Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

: Ancient City - Birka


Vlad is holding a robot in his hand. It is really small, and his height is only about Vlad's knees. Vlad's big hands can directly hold its body.

"This is really—"

Vlad looked disappointed.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

The chef asked curiously that his captain was very happy when he first entered the factory, with the most obvious smile on his face, but soon, as Vlad picked up a robot in his hand After that, the chef found that the expression of Mr. Captain quickly turned gloomy.

"Any questions?"


"Yeah, it's a big problem!"

Vlad let out a slow sigh of relief, "These guys can't be used at all!"

"The ____ does not work?"

The chef asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Isn't it great?"

"Yeah, very good. Even after hundreds of years, these machines can still operate well. The technology of those ancient people who lived here hundreds of years ago is really amazing!"

Vlad exclaimed, "They could easily do things hundreds of years ago that are difficult to achieve even with today's technology!"


the chef asked.

"These machines are not faulty, and the robot soldiers produced are not faulty. It seems that the quality is not much different from the robots we have obtained before!"


Vlad raised a finger and said regretfully, "It's a very troublesome thing!"

"These robots are fine, but they can't be our fighting force!"


The chef was amazed that it was perfectly intact and there was no problem, but why couldn't it be used?

"Because these robots are missing a very important thing!"

Vlad clasped his hand gently, and the robot in his hand opened a hole directly, revealing a gap that was not wide but was undoubtedly empty.

"What's missing here?"

The chef quickly knew what Vlad meant.


Vlad said, "One thing missing! Maybe it should be called an intelligent system? Maybe it should be called a mechanical heart?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, there is one thing you can know. Without that thing, this robot is just a pile of scrap metal!"


The chef smiled bitterly, "We can't create an artificial intelligence that can drive this steel body! That is to say, is this robot soldier factory really useless?"

"Well, you can't say that!"

Vlad showed a smile, "Although it can't be used directly, it can still be used as a spare body for our robot soldiers! Originally I was still thinking, what if those robots were damaged, now it seems that it is good to replace a body It's gone!"

"Ha, isn't the worrying problem solved?"

Vlad said, "I really am the chosen one! If you want to sleep, someone will hand you a pillow!"

"Captain! Mr. Cook! Here you are!"

A very lively voice came from the door, and a girl named Serena jumped in, followed by a maid with a cigarette in her mouth and Anilu, who was full of pride and followed by several robots. .

"Oh, you are here!"

Vlad turned his head and smiled, "How is it? Is there anything to gain?"

He asked about the maid and the musician. These two women were also sent by him to this city to find some useful things. After all, in such a big city, there might be something left behind!

"Is this what the chef found?"

The maid slowly exhaled a smoke ring, "It's really amazing!"


Vlad smiled happily, "The chef is great! To be able to find such a place!"

"Hum! Mr. Captain!"

Serena leaned in front of Vlad and smiled happily, "We found something great too!"


Vlad's eyes lit up.

"Yeah haha!"

Anilu, who followed behind, laughed loudly, "Maybe there is really something big! I ran back in a hurry just now, and let me find you!"

"Huo! Is that so?"

Vlad laughed, "So, what is this amazing discovery?"


This is a place similar to a temple, built on a very high place, and in the very edge of the city, even the dome has risen a lot.

It is completely different from the surrounding stone buildings. This temple, which is tentatively called the temple, is not made of stone, but a metal material similar to black iron, which seems to reveal a sense of ancient and clumsy atmosphere. , the unique but beautiful pattern is engraved on it, it is really a unique building full of the beauty of technology and history.

"Wow wow wow!"

"What an amazing place!"

Vlad stood in the temple with a very excited look in his eyes.

The space inside the temple is very big, really big, but there is nothing there, it is empty, only the empty walls can be seen, and the rest is really nothing!

That's right, this place was definitely a very important place for those ancient people hundreds of years ago. Of course, something could not be left, and it must have been taken away when they moved out of this place at that time.

But even though a lot has been taken away, there is still something left behind.

For example-


The chef stood dumbfounded in front of the tall wall, his eyes widened, looking very surprised.

"Amazing, right?"

Serena stood behind him, as if showing off, "Great, right?"

"Yeah, this is really amazing!"

The chef sincerely praised, "This is true, there is such a thing!"

Shown in the Fire Dragon Pirates are amazing murals, carved on the walls of the temple, very huge, starting from the entrance of the temple and spreading all the way to the other side of the gate, surrounding the entire temple.

"I found something amazing! The maid and the musician lady!"

Vlad stood in front of a mural with his arms folded~www.readwn.com~ It was the first mural attached to the entrance of the temple, Vlad said with a smile.

"Now if I say that the civilization on this moon has nothing to do with Qinghai, I won't believe it if I die!"

Vlad thought to himself as he looked at that pair.

The mural is engraved with the scene of a city, but it doesn't seem to be this one, because this city is not built underground, but exists on the ground. Surrounded by forests and lakes, it has wings. of people making machinery!

This is the content of the first mural.

Below the mural, there is a line of words.

That says-

We grew up here, and here is the capital of the moon - Birka!

Yes, Vlad can understand, understand the words of the moon people hundreds of years ago! ! !

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