Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 437: Creation and big news

"Oh, it's ugly!"

Vlad crossed his arms and said with some disgust, he couldn't help but take two steps back,

"This guy is so ugly!"

It's rare to say something I agree with.

The man standing behind Vlad also took two steps back unconsciously. What appeared in front of him was so ugly that he couldn't bear to look directly.

Really ugly! There are such ugly creatures in the world!

It's not human beings who are shown in front of Vlad. It is impossible for human beings to be so ugly that both Vlad and Sakata can't stand it. A creature that can make Vlad feel ugly and inaccessible is just like that. It was clearly placed in front of him.

In the culture column in front of Vlad, in the dark green culture medium, floating is a creature that Vlad doesn't know at all, or should be said, a creature that has never appeared in this world, with very different in the shape of traditional creatures.

It is very bloated and oddly shaped, similar to a crocodile, but relatively more majestic with six eyes on its head. Although its body is still very young, it can be clearly seen that its stubby mouth has a hideous appearance. 's sharp teeth. Thick scales tightly protect its head, like densely packed pimples, which look very infiltrating.

The neck is covered with a mane-like thing, floating in the culture medium. Vlad can easily notice that these things that look like hair have nothing like hair. , It doesn't look soft at all, but it looks a little pliable.

The body parts are even more peculiar. There is absolutely no body shape that ordinary animals should have. It is a mass of meat that seems to be wriggling. It looks really disgusting.

"Hello, Paso,"

Vlad has always been a good boy to ask questions. When he saw something he didn't know, he subconsciously asked, "Is this thing underdeveloped? It doesn't even have limbs!"

"No, it's already in a complete state!"

Paso's tone was calm, but Vlad, who was very familiar with him, could hear obvious excitement from his words. The experiment that lasted for a long time finally came to fruition. He must be very happy, right?

"Although it looks like this now, but in fact,"

Paso said, "His shape is not fixed!"


Vlad looked a little surprised and said, "Not fixed? What do you mean?"

"it means,"

Standing next to Paso, Mr. Vinsmoke-Gage said with some amazement, "It will change its shape at any time, according to the external environment!"


Vlad's eyes widened involuntarily, isn't that?

"Yes, indeed, it is undeniable,"

Vlad turned his head and saw the feverish light in Gage's eyes, "We have created the most perfect creature in the world!"


"Do not,"

Paso shook his head. Compared to Gage's fanaticism, he was at best a little excited. "It's still far from perfect. It's just a special beast."

"Enough, Paso,"

Vlad smiled, "We are humans, not gods. Imperfection is the most perfect!"

Vlad thinks so, what can be used well for him is perfect, if it is really a perfect creature, like a guy like Uncle Kaz, will he be subservient to him?

"Captain, give it a name!"

Paso said suddenly, "The finished product that was finally made."

"Name, hehe, I'm good at this!"

Vlad smiled, thought for a while, and replied,

"Chimera, let's call it Chimera!"


Paso nodded, he didn't care about that either.

"Blu blu blu!"

It was at this time that the phone bug in Vlad's pocket rang again.

"Yeah~ Are there so many things going on recently?"

Vlad twitched the corners of his mouth, took out the phone bug, and walked out of the laboratory.


"Hey, Tezzolo, what's the big news?"

Vlad asked carelessly, the person on the other side of the phone bug was naturally Tezolo, and he naturally wouldn't feel the slightest restraint when talking to this man.

"This time, it's a truly earth-shattering news!"

Tezolo's voice sounded extremely surprised, and even seemed to be breathing unevenly.


Vlad was taken aback, he couldn't help but be surprised, the news that can make a guy like Tezzolo so moving must not be a trivial matter, just like Tezzolo said, only the real breaking news. To make him move.

"What's the matter?"

Vlad said solemnly, he had a hunch that what Tezzolo would say next would definitely surprise him.

"Vlad, let's cancel the previous plan,"

Vlad clearly heard Tezzolo say, "The situation has suddenly developed in a place we didn't expect!"


Vlad frowned. "What are you talking about? What do you mean by plan?"

"I mean the plan to bring down BIG-MOM can be put on hold for now,"

Tezzolo said solemnly, "Because, we have to prepare for bigger waves!"

"The world! It's going to go wild!"

"In the end what happened?"

Vlad was a little confused, "What do you know?"


Tezzolo let out a slow sigh of relief, calmed down his excitement, and said, "I just got the news too!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are going to war with the Navy!"

That short sentence exploded in Vlad's mind like a bomb.

"What did you say??"

"I also don't believe it, but it is indeed the truth,"

Tezzolo sounded very surprised, "This time, war is inevitable!"

"Because that Fire Fist Ace was arrested!"

"fire punch"

Vlad's eyes widened, "Ace?? Arrested??"

Vlad was a little stunned. Blackbeard was slaughtered by him. How did Ace get arrested? Could it be that someone rushed aboard the Moby Dick and took Ace in front of Whitebeard?

Vlad immediately wanted to slap himself, which no one can do.

"Yes, just a few days ago,"

Tezzolo explained, "Aokiji arrested Fire Fist who returned to Paradise, and that guy is now squatting in the push city!"


Vlad frowned~www.readwn.com~Why did that guy go back to paradise? Also met by Aokiji? "

"If you want to ask why,"

Tezzolo smiled, "Just to find you!"

"Find me?"

Vlad was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately, "Okay, I remember the reason."

Of course he knows the reason. Apart from the dark fruit and Tiki who has become the sun, is there a third idea?

"I'm really surprised, is the government crazy?"

Tezzolo's voice revealed surprise, "They want to publicly execute the Fire Fist. The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy is inevitable. This kind of behavior is meaningless!"

"Even if the Whitebeard Pirates are defeated, what can they do? The new world can't be taken back, and the vacated throne can only intensify the competition of the pirates. Even if Whitebeard dies, there will still be powerful guys on the stage."

Tezzolo said, "The loss of the navy will not be small when the war starts now. Why not wait until the Whitebeard continues to age and lose the combat effectiveness to start the war!"


Vlad blinked,

"The government is really crazy!"

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