The time passed quickly without anyone noticing, and a year passed quickly without anyone noticing.

The gears of fate began to turn during this period.

The East China Sea had sent away the destined person not long ago.

At this moment, a young pirate wearing a straw hat and his companions had just left the East China Sea and rushed up the Upside-Down Mountain.

Mariford, in the Marshal's office.

"Damn it! Garp, look at what your grandson has done! He actually climbed onto the execution rack where Roger was executed that year, and made a big fuss in Roger Town!!"

Zhan Guo angrily threw the information in his hand on the desk and questioned his old friend in front of him.

"Hahaha, this kid is really energetic, he even made a scene in Rogue Town."

Garp laughed and stuffed rice crackers into his mouth crazily.

Veins popped up on Sengoku's head, and he shouted angrily at Garp: "Smoker's report also said that if Long hadn't stopped him, the Straw Hat Pirates would have been caught. Why did Long appear in Rogue Town at that time, Garp."

"Really? Was that brat there at the time?"

Garp pretended to be stupid while eating rice crackers and said to Sengoku: "How can I know why this unfilial son went there? I haven't contacted him for a long time."

Looking at Garp pretending to be stupid in front of him, Sengoku was furious.

"Garp, you should reflect on yourself!! As a vice admiral of the navy, why is your education so bad!"

"My son went to be the leader of the revolutionaries, and my grandson went to be a pirate. Can you give me some peace of mind!"

Seeing that Sengoku was getting angry, Garp quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, it seems that I haven't heard about the Black Dragon Pirates for a long time. How are they? Have they been destroyed?"

Sengoku glared at Garp. Of course, he saw that his old friend didn't want to talk to him about his children anymore.

"According to the intelligence feedback, Black Dragon Muyun and his group seem to have stayed in the small garden."

"You also know that if there are no other pointers in the magnetic field of the small garden, it will take a year to store the magnetic field."

"So they are in the small garden. I was wondering why I didn't see any news about the Black Dragon group's activities for so long." Garp sighed.

Sengoku pointed to the bounty order of the Straw Hat Pirates in his hand and said to Garp: "Now Smoker has reported that he wants to continue to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates. He has left Rogue Town and is heading for the Grand Line."

Hearing this news, Garp stopped eating senbei for a moment: "Smoker has left Rogue Town, what about Rogue Town?"

"I have arranged for someone to go to Rogue Town to replace Smoker." Sengoku said.

'No, I have to take action too. '

Garp couldn't sit still when he heard that Smoker was hunting down Luffy and the others.

He quickly stood up and said to Sengoku: "I think Black Dragon and the others should be coming out of the small garden soon. In order to prevent them from doing anything bad, I'd better go and catch them back."

Garp walked out of Sengoku's office without looking back.

Sengoku sighed and said helplessly: "Do you think I don't know what you want to do? If you are worried about your grandson, just say it directly."

After that, Sengoku looked at a photo frame on the desk with a lonely expression.

Zhan Guo reached out and stroked the photo, muttering, "Xiao Mi Guo..."


Mariford, at the port.

Garp stood in front of a warship with a dog head statue hanging in front.

"Vice Admiral Garp, we are ready and can set off at any time."

At this time, a navy walked up to Garp and reported, "Vice Admiral, we can set off at any time to capture the Black Dragon gang!"

Garp laughed and said, "There are others to capture the Black Dragon. This time I just want to capture my disobedient grandson."

Then, Garp led the soldiers to stand on his exclusive warship.

"Let's go!"

The dog-headed warship gradually sailed away from the Mariford naval port and headed towards the front of the Grand Line.


At this moment, in the small garden.

Boom boom boom! !

Waves of dull blows continued to sound in the woods.

The surrounding birds and beasts fled in panic.

Gradually looking towards the direction where the sound of the blow came from, I saw a shirtless strong man covered in black metallic luster, constantly punching the ground.

As his fists continued to hit the ground, the ground continued to crack, and a deep pit appeared at the location of the attack.

"Maris, that's enough."


Suddenly, a pink-haired beauty jumped down from the tree next to the strong man, and she spoke.

"Reiju, is this all right? Didn't Witt say that he needed a big hole to store the wine he brewed for Dongli and Broki?"

Maris stopped what he was doing, scratched his head and looked at Reiju who suddenly appeared.

Reiju smiled and pointed to the bottomless pit on the ground: "Such a big pit is enough for Witt to brew wine."

Looking at his masterpiece on the ground, Maris nodded.

Such a deep pit should be able to meet Witt's needs.

"Let's go back quickly and help them."

Reiju patted Maris's shoulder, and the two of them headed towards the pirate ship together.

Soon, the two returned to the pirate ship, and at this moment Witt was constantly processing the materials needed for the next brewing.

Reiju looked around and found that only Witt was busy there, so she walked up and asked, "Witt, where are Muyun and the others? Why don't they come to help?"

"Amy and Roger went out to help find good materials. As for the captain..." Witt looked at Reiju with embarrassment and said, "The captain said that he suddenly thought of some new inspiration about fruit abilities and went to the depths of the forest to find inspiration."

"Looking for inspiration? You're just being lazy!"

Reiju sighed helplessly. She didn't believe that Muyun would go looking for any inspiration.

During the time he was forced to stay in the small garden, Muyun used this lame excuse of looking for inspiration countless times.

In addition to the necessary training, he always used this excuse to avoid doing other things.

"What do you mean by developing fruit abilities? I haven't seen him use his fruit abilities a few times this year. I haven't heard of anyone developing fruit abilities in this way."

Reiju complained while helping Witt pack up the materials.

At this time, Amy and Rogert came out of the forest with many fresh fruits.

"Reiju, you and Marius are back. Look, we picked a lot of fresh fruits. We will definitely make delicious wine for Tori and the others."

Amy handed the fresh fruits to Reiju and said happily.

Roget put the fruits on his back on the ground and said slowly: "Thanks to Amy's observation Haki, many fruits are hidden very well, and she can find them with her observation Haki."

"That's right! I have worked hard to practice my observation Haki this year!"

Amy raised her head proudly, and it was worth it for her to suffer so much this year.

"By the way, where did the captain go to find inspiration again? The pointer magnetic field is almost full, it's time to say goodbye to Tori and the others."

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