The three of them were so happy that they found each other so much better after they formed an alliance.

Regardless of whether it was voluntary or not, the three of them looked at each other more favorably after forming an alliance.

Morgans coughed a few times.

"Well... it's rare for everyone to get together, why don't we exchange some intelligence?!"

Smoker and Guernica naturally had no objection.

Smoker was fine, Morgans was hiding every day, and Guernica couldn't act casually due to his identity.

If nothing unexpected happened, they wouldn't get together again in a few years.

This was the first intelligence reconciliation. Even if they didn't show their assets, they had to at least show some solid stuff.

Morgans was quite interested in the government's intelligence and turned to look at Guernica.

"Nika, why don't you speak first?"

Smoker was startled and interrupted them.

"Wait, call him by his name or Gel in the future, but don't call him Nika!!"

Morgans: ? ? ?

"Huh? Why?!"

Guernica was also confused.

"Hearing what you said, all the adults call me Gel when they call me by my name. Is there any secret?"

Smoker wanted to slap himself a few times. Why did he speak so quickly? Can he tell about Nika? !

Then he laughed dryly a few times, and his mind turned quickly.

"This name... involves some taboos..."

"Do you know Rocks? He used to be called Nika. As long as this name is mentioned, the Celestial Dragons will be furious!"

Morgans, Guernica: "Oh~ I see~~~"

Smoker: "..."

The two didn't notice anything, so they just followed his advice. There was no harm anyway.

Then, they continued to exchange information.

Smoker secretly admired that his two companions really had a lot of things in their stomachs.

Various power divisions and secret allusions were easy to come by...

And he also revealed a lot of information with the advantage of time travel, which opened the eyes of the two.

Smoker: "Morgans, you'd better send a reporter to follow Doflamingo, that guy will make big news!"

Guernica: "I heard that a scientist destroyed a non-member country while testing weapons a few days ago, and he defected because he was afraid of being held accountable. This news has been suppressed, and now CP is trying its best to hunt her down..."

Morgans: "I have a small report here. A female pirate destroyed the town. In order to maintain her beauty, she bathed in the blood of 100 girls..."

Smoker was stunned.

"Huh?! So cruel?!"

Although there are few female pirates on the sea, those who can make a name for themselves are more cruel than male pirates.

"Killing 100 girls... just for beauty?!"

"Is this guy mentally ill?!"

Morgans and Guernica nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Guernica thought of something.

"Is this female pirate pretty? How much is the bounty?"

"Huh?" Morgans didn't expect Guernica to be interested: "She is beautiful, of course. The bounty should be 45 million Baileys... Wait a minute."

Then he searched the desk for a while and found a bounty that had not been announced yet.

"Ah, here!"

"Mio Libuta, nicknamed the Bloody Criminal, the captain of the Bloody Pirate Ship, the latest bounty has not been announced yet, it is 65 million Baileys."

"In order to take new photos of her, the Albatross reporter has been following her. It is expected that she will land on the Sabaody Archipelago in three days!"

Smoker took the bounty and took a look.

In the photo, there is a white-skinned, beautiful female pirate with a red pirate hat and green hair. She is dignified and charming.

Guernica's eyes lit up.

Isn't this the high-quality slave he has been looking for? ! Although the bounty is not over 100 million, she is beautiful enough to make up for the lack of bounty!

Arriving at the Sabaody Archipelago three days later?

Isn't this a coincidence!

Three days passed quickly.

The dock of the lawless island No. 7.

A blood-red pirate ship slowly entered the dock.

Mio Libuta stood on the bow carrying a huge hammer.

She is the user of the Superman Hammer Hammer Fruit, which can turn anything she picks up into a war hammer.

"Little guys, grab the supplies! We are going to set out from here and conquer the new world!!"

The pirates: "Oh!!"

The pirates didn't notice that there were two strangers behind them.

Just when they were full of pride, the deck suddenly turned black,

Then everyone was overwhelmed by a huge suction force and lay on the deck unable to get up.

"Assholes, who are you?! ¥#@%¥%"

Mio Libuta lay on the ground, her beautiful eyes fixed on Smoker and Guernica, and she kept cursing.

Smoker walked up to her and stepped on her mouth.

"Guer, you only need this guy, right? I'll take the other people and the ship..."

Guernica nodded.

"No problem, but be gentle, she is an important commodity, don't step on her!"

Smoker snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, a guy with a bounty of more than 60 million has a harder face than a rock..."

The rest is simple.

Guernica tied Mio Libuta up.

The other pirates were sent to the slave auction by Smoker.

As for the pirate ship and the treasures on it, they were all put into the small treasury.

Guernica had no objection to this.

He only cared about his wife, children and power, and had no desire for money or treasure...

Guernica contacted a ship to pick him up, and Smoker, who had nothing to do, came to see him off.

As for Mio Libuta, she was tied up and thrown on the ground,

A rag was stuffed in her mouth, and she struggled desperately, crying "woooo".

Seeing that she seemed to have something to say, Smoker took the rag out of her mouth.


"You two damn guys actually used your abilities to sneak attack!"

"If you have the guts, fight again openly!!"

Smoker and Guernica looked at her as if she were a saboteur.

Mio Libuta said bitterly: "Damn it, if I also have those powerful abilities, I will definitely crush you to pieces!"

Smoker said lightly: "If you have powerful abilities, you would be dead now..."

If she was a natural or mythical beast, Smoker would have killed her long ago, and Guernica couldn't save her!

But forget about the Hammer Hammer Fruit. It doesn't increase speed and strength, but just has an extra hammer in his hand, which can't arouse Smoker's desire to kill people and take the fruit.

"You two bastards, I swear, I will do everything I can to avenge you for the rest of my life!"

Mio Libuta already knew that the guy in front of her was going to give her to the world's nobles.

Although she felt humiliated, she was not particularly nervous.

She was even confident that with her beauty and skills, she would be able to charm the noble master and free herself from slavery.

Wasn't that how I made my fortune in the beginning~~

I'm very familiar with the procedures!

At that time, I must make these two guys want to live but not die! !

Smoker guessed what Mio Libuta was thinking and just sneered.

If she fell into the hands of ordinary nobles, this trick might really work.

Over the past few hundred years, there have been many slaves who have rebelled against their superiors...

In the eyes of nobles from various countries, although slaves are lowly, they are still people like themselves, the same kind.

But the Celestial Dragons are different.

In their eyes, even the kings of various countries are just pariahs.

As for slaves, there is no difference between them and livestock.

Even if this guy is favored in the future, at most he will change from "livestock" to "pet", and he will never become a "human".

"Haha... pitiful guy."

Smoker stepped hard on her foot and stomped her face into the soil.

For this kind of executioner with blood on his hands, Smoker didn't bother to care about men and women.

The world of pirates is not a place for boxing!

Mio Libuta felt suffocated, and her mouth and nose were blocked by mud. She could only whine and twist, but it was useless.

Guernica frowned slightly.

"Smoker, face..."

Smoker snorted coldly and raised his foot, staring at her condescendingly.

"You are just a pirate, don't be arrogant in front of me..."

"Remember the feeling of being stepped on just now, this will be the most dignified moment in your life!"

Mio Libuta breathed in the fresh air greedily and dared not say another word.

At this time, a ship without a number and a plain appearance came from a distance.

Guernica adjusted his hat: "I should go, Hanya..."

Smoker: "Don't worry, although I am in G12, I also have friends in the headquarters, and I will take good care of her! By the way, there is something I want to remind you!"


Guernica: "You said..."

Smoker pointed at Mio Libuta.

"There will be more and more Celestial Dragons asking you for slaves in the future. Don't take on too many like you did this time. Although you may try to please a few Celestial Dragons, you don't know when it will cause dissatisfaction among other Celestial Dragons. In the long run, it will be more harm than good."

Guernica was stunned: "Then what should I do?"

"Guide them to the auction house!"

"Our intelligence alliance has been established. There will be more and more pirate slaves in the auction house in the future.


"You need to guide the Celestial Dragons to develop the habit of coming to the auction house, so that they feel that coming to the auction house is a pastime in itself!"

"At that time, you only need to reveal the auction item information to them in advance, and it will be considered a credit. As for whether you can snatch slaves, it depends on your ability. If you lose, you will not be blamed!"

"Although the credit is not obvious, it will be better in the long run, and it will make the Celestial Dragons more dependent on you! ! "

Guernica was shocked by Smoker's words.

In my impression, except for a few people like Zhan Guo and Crane, the rest of the navy are stupid, big and black.

When have you seen such a monster as Smoker?!

Our East Factory... No, our CP needs talents like you!


You come, and I don't know what will happen!

Forget it, you'd better not come!

Guernica nodded.

"Okay, I know! "

Seeing the ship approaching, he quickly picked up Mio Libuta by the back of his collar and flew away.

From a distance, it looked like he was dragging a dead dog.

Smoker watched him leave, and remembered the information Guernica had said a few days ago.

"Scientist rebellion? Caesar Courant? The time doesn't match, I'll check it out when I have a chance..."

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