The people standing on the ground stared at the pitch-black dragon hovering in the sky in amazement.

They had seen animal-type fruit ability users before, most of them just turned into cows or horses.

But now what appeared in front of them was a real legendary dragon!

Just standing in front of him, a strong sense of oppression came over them.

"Wait! Are you Mu Yun?!"

Amy trembled and stared at Mu Yun in the sky in disbelief.

She didn't expect that her new captain could turn into a dragon, and it looked very powerful at first glance.

Witt and Maris on the side also opened their mouths in surprise.

Reiju was also surprised when she saw Mu Yun's dragon form.

When she was fighting in the auction house before, she had noticed the black scales on Mu Yun's hands.

But at that time, she only thought that Mu Yun had eaten some ancient animal fruit.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yun ate a fantasy beast fruit.

In addition to the ordinary species, there are two rare branches of animal devil fruits.

One is the ancient species. Eating this fruit can transform people into ancient or extinct animals. The ancient species is known to be rare in the world.

The other is the fantasy beast species. The fantasy beast species will turn the person who eats it into a mythical or legendary animal or character. The fantasy beast species is much rarer than the natural devil fruit.

"This guy is so lucky. He actually got such a powerful ability."

Reijiu looked at Mu Yun in the sky and sighed.

After all, devil fruits are treasures on the sea. Ordinary people are very lucky to get an ordinary fruit.

In the sky, Mu Yun gradually lifted the transformation state and jumped down from the sky.

"Huh~ Using the ability from time to time, my body and mind really feel very comfortable."

Mu Yun moved his body, feeling the comfortable feeling coming from his body, and sighed.

After all, this is the second time he has transformed into a dragon since he acquired this ability.

The first time he transformed, he experienced a big battle and had no time to experience it slowly.

But this time, after he changed back from the dragon form, he could clearly feel a breath of life in his body, constantly strengthening his body.

Sure enough, the strengthening of the fruit ability still needs more use.

"Mu Yun! You are so cool!"

Suddenly, Amy rushed to Mu Yun excitedly.

Her eyes lit up, and her hands kept rubbing Mu Yun's body.

"What are you doing! Are you a hooligan?!"

The sudden situation caught Mu Yun off guard.

He quickly reacted, immediately slapped Amy's hand that was stroking his body, and took a step back.

Even though Mu Yun slapped her hand away, Amy did not get discouraged.

Her eyes were shining, and she pounced on Mu Yun with a squinting look on her face.

"Captain! Just obey me!"


Mu Yun quickly pulled Maris standing beside him, and dodged Amy around him.

Watching the fight between the two.

Uncle Roger standing on the side kept frowning.

Why did Mu Yun become like that?

Obviously that posture was unique to the monster Kaido!

He had seen Kaido from a distance turn into a giant green dragon, hovering in the air to fight.

The terrifying sense of oppression and fighting power still made him remember it vividly.

Now Mu Yun has turned into a dragon with the same posture as Kaido!

Roger muttered in a low voice: "Can there be two fruit abilities..."


After playing for a while, Mu Yun was helplessly caught by Amy.

He could only let her do whatever she wanted to him.

Suddenly, Mu Yun thought of an important thing.

Damn! The spoils in the auction house haven't been looted yet!!!

My first development fund is still there!

He quickly looked at the auction house.

The original location of the auction house is now empty, leaving only a pit emitting heat.

"No!! My money!!"

Mu Yun screamed miserably, and fell to the ground crying in despair.

Why was he so impulsive!

The money hasn't been moved out yet.

What should I do with my start-up capital without that money!

Looking at Mu Yun lying on the ground, Amy and others came forward to comfort him.

"Don't be too sad, Captain."

"If the money is gone, we can earn it again, don't worry too much."

Witt also walked to Mu Yun, squatted down, patted Mu Yun on the shoulder, and expressed his comfort.



Reiju looked at Muyun, who was crying on the ground, and laughed secretly.

This was the first time she laughed out loud from the bottom of her heart.

Muyun heard the laughter and looked up at Reiju.

"My spoils are gone, and you are still gloating!"

"Sorry, I really couldn't help it."

Reiju controlled herself and restrained her laughter.

"Don't worry, your money is not burned. I have already moved those things out."

As she spoke, she walked to the wall.

A pile of items wrapped in black cloth was piled up by the wall.

Pulling a corner of the black cloth, Reiju suddenly tore off the black cloth on top, revealing the treasure boxes placed under the black cloth.

"My money! ! "

Mu Yun's eyes lit up, and he quickly rushed to the treasure chest and hugged it tightly.

He didn't expect that Reiju had already moved these treasures out of the auction house.

Amy and others also came to the treasure.

Gold coins were shining, and among these treasures, there were some weapons scattered there.

"My gun is here too!"

Seeing a musket lying on the treasure, Amy picked it up in surprise.

She picked up the gun and kissed it excitedly.

"My sword is here too. "

Rogett pulled out a seemingly ordinary sword and held it tightly in his hand.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from a distance, the sound was deafening.

Mu Yun and others turned their heads and saw a well-equipped army rushing towards them.

The leader was Baron Moss who had escaped from the auction house before.


Baron Moss, who was in the distance, saw the treasure box in Mu Yun's arms from a distance.

"Take your hands off my treasure! Untouchables! !"

He would not allow others to touch the treasure that belonged to him.

Seeing the mountains of treasures at this time, Baron Moss had lost his mind.

He didn't notice that the auction house that originally stood there was now only a big pit.

He didn't even think that Skarros and others had arrived there.

Now, there were only those treasures in his eyes.

"Soldiers! Charge! !"

"Tear up those hateful thieves! ! ! "


After receiving the order from Baron Oss, the army quickened its pace.


"Muyun, what should we do? Should we fight?"

Amy raised the pistol she had just found and walked to Muyun and asked.

As long as Muyun gave the order, she would immediately shoot and kill the leader, Baron Moss.

Witt also picked a knife from the treasure and prepared for battle with a serious expression.

But at this time, Rogert did not draw the sword on his waist. He looked at Muyun seriously.

Want to know how Muyun was going to deal with this situation.

Muyun glanced at the army that was about to rush over, and laughed as he carried two boxes of treasure on his shoulders.

"Nonsense, in this situation, of course, we should retreat."

"Everyone, take the treasure and move towards the port!"

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