After the misunderstanding was resolved, everyone got to know each other better.

Mu Yun sat on Dong Li's shoulder steadily, grinning and said, "Dongli, we have some delicious wine on the boat, you must taste it later."

"Hehehe, then Broki and I must taste it, after all, it's a luxury to drink wine in this small garden."

Dongli was a little excited when he thought about drinking wine later, and even his pace of hurrying on the road quickened a lot.

Broki grinned and said, "Thank you for treating me and Dongli to a drink. After so many years, I have forgotten the last time I drank good wine."

"Don't say that, Broki." Muyun said, "We are really happy to meet you two powerful giant warriors here."

"By the way, Dongli, why did you fight here for ninety-nine years?" Reiju asked while sitting on Dongli's shoulder.

She was very curious about the reason why Dongli and the other two fought here for so long.


Hearing Reiju's question, Dongli and Broki looked at each other and scratched their heads embarrassedly.

"If it's hard to answer, you can pretend I didn't ask."

Seeing that the two were embarrassed to speak, Reiju said quickly.

"Gah, it's not that we don't want to tell you the reason, but so many years have passed and we have long forgotten the reason."

"Hehehe, that's right, we have forgotten the reason for the duel at that time. The reason why Broki and I are still fighting here is for our own glory. Neither of us wants to give up easily."

"That's right, we must decide the winner between us."

Dongli and Broki began to explain.

Then, the few of them chatted while walking through the woods. The surrounding woods were no different from lush grass in front of Dongli and Broki.

Not long after chatting, the few of them saw the pirate ship docked by the river on the shoulders of Dongli and Broki.

Mu Yun smiled and pointed at the boat docked on the river, then turned to Dong Li and said, "That's our pirate ship. We just happened to have a member who hasn't been introduced to you yet. I'll introduce him to you."

"Hehehe, that's great. I can meet new friends again."

Dong Li smiled and walked towards the river and stood by the pirate ship.

He bent down, reached out and took Mu Yun off his shoulders, and gently put him on the deck of the ship.

Mu Yun walked quickly towards Amy's bedroom.

"Amy! Amy! Don't sleep anymore. Wake up quickly. There are new friends to introduce to you."

Mu Yun walked to Amy's door and kept knocking on it.

The door opened from the room, and Amy rubbed her eyes and walked out in a daze.

"What's the matter, Captain? I can't even take a beauty sleep."

Mu Yun grabbed Amy's arm and dragged her out.

"Don't take a beauty sleep, there are new friends to meet."

"New friends? What new friends?"

Amy looked at Mu Yun in confusion. How could there be people on such a desolate island?

Suddenly, Amy found that the weather seemed to be cloudy.

"Why is it cloudy?" She looked up at the sky in confusion.

I saw Dongli and Buluoji standing next to the boat like a hill, blocking the sun's rays.

Amy opened her mouth in horror and looked at the tall giant in front of her, and she was stunned.

Dongli waved and greeted Amy: "Hello, my name is Dongli, his name is Buluoji, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Mu Yun's partner."

Amy looked at the giant in front of her in disbelief, and she turned her head to look at Mu Yun in horror.

"Captain, am I hallucinating?"

She wanted to know if she was confused in her sleep, how could a giant appear in front of her.

Mu Yun smiled and said to Amy: "Say hello, Amy. Dongli and Broki are very enthusiastic."

Hearing what Mu Yun said, Amy realized that what she saw was not an illusion at all.



The sun soon set over the sea level, and the night enveloped the entire small garden.

At this moment, a blazing flame was burning in the center of the small garden.

"Hahahaha, Amy, your expression at that time was so funny."

Mu Yun held a skewer of freshly grilled meat in his hand and laughed at Amy.

There was no way, who made Amy

Mi Gang saw that the performance of Dongli and the others was so funny that even Maris couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Captain, you are so annoying!" Amy hit Muyun on the shoulder and complained, "I was still asleep at that time. Two such tall giants suddenly appeared. Of course I was a little scared!"

Amy suddenly remembered that Dongli and Broki were still sitting next to her, and apologized quickly: "Sorry, Dongli, Broki, I didn't say you were scary..."

Dongli and Broki waved their hands with their teeth bared, and said indifferently: "We don't care about this little thing at all."

"I am very happy to meet Dongli and Broki today. Let's raise a toast to celebrate!"

Muyun happily raised the wine glass placed beside him, and everyone also raised the wine glass in their hands.



The whole bonfire party soon ended with laughter.

Dongli and Broki are worthy of being giant warriors, and their alcohol tolerance is really amazing.

The few of them drank up all the wine on the ship quickly at the banquet, and Witt was worried about the next year.

After eating and drinking, Amy looked up and asked Dongli: "Dongli, our captain said that it would take a year to store the magnetic force on the island. Is that true?"

Dongli nodded and said: "Muyun is right. If you want to store the magnetic force of this island, you need to stay here for a year."

"Oh, it really takes a year!"

After getting this answer from Dongli again, Amy could only accept her fate.

Mu Yun patted Amy on the shoulder and said, "Just think of it as special training here. Besides, we have Dongli and Broki to accompany us. A year will pass quickly."

"Yes, I agree with the captain's decision." Roger said at this time, "Although there are not as many strong people on the Grand Line as in the New World, this is the home of the Navy, and the strong people of the Navy are very active in the Grand Line."

"So we need to improve our strength as soon as possible within this year before they find us, otherwise if we meet a strong person like Vice Admiral Tsuru again, we will have no choice but to surrender."

"Roget, you are right." Reiju also came to Amy, "It's just right to take advantage of this year, Amy, you will practice your observation Haki well."

"That's right, as long as you improve your strength well, it will be my turn to protect everyone next time!"

Amy made up her mind to make good use of this year.

Next time when there is a crisis, let's see how she helps everyone!

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