Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 219: ancient arsenal




The rumbling sound reverberated in the underground city that had been recharged after Eni Road had recovered to light. In the city that had been uninhabited for hundreds of years, large swathes of smoke were rising, and the movement could be said to be great.

The small body is as fast as a phantom, and it pounces directly towards the uninhabited dwelling on one side.


The walls of the solid stone buildings shattered instantly, the gravel splashed, and under the action of the strong impact, the originally solid stones now looked like they were made of foam.

The small figure carries an astonishing power that is completely incompatible with the body shape, and easily demolishes a house, completely unable to see the previous scene.

Around this place, there are also quite a few short figures who are vandalizing around, showing no pity for this city, which has a history of hundreds of years and can be called a cultural relic site.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

Vlad smiled and looked very excited, "This kind of power is very powerful!"

Naturally, these little figures that were destroyed everywhere could not be anything else. Of course, they could only be the army of robots that the Fire Dragon Pirates had conquered before. These robots resurrected by the power of Enilu have taken Enilu for granted. As the highest authority, naturally, these robots with low intelligence level were regarded by Vlad as the private property of the Fire Dragon Pirates.

Under the current circumstances, the addition of these robots is undoubtedly a feeling of helping in the snow. Although the Fire Dragon Pirates are now the Qiwu Pirates, they are only five people when they are fully counted, even if the Moria Pirates are added. The two affiliated pirates, and the Hacksaw Pirates far away in the new world, are really not many, and they are a bit chilling compared to those large pirates with thousands of people.

Therefore, Vlad is very happy now. It turns out that these robots can be used as grassroots combat power, or in other words, they are much easier to use than the grassroots pirates of ordinary pirates!

"This power is very good!"

Vlad looked at the houses that were gradually collapsing nearby and was very satisfied. The destructive power of these robots was still considerable, and their power was far stronger than that of the elite soldiers of the Navy. A robot's Dao Strength value can reach about 100, which is already the combat power of a million-level pirate, and it is a force that is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Although fighting against the strong has no effect in the slightest, Vlad did not expect these guys to compete with the real experts. After all, the number of these robots is here, and they can consume the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers. Rad is already very satisfied, the strength of these robots has far exceeded their positioning! Even the soldiers of the strongest Whitebeard Pirates have absolutely no such level.

Moreover, the advantage of these robots is that they are lifeless, which means that there is no consumption problem. After all, their energy source is the lightning of Anilu, which means that even in the face of powerful enemies, they will not Will collapse, after all, no heart!

The only flaw is that.

"Easy to use is easy to use!"

Vlad watched the robots turn the surrounding houses into rubble under the command of Anilu triumphantly. He touched his chin and said a little unhappily, "But it seems to be a one-time product! It's gone when it's used up!"

Yes, these robots were made by the people of this underground civilization that existed under the moon hundreds of years ago. Vlad did not have such a technology, and he could replenish the robots after they were damaged. This is very annoying, It is rare to find such a high-quality source.


"Captain, I'm back!"

With the sound of a soft landing, the chef who was previously sent by Vlad to explore the city landed gently in front of Vlad, the man with a smile on his face said so.

"How about it?"

Vlad asked with interest, "Is there any gain?"

"It is conceivable that this ancient civilization has not declined!"

The chef said, "There are basically no traces of corpses in the city, but a cemetery, but it looks very historical! It can be seen that the ancient people who lived here did not end here!"

"They've all gone elsewhere!"

The chef said, "The proof is that there is basically nothing left in the city except for some daily necessities. There is nothing left, and nothing of value can be found at all!"

"Is that so?"

Vlad said angrily, "Isn't this very troublesome?"

"However, it's not right if you don't find anything!"

The chef laughed.


Vlad raised his eyebrows and said, "Chef, when did you learn to cheat? This is not a good habit!"

"Haha! This is all learning from the captain!"

The chef smiled like this. Vlad always likes to sell things. He doesn't like to say anything directly. He always likes to wait until the end to speak. As a senior crew member on the ship, the chef feels that it is a good thing to learn from the captain.

"Okay, then, chef,"

Vlad pinched the bridge of his nose, and said helplessly, "What did you find?"

"The time for people in this city to leave this city does not seem to be very urgent. All the aftermath work has been done in an orderly manner, and basically nothing of special value is left behind!"

The chef said, "But, the only exception is,"

"It seems that these robots were used as guards in ancient times, and were also used as labor by the people of this ancient city!"


Vlad motioned for the chef to continue, "And then?"

"And then for these ancient people, it seems like a stupid thing to do the labor by yourself instead of putting a convenient robot to use!"

"That's what led to,"

The chef finally said, "Until the last time I left the city, the city's arsenal, or the robot manufacturing factory, was still not destroyed, and the robot soldiers were still being produced!"


Vlad's eyes gradually lit up, "Is the arsenal still there?"

"It looks like this!"

said the chef.

"Uhhahahaha! This is awesome!"

Vlad smiled, "Then what are you waiting for? Take me to see it! This arsenal is very important to our Fire Dragon Pirates!"

"This way, please! Mr. Captain!"

The chef led the way with a chuckle.

"Hey, God, do you want to be together?"

Vlad opened his mouth to Anilu, who was having fun ordering robots to destroy the city, "Go and see the factory where robots are made!"

"Yeah haha!"

Anilu was having a good time~www.readwn.com~ waved his hand to Vlad, indicating that he did not want to go.

Vlad shook his head, didn't care, and followed behind the chef.

It didn't take long to walk, and soon a building that was obviously different from the surrounding dwellings stood in front of Vlad, covering a wide area, the top directly connected to the dome, and several thick stone pillars stood at the huge gate. Just looking at it has a quaint feeling.

"Is it here?"


Vlad didn't stop, and walked into the factory non-stop. It was very empty. The factory was very empty, and there was nothing superfluous.

The moment he walked into this arsenal, Vlad suddenly felt a sense of being out of touch with the times. Obviously, most of the customs were still in the ancient world, but now he saw a very modern scene.

There was almost no obstruction at all. As soon as Vlad came in, he saw what he wanted to see most, and the "humming" machinery was running.

That's one, the production line!

In a production line that covers a large area, parts are manufactured one by one on different machines, then converged under the conveyor belt and transported to another machine.

There, the parts come together and the robots are made one by one!

But that's all there is to it, there is nothing extra for the rest, not even the production materials, and the entire production line will stop running soon.

But, that's enough!

ps: Thanks to the three brothers ‘Yuanbu’, ‘Red and Green and Donkey’ and book friends ‘20170821082514705’ for their rewards, thank you! ps: Thirty chapters still owed

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