Another few months have passed.

The Sabaody Archipelago has been completely transformed.

Both the orderly and illegal zones have been put on the right track.

Merchants and residents have become accustomed to living in the orderly zone,

and pirates naturally feel that they should stay in the illegal zone.

However, Smoker has not relaxed his control over the illegal zone.

In the open, there is the special base led by Gaspard and the bunker defense line that divides the black and white zones,

in the dark, there are the intelligence station and Zane's security group,

one in the open and one in the dark, making the Sabaody Archipelago an iron plate!

Not only that, whether it is G12's military affairs or the slave trade industry, they have become more and more mature and can even operate independently.

Many times, Smoker only keeps an eye on the progress, while Zane, Vip, and Aiman ​​handle the specific affairs...

That day, Smoker was sitting in the office, talking to someone.

Behind him was a sea chart of the jurisdiction, which was densely marked with the names of pirates, bounties, and their movements...

"Teacher Zefa, Mr. Sengoku has become a marshal. Can we act more freely in the future?"

"With so many pirates, G12 can't catch them all, and the prisons are not enough. Why not let other branches join in?!"

Den Den Mushi wore sunglasses and looked unhappy.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Smoker..."

"This is the transfer of power of the largest military force on the sea. Don't think that everything will be fine just because Zhan Guo becomes the marshal. The World Government will definitely keep a close eye on him. Whenever there is any change in the headquarters, they will immediately airdrop a few generals to undermine Zhan Guo, even if they are three idiots!!"

"The more times like this, the more you have to keep your composure! Nothing can be changed before the three brats take over as admirals!!"

Smoker pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

"Okay, okay... I'll listen to you."

Zeff: "By the way, the previous chief of staff has retired, and now it's Xiao He. You can send the money you earn over!"

The chief of staff of the navy holds the key rights of supervision, intelligence, finance, and personnel, and has always been held by the absolute confidant of the marshal.

When Kong was the marshal, the chief of staff was held by his classmate of the same period.

Even if Smoker made a lot of money, he would not dare to transport it back to the headquarters, otherwise he would not be able to hide it from Kong's eyes.

Now that Zhan Guo is in power, he will naturally replace the chief of staff with his own people. This is not a purge, but a normal handover.

Every marshal does this, and the World Government also acquiesces.

Under Zhan Guo's operation, a month ago, the former chief of staff retired gloriously without causing any waves.

Smoker clicked his tongue a few times.

"You are a dignified admiral of the navy, but you still want my little money! Is it worth it?!"

Zeff's roar came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Stop talking nonsense! Why do you want you to be the base chief of the G12 branch? Isn't it just to make money?!"

"Don't fool me, the money must be handed over in full..."

Smoker sighed heavily.

"I'm not the head of the base, why are you angry at me..."

"Forget it, I admit it, I will escort the money as soon as possible, but I have worked hard for nearly a year, please leave me some? At least a small change..."

"You don't know, there are many people in the branch now, and the headquarters doesn't give money... Teacher Zefa, you can't just ignore my life and death!"

Zefa fell into silence.

He knew the situation of G12.

Military expenses were allocated according to the scale of the base, but with the support of two branches and the expansion of the branch, the pressure was indeed a bit greater.

[Forget it, the slave trade has just started, it must not be very good, just leave him some! ]

"Okay, I promise, remember, only a small change!"

Smoker was very happy to find a scapegoat.

Zefa continued to chat for a few more words.

"By the way, I have something else to tell you. Since Tina went to Rogue Town, more than half of the pirates in the East China Sea have been killed, and the remaining ones are just useless minions."

"Tina is patrolling the East China Sea to completely wipe out the pirates. She also went to Base 161 a few days ago. It seems that she has a good relationship with the new base commander."

Smoker was in high spirits.

"Bell-mère? I really miss you... and everyone, I really want to go see them..."

Zeffa laughed.

"It's difficult. Major generals can only act within their jurisdiction. Cross-jurisdiction actions require approval!"

"Let's wait until you are promoted to lieutenant general. It shouldn't take too long for you!"


Smoker sighed: "I'll hang up first, and ask Esther to send the money later..."

Smoker hung up the phone and looked back at the sea map behind him.

The headquarters is less than a day's sail away from the Sabaody Archipelago, so there is no need to escort it personally...

With the establishment of the intelligence alliance,

G12's efficiency in capturing pirates has increased visibly.

In just half a year, hundreds of pirate groups of all sizes have been wiped out,

Thousands of pirate slaves have been delivered to the human auction house, and dozens of devil fruits have been saved.

Not only that,

The auction house organizes an auction every half a month, attracting more and more Celestial Dragons to participate,

Under Zane's various means, Celestial Dragons have a higher and higher evaluation of the slave auction, and even have a bit of dependence.

Seeing this, nobles from all over the country also flocked to it.

Even if pirate kidnappings happen from time to time, it can't extinguish their enthusiasm!

And Smoker raised his sickle without hesitation, reaping wealth crazily.

Coupled with the gambling industry, the Sabaody Archipelago has now truly become an island of wealth.

Two days later, Smoker stood on the warship.

There were hundreds of wooden boxes piled in the cabin, which were the money Smoker had to pay.

Although there are banks in the pirate world,

Smoker has always used cash transactions,

After all, such a large amount of money can be easily monitored by CP.

Therefore, Smoker's way of sending money to the headquarters is also very simple and unpretentious.

Cash! Boxed!

Looking at the half-full cabin, Smoker patiently reminded Esther.

"Remember, come back after the handover, don't eat, and don't drink!"

"If you ask me how many hundreds of millions I left, just say hundreds of millions, whatever you want, but it's best not to exceed 500 million..."


At the end, when it was about to set sail, Smoker sighed and took out another twenty boxes separately.

"These are twenty devil fruits, a gift for Mr. Sengoku to succeed him as the Marshal!"

With Esther's repeated assurances, Smoker got off the boat, looking back every few steps...

A day passed quickly...

Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr, and Crane sat around a table, staring at the twenty devil fruits in a daze.

Sengoku's face was a little swollen, and he looked so gloomy that it seemed like water was dripping out.

Garp leaned against the sofa, eating senbei in a carefree manner.

Crane's face was also cold, and his eyes glanced at Zephyr like a knife.

Zephyr was full of guilt and annoyance.

After a long while, Sengoku suddenly jumped up, grabbed Zephyr's shoulders, and shook him while cursing.

"Zefa, you bastard, actually let a mere branch leave more than 6 billion Baileys?! Do you know how much I need money?!!"

Zefa pushed Zhan Guo away: "Get out, old man Xianbei, I didn't know that bastard was so capable of making trouble!!"

Yesterday, the G12 branch sent over 30 billion Baileys, which stunned He on the spot.

According to Smoker's instructions, He put down the money and left.

He is an experienced old man, and he saw something wrong at a glance.

So he personally came forward to invite more than a dozen officers of G12 to dinner.

The chief of staff came forward to invite the colonel to dinner, and Esther dared not refuse even if he had more heads, so he could only agree to have a simple meal.

At the wine table, He took out a bottle of wine and said that he liked to have a drink when he was happy. Does everyone mind?

Esther and others had no objection, and hurriedly shook their heads and said it was up to you.

He drank a few glasses tremblingly, his face flushed, and said that it was boring for him to drink, so he asked them to accompany him.

Esther didn't want to agree at first, but when she saw that Tsuru was alone and half drunk after a few drinks, she felt relieved...

Two hours later, Tsuru left the room with a gloomy face, and there was no sign of drunkenness on his face.

And the dozen people in G12 were all sleeping soundly under the table.

Tsuru hurried to report to Zhan Guo.

The G12 branch earned more than 36 billion berries in half a year, and kept 6 billion for itself...

Zhan Guo was completely blown up.

This year, the World Government cut military spending by 20% just to intimidate Zhan Guo to obey.

Zhan Guo and Tsuru were worried about their heads falling off, but they didn't expect Smoker to help them in times of need.

30 billion berries filled most of the hole at once.

6 billion berries, there is enough to build another branch...

Zhan Guo, who was eating senbei with Garp, was shocked to the point of dislocating his jaw when he heard the news.

It was only after Garp slapped him with his Armed Haki palm that his chin was put back in place.

But he was still so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

He quickly called Zefa over and scolded him.

Zefa was speechless after learning the truth and felt very wronged.

I thought Smoker had left hundreds of millions to make up for the deficit, but who would have thought that this guy would be so troublesome!

He didn't say anything, but he also started

Secretly thinking, why not get Smoker to the General Staff? !

After all, the navy has no shortage of strong fists, but lacks brains...

Looking at Garp who was crunching senbei next to him, he was more determined to think so.

After a while of arguing, the old guys finally calmed down and began to study the devil fruit.

Sengoku: "These...what do you think?!"

Garp picked his nose and looked at the fruit.

"Pirates pursue nothing more than treasure and power, so after they get the devil fruit, they either eat it immediately or sell it, and they won't keep it easily."

"It's a miracle that the kid can get so many fruits. He should go buy lottery tickets hahahahahaha!!!"

He seemed careless, but he had a crazy guess in his heart.

However, before there was real evidence, he couldn't say it out loud even in front of a few old friends, otherwise it would bring great trouble to Smoker.

So, he simply attributed it all to luck...

He nodded.

"Anyway, this is a good thing."

"With so many fruits, if used well, we can cultivate a force that cannot be ignored!!"

Zefa also agreed.

"Zhan Guo, you can't let Smoker down. These fruits must be transformed into power as soon as possible!!"

"I know!" Zhan Guo thought for a while: "In this way, six will be allocated to young vice admirals, and eight will be allocated to potential major generals! The remaining six... see if there are any suitable people among the outstanding students of the elite navy expansion class in these years!!"

The other three thought about it and had no objection.

Zhan Guo touched his beard braid.

"The money and fruits are settled. Next, let's talk about Smoker..."

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