The boat of Smoker rushed to the target sea area.

When the distance was almost right, he came to a small room behind the cabin.

As soon as the door was opened, there were several poles in the room, on which several rows of seagulls stood neatly.

There was also a navy man covered with bird feathers, who was concentrating on watering a group of small telephone bugs and did not notice Smoker's arrival.

Smoker leaned against the door frame and knocked on the door.

"Vip, what are you busy with?"

Vip shuddered with fear, and found that it was Smoker, and hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Major General Smoker!"

Smoker waved his hand.

"Don't be so polite when no one is around..."

"We're almost there, and we need your friends to go!"

Vesp saluted: "Yes!"

Then he took out a bounty order for Doflamingo from his pocket.

At this time, his bounty was 340 million berries.

He showed the bounty order to the seagulls and gave each seagull a photo-taking Den Den Mushi.

The seagulls took the Den Den Mushi, cackled a few times, and then filed out in an orderly manner, like a well-trained army.

After the seagulls left, Smoker nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you get along well with them!"

Vip smiled and said: "Thanks to this Whisper Fruit..."

Vip is a rare animal trainer in the pirate world, and he can tame any animal.

Not long ago, Smoker got the Whisper Fruit by mistake.

This fruit does not have any benefits in combat,

Many navy officers sneered when asked.

But Vip was overjoyed and volunteered to eat this useless fruit, and his training level has made a qualitative leap.

For example, this seagull's reconnaissance is wrong.

Originally, he could only train the seagulls to complete some simple instructions.

Now he can communicate with the seagulls and directly train them into a regular reconnaissance force.

It can be said that Vip is now the eye of this warship.

Smoker patted Vip on the shoulder.

"I'm leaving first. Remember to tell me if there is any news!"

Vip: "Yes!"

Hundreds of seagulls divided their areas for search and soon locked Doflamingo's trace.

The pink flamingo ship has been sold by Smoker, and now the Don Quixote family is on a black three-masted sailing ship.

Although the flamingo and pirate logo elements are still retained, it looks much more low-key.

Soon, Smoker also got the news.

He held a photo taken secretly by the seagull.

In the photo, Doflamingo is wearing a black suit, and his temperament is much calmer.

[Hmph, it seems that the loss last time was not in vain. ]

[Especially the brainless boast of Trebol has made him completely face the reality. ]

[There are countless people who can kill him in this sea...]

On the pirate ship in the distance.

Mingge stood on the deck, staring at the sea quietly.

Pica came over.

Now he only has one arm left.

"Dover, we found traces of warships. Judging from the number, it should be the ship of Smoker of G12 branch!"

Hearing this familiar name, Doflamingo's expression did not change at all, but his fingers trembled slightly.

"Got it..."

"What about the World Government? Is there any news?"

Pica shook his head.

"No feedback yet. The incident happened suddenly. I'm afraid they are still weighing the pros and cons."

Doflamingo nodded.

"Those smart old guys are still the same, never seeing the core of the problem..."

"It doesn't matter, they will agree, after all, I was once a Celestial Dragon..."

Then, he looked in one direction, unable to see the eyes under the sunglasses.

"Fufufufufu... I have the patience to wait slowly."

"But before that, we still have to get rid of the annoying tail!"

Pica nodded.

"Dover, there is an island not far ahead, let's go there, only there can I show my true strength"

After the last defeat, Pica has also matured a lot.

At least he won't do the stupid thing of fighting Luffy + Fujitora + Sabo + Law + Zoro + Sanji + etc. alone.

Soon, the pirate ship turned around and headed for the rocky island.

Doflamingo called Diamante and Senior over again.

"Diamante, you come to the island with me!"

"No problem, Dover!!"

He gave Senior another order.

"Senior, this time

You don't need to participate in the battle. Protect Monet and Sugar. When we are not here, you will be in full command! ! "

Senior is now the highest-ranking cadre besides Mingo, Pica, and Diamante.


"This is the captain's order!"

"Sorry, I understand..."

Doflamingo nodded.

"Others will be in the way in this battle... If you can get through this difficult time, you will inherit the name of Hanairo! ! "

"Keep this Den Den Mushi... Wait for the final result! ! "

Senior took the Den Den Mushi with a complicated look and nodded heavily.

"Yes, young master! ! "

Mingo and the other three came to the island, and the pirate ship fled as ordered.

They didn't notice that there were many seagulls hovering in the sky.

On the warship, Smoker got the news immediately.

Ester asked: "Major General, what should we do? ? ”

Generally, if you capture the captain and main cadres of a pirate group, you will win.

As for the pirate ship and the remaining minions, if they cannot be captured together, they will generally be released.

But it is different in the G12 branch.

Minions can be exchanged for money!!

Ship can also be exchanged for money!!

Now they have developed the habit of not seizing the spoils and suffering losses!

Smoker took a puff of cigarette.

"Estan, Kate, Saudi, follow me, the rest of you chase the pirates! "

Smoker called out a few names and rushed to the rock island using the Moon Step.

The navy whose names were called out were jubilant and rushed out immediately after him,

the ones whose names were not called out looked dejected.

Soon, Smoker arrived at the rock island.

Three enemies stood opposite him.

Doflamingo floating in the void.

Pica, the rock giant that blocked out the sky.

Diamante, who made the earth roll and float.

Smoker was holding a cigarette.

"Little yellow-haired, we meet again!!!"

After hearing these frivolous words, Doflamingo's expression did not change at all.

"I didn't expect that the inconspicuous navy back then has grown to this point..."

Smoker smiled and was about to speak when Doflamingo suddenly launched a sneak attack.

"Super Whip!!!" "

A whip as thick as a wrist lashed at Smoker's face like lightning.

It was so fast that it rubbed against the air to produce a red flame.

[Good power, but unfortunately it missed...]

Smoker dodged to the side with a shaving.

The whip hit the ground, directly splitting the beach in half, extending all the way to an invisible place on the sea.

The surging sea water poured in through the cracks.

Smoker patted the non-existent dust on his body: "It's still the same..."

Seeing Ming Ge's move, the two highest officials also roared and followed suit.

Diamanti supported the ground with both hands.

"The earth is fluttering flags!"

Suddenly, the entire island began to surge continuously, as if a giant dragon was rolling underground.

The rocks collapsed, the jungle fell, and the entire land was like a huge curtain, torn by a huge hand.

"Go up! "

Smoker called out and jumped into the air with the Moon Step.

Diamante's move was very effective against the army, but it was not very effective against the strong.

Several people left their feet, so this move was useless.

Suddenly, there was a sound of wind blowing overhead.

Smoker looked up and saw that Pica's giant rock fist had already smashed down hard.

"What an exaggerated attack!!!"


"Yes! "

Inogainic took the moon step and then used the paper painting to land lightly on his fist.

Suddenly, the rock fist swelled strangely and exploded into pieces like a burst balloon.

Pica also screamed and hurriedly retreated.

But he didn't care about the pain, but looked at Inogainic with an incredible face.

Ming Ge's veins also popped out, and he squeezed out words from his teeth.

"Explosion Fruit..."


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