Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Near the Sabaody Archipelago.

A warship is chasing the pirate ship.

The gunfire roared, and each explosion caused a huge splash, making the pirate ship shaky.

In the eyes of ordinary pirates, warships are absolutely huge monsters.

Although they shouted that they were fearless men on the sea, when they really faced warships, nine out of ten became cowards,

The remaining one was either a newborn calf who was not afraid of a tiger, or a real bandit.

But this group of pirates had obviously experienced the beating of the Grand Line,

At this time, they also realized that their lives were about to end here, and they were all making their last struggle.

Some of them paddled desperately, hoping to stay away from the attack range of the warship,

Some held the rope tightly, hoping that the sail would get more wind and escape faster,

Some were so distracted that they jumped into the sea directly, trying to find a ray of hope.

Smoker stood on the warship, looking at the ugly pirates, his face was calm.

Facing the pirates, his heart was as cold as a fish butcher in the supermarket.

After watching for a while, he lit a cigarette boredly, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, watching the smoke drifting in the wind.

"It's really boring to chase such pirates..."

Esther, who was standing behind him, retorted unhappily: "Why don't you go back and I'll keep an eye on this for you?"

Smoker shuddered when he thought of the piles of documents.

"No need, Aiman ​​and Weipu handled it well, I'm still more suitable for these rough jobs..."

"No more, their ship is broken, I'm on it!!"

After that, he jumped high and rushed towards the pirate ship.

"I just don't want to work..."

Ester muttered a few words and raised his hand to signal the bombardment to stop.

Smoker in mid-air suddenly stopped.

[Just in time to try that trick...]

Then, a black shadow appeared above his body, and then he floated in the air as if he had lost weight.

At first, he was a little shaky, but soon he stabilized his body.

This is Smoker's newly developed flying ability.

In fact, Smoker has long coveted the ability to fly.

At first, he wanted to learn from Tina and use the recoil of the jet to fly,

But dark matter attracts each other and cannot be ejected like flames and smoke.

Then it was Kizaru's way of flying using the characteristics of light, but it also failed.

He even learned from Doflamingo and used gravity to pull the clouds in the sky to fly,

But Smoker himself is the source of gravity. Once he activates his ability, not to mention clouds, even a mountain will be pulled over.

In the past few years, he has tried many methods, but he has never been able to achieve his wish.

Until the battle with Akainu not long ago, Smoker's control over the Dark-Dark Fruit was further improved.

Finally, he could create a gravity source above his body to offset gravity and fly quickly.

[It seems that flying is no problem...]

[When I become more proficient, I may be able to control objects and other people to fly. ]

[In time, I may be able to achieve the effect of the Float-Float Fruit or the Gravity Fruit...]

"The Navy is coming! Shoot!!!"

On the pirate ship, several diehards saw Smoker suspended in mid-air and wanted to take the opportunity to counterattack.

Smoker came to his senses and easily avoided it with the Moon Step.

Because gravity was offset, the speed of the Moon Step was more than ten times faster, like a ghost in the air.

"Looking for death..."

Smoker was furious and gave up the idea of ​​​​taking him alive as a slave, and stretched out his hand to the pirate ship.

"Chaotic gravity!"

A black ball appeared out of thin air above the pirate ship, releasing violent gravity.

The pirate ship was like a toy in front of this gravity, and was easily twisted and crushed, swallowed up.

A few seconds later, the black ball disappeared.

The pirates and the pirate ship were gone.

Smoker closed his eyes and felt silently.

[They were not found in the dark space. It seems that this trick can only kill the enemy, not capture. ]

[Fortunately, these black balls are independent of the main body. Even if they are attacked, they will not be fed back to the main body...]

In the distance, Esther and the navy soldiers were stunned.

Esther murmured: "This guy... is getting more and more perverted!"

After destroying the pirates, Smoker took another slow tour and returned to the ship under Esther's urging.

Finally I know why Garp always turns around.

Question Garp, understand Garp, become Garp...

On the way back, the warship passed several docks in the Sabaody Archipelago.

All the docks were crowded with people and ships, including

It is the treasure ship of nobles from all countries.

The slave auction house came out of nowhere, the recognition of the nobles, the high profits, like a bomb dropped into a calm lake, instantly causing an uproar.

Officially, it was okay, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters both acquiesced.

But the underground world was in an uproar.

It's all about making money, why are you so good, you can make money just by standing? !

It's not that no one has thought about the slave trade before, but no one has ever done it on such a scale.

Because the slave trade is different from several other underground industries.

The thresholds for newspapers, warehousing, shipping, and credit are extremely high, and it is impossible to do it without national strength.

But the slave trade is different,

Any pirate or bandit can get involved.

No one expected that Zane would take a different approach and directly set up an auction house on the island closest to the holy land of Marinjoa, occupying the highest-end market at once!

Countless people were jealous and hurried to copy it, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

Unexpectedly, the auction house on my side was ruthlessly closed down by the navy just after it was renovated...

The navy issued a notice strictly prohibiting all forms of slave auctions.

But in order to serve the Celestial Dragons, only the slave auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago was retained.

In other words, this is the only legitimate one in the whole world! !

This greatly satisfied the vanity of the Celestial Dragons.

Even the Five Elders were very satisfied. After all, if the Celestial Dragons were more obedient, they would be less worried...

For a while, the eyes of the World Government looking at the Navy Headquarters were much gentler, and they were also much more comfortable when approving funding applications.

Smoker sat in the office,

Looking at the financial statements given by Zane, he sighed in his heart.

In just two or three months, the auction house sold thousands of pirate slaves.

Although it was not as popular as the first time, the profit exceeded 4 billion Baileys, enough to build another G12 branch.

Not only that, the auction house attracted royal nobles from all over the world.

The gathering of these wealthy guests led to the rapid development of trade in the Sabaody Archipelago, and the prices of real estate and shops also rose sharply.

The G12 branch stockpiled a large number of shops in advance and made a lot of money.

Even officers and soldiers took a big share...

What's more interesting is that the arrival of royal nobles also made the pirates ready to move.

It's really unreasonable not to kill so many fat sheep.

For a time, the pirates frequently attacked the nobles, kidnapping, abduction, looting...all kinds of means were used.

Now the navy came to life.

Smoker collected high rescue fees with his left hand, and confiscated pirate ships and treasure chests with his right hand, and captured another wave of pirate slaves by the way, eating three fish with one fish, never wasting...

Later, Smoker discovered that,

Whenever the pirates who kidnapped nobles were sent to the auction,

the victims would desperately raise the price, and they would not give up until they had their revenge.

So he had an idea and arranged a few agents to bid with them.

The nobles were not sensitive to prices. When facing the pirates who tortured them, they only paid red eyes and bid, and unknowingly spent several times more.

As for what the fate of these pirates would be, Smoker was too lazy to care...

Ester came over, stretched her neck to look at the report, and her eyes were wide open.

"This is much faster than the pirates robbing money..."

Smoker nodded.

Robbing money, fast!

Lying down, cool!

You can rob others' money while lying down, fast and cool!

In the original plot, Doflamingo was able to build the auction house.

In addition to having decent strength and the status of Shichibukai,

the most important thing was the protection of the World Government.

Otherwise, how could a little yellow-haired person like you take this wealth?

Now it's Zane, who is even better than him.

In terms of strength and means, she is no worse than Doflamingo.

In terms of background, Sengoku had already arranged everything for her.

In this regard, Steel Bone Kong knew almost nothing...

Smoker threw the watch on the table.

"The Navy can't stop the slave trade, so letting pirates be slaves is also justice!"

Ester nodded in agreement.

These days, Smoker ate the slaves for free, and Zane ate the slaves for free. The two of them joined forces to clean up the human traffickers around them.

The obedient ones were taken in as dogs,

The disobedient ones were beheaded directly...

Now Zane is the benchmark of the slave industry.

Smoker raised his hand and motioned Esther to sit down.

"How is Doflamingo, who I asked you to investigate before?"

Esther's expression suddenly became serious.

"Weip has been keeping an eye on this pirate. This guy is very low-key, but we feel that he is actually very dangerous!"

"Oh?" Smoker became interested: "Why do you feel this way?"

"This guy is very strange, his name is

"The voice is totally inconsistent with the strength, and he doesn't act like a pirate!"

Smoker nodded, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

With his own strength, he certainly doesn't need to be afraid of Doflamingo, but he can't be careless.

Last time, the Don Quixote family suffered heavy losses,

The subordinates died or were injured, but Mingge himself was not injured.

The Don Quixote family basically depends on Mingge.

As long as Mingge is still there, it is not difficult to make a comeback!

In fact, it was Doflamingo's ability to hold back for so long that surprised Smoker.

A howling mad dog is not scary,

It is difficult to deal with a patient hungry wolf.

Smoker was thinking, and suddenly the Den Den Mushi rang, or a confidential Den Den Mushi.

Smoker didn't dare to neglect it and quickly picked it up.

"What? Uh... Got it! ! "

Smoker hung up the phone, showing a helpless expression.

Seeing this, Esther asked curiously: "What's wrong? A confidential mission? !"

Smoker nodded: "You really can't stand being talked about..."

"That guy Doflamingo, who made a splash when he didn't make a sound, actually hijacked the Celestial Gold!"

"Celestial Gold? !" Esther was shocked.

Celestial Gold refers to the treasures that the member states of the World Government pay to the Celestial Dragons.

The 170 member states pay it every year and send it to the Holy Land of Marijoa through the Navy's escort ships for the Celestial Dragons to squander.

Originally, Mingge intercepted the "Celestial Gold" to force the government to recognize him as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

I didn't expect that after so many changes in the plot, he still took this old path.

Esther: "What does the headquarters want us to do? ! !"

Smoker walked to the edge of the nautical chart and began to mark the location.

"Look, we are closest to that bastard, and there is no way to avoid this mission. ”

【Just right, take this opportunity to get rid of this guy completely!】

Ester was about to go out to prepare, but was stopped by Smoker.

He opened his palm, and a devil fruit emerged from his palm, which was Trebol's sticky fruit.

Although the ability of this fruit is disgusting, it is actually quite good, and Smoker has never given it away.

Ester is his old classmate and adjutant. He works diligently on weekdays, and he should show his appreciation for it.

And Smoker has a bit of a bad taste. I wonder what Mingge's expression will be when he sees the ability of his old subordinates!!

Smoker threw the sticky fruit to Ester.

"Here's a small gift for you! !"

"The superhuman sticky fruit can create slime with strong viscosity and toughness at will."

"Not only that, these slimes are flammable and explosive, and a little spark will cause a big explosion! !"

"Huh? ! ! "

Ester's eyes lit up.

As Smoker's lieutenant, he had many opportunities to get the animal-type devil fruit.

But compared to head-on battles, he prefers to control and weaken the enemy, and then find an opportunity to kill him with one blow, so he gave up the animal-type fruit.

And this sticky fruit is just what he wants!

Smoker looked at his shining eyes and laughed secretly.

"Take it, it's a gift for you to accompany me for so long!"

"Huh? ! Smoker, it's disgusting that you talk like this! But I won't be polite with you!"

After saying that, he picked up the fruit and took a bite.

"Ugh! ! ! "

"Finish it!"

"What? ! ! "

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