After hearing Mu Yun's decision, Roger's serious expression relaxed.

If Mu Yun had decided to fight with the soldiers, he would not have helped.

After all, the justice in his heart did not allow him to attack innocent people.

These soldiers were just following orders, not bad people.

"Marius, move these things away!"

Mu Yun carried the treasure chest and urged Marius, who was standing stupidly, to move things quickly.

Everyone quickly moved the treasures on the ground and followed Mu Yun to the port.

Baron Moss in the distance saw that all the treasures were taken away by Mu Yun and others, and shouted angrily: "Untouchables! Put down those treasures!!"

Then he glared at the soldiers around him fiercely and urged anxiously: "Hurry up and catch up with them! You must take my treasure back from them!!"

"If you can't get it back, you will all be demoted!!"

Hearing Baron Moss's urging orders, the soldiers dared not speak.

In any case, they were all under the orders of Baron Moss, so they could only speed up their pace and chase in the direction of Mu Yun and others.


Running on the street to the port, Amy ran to Mu Yun and asked.

"Mu Yun, which ship parked at the port is our ship."

She thought Mu Yun asked everyone to run towards the port, and Mu Yun must have a ship parked at the port.


Mu Yun turned his head and said in confusion: "There is no ship in the port that belongs to me."


Amy and others shouted at Mu Yun in disbelief.

"Don't tell me that you haven't thought of a plan to escape!"

Amy asked anxiously, after all, there was a group of soldiers chasing them behind them.

If the port didn't have a ship ready for escape in advance, why would they run to the port.

Looking at Amy's anxious expression, Mu Yun grinned and said, "Don't worry, Amy."

"I have thought of a way to escape, everyone hurry to the port."

Hearing this answer, Amy was still a little worried.

But there was no way, she could only listen to Mu Yun and move towards the port.

After all, Mu Yun is the captain now.

Everyone could only speed up and move towards the port.


At this time, at the port.

A dark schooner slowly sailed into the port.

On the flagpole of the schooner, a dark flag with a white skull printed on it was flying.

"Guys! I've already found out!"

"Today the town is holding a celebration, and all the rich people are gathering here!"

"Now is the time for us to reap the harvest!!"

"Guys! Follow me! The financial report is waving at us!"

A ferocious-looking bearded man wearing a captain's hat stood on the bow, shouting passionately to the crew standing on the deck.

Hearing the bearded man's words, the crew all picked up their weapons and cheered excitedly.

It turned out that the town's celebration not only attracted the scum like Skaros, but also attracted the pirates sailing around.

After all, when the celebration was held, there would definitely be merchants smelling the smell and coming to the town.

Just in time to take advantage of the night when the guards were weak, raid the town to burn, kill and loot!

The pirate ship slowly stopped, and everyone on the ship couldn't wait.

They looked at the captain standing on the bow excitedly, waiting for orders.

"Men! The treasure and women are in the town, waving to us!"

"Let's go!!"

The bearded man drew out the long knife from his waist and jumped off the boat.

His men also ran down the boat with excitement.

After all, the treasure and women in the town are waving to them!

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps reached everyone's ears.

"What's going on?!"

The bearded man looked in the direction of the footsteps in surprise, and a cloud of dust quickly rushed towards the port.

"Did they receive the news? Are they prepared?!"

The bearded man's face changed, and he glared at his men behind him fiercely.

Is there a traitor among these bastards? !

Otherwise, how could so many people rush to the port at this time?

Soon, the bearded man didn't care about these things. He frantically put the knife in his hand to his mouth and licked it with his tongue.

The most urgent task now is to solve the trouble in front of him, even if he is prepared.

His 25 million Bailey bounty is not just for show.

"Guys! Get ready for battle!!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The pirates quickly tightened their weapons and prepared for battle.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the bearded man had already seen the situation clearly.

A group of guys dressed in different styles were carrying many treasure chests and running towards the port.

Behind them was a team of well-equipped soldiers.

"Little guys! Go in..."

The bearded man raised his hand and was about to order his men to attack, when he suddenly found that the guy running in the front had actually quickened his pace.

Is this guy blind and can't see the pirate ship next to them?

Why would he speed up?


On the other side, Mu Yun and others also found the two-masted sailing ship docked at the port from a distance.

"Amy, look, the ship is coming."

Mu Yun said happily to Amy beside him.

"This ship seems to be a pirate ship."

Roget looked at the ship docked at the pier, saw the skull flag flying on the ship, and reminded.

Mu Yun grinned and said, "That's perfect. We can use it directly after we grab it."

After saying that, Mu Yun quickened his pace and rushed towards the bearded man and others.

"Heavenly thunder!"

Mu Yun shouted to the sky.

Suddenly, a thick silver lightning bolt fell from the sky and instantly landed on the bearded man and others.


The lightning bolt's strong current made the bearded man and others twitch constantly.

Soon they spit out a wisp of black smoke from their mouths, and a smell of barbecue emanated.

"How... how could it be... like this..."

The bearded man looked incredulous, and his beard was also burnt by electricity at this time. He trembled with his hands and fell down unwillingly.

The younger brothers around him also lost consciousness and fell to the ground at the dock.

Mu Yun passed by them carrying a treasure chest.

Suddenly, the captain's hat on the bearded man's head attracted Mu Yun's attention.

He threw the treasure chest on his shoulder onto the pirate ship on the side, reached out and took off the bearded man's hat and put it on his head.

"How is it?" Mu Yun posed with the captain's hat, "Do you have the aura of a captain?"

But no one paid any attention to him. Amy and others hurriedly ran past him and rushed to the pirate ship.

After Amy got on the ship, she shouted to Mu Yun under the ship: "Captain, hurry up and get on the ship, we are leaving!"


Mu Yun took off the hat on his head in disappointment, raised his leg and jumped, and landed steadily on the deck of the pirate ship.

"You really have no taste at all."

"Listen to my command now!"

Amy stood in front of the rudder, holding the rudder with both hands, and shouted to Mu Yun and others with a serious expression: "Marius! Weigh the anchor! Roger, raise the sail!"

Marius and Roger immediately acted according to Amy's instructions, and Reiju and Witt also began to help.

Only Mu Yun looked at everyone's busy figures and stood there stupidly.

He wanted to help but couldn't, because he didn't know how to operate it.

He approached Amy and whispered, "Amy, look at what I'm doing."

"Captain, you just need to stand on the bow and show off!"

"Don't bother us!"

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