

He recently discovered that torture was more pleasing to him than killing.

Since that was the case, he was happy to do a favor.

"Okay, I agree to all your conditions!"

Smoker nodded and threw the notebook with the soldiers' information to Gaspardi.

"These marines will be your subordinates in the future!"

"Although they are excellent, they are all troublemakers. You have to find a way to manage them..."

"Troublemakers?!" Gaspard laughed strangely: "It doesn't matter... I like troublemakers!"

"Whatever you want, just don't go too far... Go away, I will send you a transfer letter later!"

Smoker issued an expulsion order without any hesitation.

Gaspard picked up the information and left without looking back.

A lieutenant colonel saw Gaspard's character and felt uneasy.

"Major General Smoker, is this guy capable?"

Smoker smiled: "Don't worry... He won't cause any trouble."

Back then, after Gaspard was defeated by Tina, he learned from his mistakes and never fell behind in his training.

Whenever he had the chance, he would challenge Smoker and Tina,

but he always ended up in a miserable defeat.

After a while, Smoker was finally sure of his temper.

This guy is a Tibetan mastiff.

He holds grudges and will fight to the death with an enemy, but unfortunately he can only remember one enemy at a time.

So Smoker took the initiative to make a bet with him.

Gaspard can do whatever he wants, whether it's an open attack or a hidden arrow. As long as Gaspard can win, he will be killed or cut up.

But as long as he doesn't win, he has to listen to Smoker's command.

Gaspard agreed.

It must be said that this guy is a man of his words. Every time he sees Smoker, he is weird, but he still carries out the orders with integrity.

Except for the higher casualty rate, there is really no cat cake.

In the challenges of the past few years, Gaspard's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds. He has mastered the six styles.

With the addition of the soft candy fruit, he is already strong enough to dominate the first half of the Grand Line, which is several times stronger than the movie version.

In Smoker's eyes, this strength is just right.

He doesn't have time to keep an eye on the Black Paradise, so he will leave it to Gaspard.

When an enemy that even he can't deal with appears, it won't be too late for him to take action.

After Gaspard left, Smoker continued the meeting.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

A navy walked in quickly.

"Major General Smoker, news just came from the headquarters!"

"World nobles Saint Nicopol, Saint Luance, and the Palace of Adlai are coming to the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"They have already set off and are expected to arrive in two hours!"

Smoker frowned.

"World nobles? What are they doing here?!"

The navy was slightly agitated.

Generally, the navy would be in awe of the Celestial Dragons when they met them.

But most of the people present were Smoker's classmates. They lived together day and night, and their attitude towards the Celestial Dragons had changed subtly without them realizing it.

In addition, they had heard and seen many things the Celestial Dragons had done over the years.

They were no longer simply worshipping them, but had a few more doubts that they had not even noticed.

Smoker suddenly realized.

"I see, they are here to buy slaves..."

The first large-scale auction after the construction of the slave auction site was to be held recently.

Smoker and Zane also took great pains to capture a large number of high-quality pirate slaves,

either bounty hunters or strong and handsome men and beautiful women.

Smoker's judgment criteria were very simple. He would torture them, and those who had not stained human lives would be sent to prison, and those who had stained blood would be sold directly, and slowly redeemed their sins under the Celestial Dragons' crotch...

Everyone became nervous when they heard the news.

"Smoker, should we also prepare?"

According to Smoker,

When the Celestial Dragons travel, how can the untouchables just kneel?

They don't deserve to appear in the Celestial Dragons' field of vision!

Every time the Celestial Dragons land on the island, Smoker will ask the navy to drive away the civilians in advance.

The Celestial Dragons are not only not annoyed, but are extremely satisfied with Smoker's sense of the times and praise him.

Smoker nodded: "Everyone has worked hard, everyone, take your positions!"

After everyone left, Smoker stood at the window and looked at the sea quietly.

[This group of pigs should have landed on the island from the Black Paradise. ]

[After all, that group of fools who are fearless...]

Under their own division policy, normal merchant ships will not dock at the Black Paradise.

But the arrogant Celestial Dragons don't care about this...

I'll go wherever is close! !

This is also Smoker's little trick.

He wished he could meet a stubborn person who dared to attack the Celestial Dragons.

Anyway, CP is the first person responsible for their safety.

[It's a pity that we haven't got the weapons to fight against the Celestial Dragons yet! ]

[Doflamingo, please don't let me down...]

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