Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 438: ready with the current

Just like what Tezzolo said, going to war with the Whitebeard Pirates right now is a nuisance for the navy and for the government.

Contrary to what many people think, the government and the four emperors are not incompatible existences as imagined, and it is the navy, not the government, that is incompatible with the pirates.

For the government, the Four Emperors are not just mere enemies. As the actual rulers of the world, the government's view of problems has been far removed from the level of pure good and evil, camp confrontation, and all the forces that can be used they will not give up.

What does the Four Emperors mean to the government? The Four Emperors are the four largest pirate groups. They are the four mountains that stand on the heads of all pirates. I don’t know how many powerful pirate newcomers have been destroyed in their hands. In a sense, they are still the helpers of the government.

It is no joke that the Four Emperors are one of the three major forces that maintain the balance of the world. Even the strongest navy seems a little powerless in the face of these four sea emperors. So the government recruited Qiwuhai, and the naval headquarters added Qiwuhai to check and balance the four emperors of the new world. This is the balance of the three major forces.

This kind of balance is stable, but it is also fragile. Once one of the four emperors falls, the hyenas at sea will inevitably flood into the sea like crazy, vying for the vacant throne, and the chaos at that time will be more difficult to stop.

Similarly, the weakening of the Four Emperors means a relative strengthening of the naval power, which is not what the government wants to see. For the Navy, it is better to have a strong enemy.

So Tezzolo said, the government is crazy, even if they defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, what can they gain?

Take back the new world? Don't be stupid, the other three emperors are not vegetarian.

Deterring the sea? It's true that this can go a long way to defeating the Whitebeard that Megatron has for decades, the world is bound to boil over something like this, but a false deterrent based on weakening the navy How effective can it be?

Tezzolo had no idea what the government was thinking.

Tezzolo didn't understand it, but Vlad knew it perfectly. The government didn't want to fight Whitebeard, they just wanted to publicly execute Fire Fist Ace, they just wanted to execute One Piece in front of the whole world. It's just descendants, and fighting the Whitebeard Pirates is something they don't want but have to do.

"Got it, Tezzolo,"

Vlad took a deep breath and eased his fluctuating emotions, "The situation is indeed developing in a direction that we cannot control. Originally, I wanted to pull Auntie off the horse first, but now it seems that white The Beard Pirates are going to end first, we have to prepare well,"

"Prepare for what we can do and what we can achieve in this coming storm!"

It was completely beyond Vlad's expectations. After he killed Tiki and took away the Dark Fruit, he originally thought that Ace would stay in the new world honestly, the war would disappear on the top, and Whitebeard would continue to be the sea. The thief's apex crushes everything, and he can get on the cusp before the bigger wave that Whitebeard makes.

However, Ace was caught again by various coincidences. The war was unstoppable. His previous plans could only be put on hold for now. What he should do now is to face this battle and prepare for the huge battle. the arrival of the storm.


At the same time, under the empty island, on the island called Gaya Island, Straw Hat did not know that his relatives had already stepped onto the guillotine, and he was still immersed in his own moving.

"Si, Si, Si Guoyi!!"

The man wearing a straw hat on his head danced with his hands, his eyes seemed to be shining, and his mouth was completely ignoring the laws of the human body.


"Haha, ahaha, Feitian Meri!"

Suddenly, there were tears in the man's eyes, his arms covered his eyes, and the tears were wiped away, but the snot under his nose was equally eye-catching,

"Wow, thank you, Uncle Diamond, thank you for making the Meri so handsome!"

"This kind of thing is a trivial matter-, who is Uncle Diamond!"

The man who was still proud was instantly furious, although his face was similar to a diamond, but how the facts and psychological cognition were completely different concepts, of course he would not think so.

"Stop giving me nicknames! Monkey kid!"

"Who is the monkey!"

On the sea in front of the two of them, the original Straw Hat Pirates' ship, the Golden Meri, has been rigorously refitted by the Saruyama Coalition Army. There are steel bars on the hull to reinforce the hull to prevent the ship from rushing into the sky. It disintegrated under the impact of the ship, with wings-like protrusions on both sides, which can take advantage of the strong wind brought by the ocean current, and the position of the stern also has a tail-like thing, which is to be able to change the direction by adjusting the airflow in the air.

"Little devil, according to my experience, in about half an hour, the current will come,"

Uncle Diamond, the descendant of Wenbulan Rolando, the big talker four hundred years ago, Wenbulan Kulik, the man with a cigarette in his mouth said, "Are you ready?"

"Eh, hee hee,"

Pressing his hand on the straw hat on his head, the straw hat replied, "Of course! The best navigator in the world is on my boat!"

"Hey, that's it!"

Kulick smiled.

"And the world's number one swordsman, the world's number one chef, the world's number one doctor, the world's number one musician, the world's number one archaeologist, and the world's number one lie king!"

The straw hat had a smile on his face, and counted one by one with his fingers.

"Who cares about you! Do these guys have anything to do with whether you can fly to the sky island?"

Kulick violently threw the cigarette **** in his mouth to the ground and crushed him, "And what the **** is that last one!"

"Okay, okay, kid,"

It could be called a face change, and a smile appeared on Kulik's face instantly, "It's almost time, go, you guy, maybe—"

"Hee hee, I will rush to the sky island!"

Straw Hat took a step and walked towards his boat.


"Ah! Do so many people want to go to the island?"

Above the sea, the long-nosed man exclaimed as he looked at the numerous pirate ships on the surrounding sea.

Of course, it's not just the Straw Hat Pirates who want to rush to the sky island. Since the existence of the sky island was proven, and the news that the Golden Land exists in the sky spread, how many people want to go to the sky to find gold. How many.


Slowly blowing out a smoke ring, the man with peculiar curly eyebrows said, "The lure of treasure is completely irresistible to pirates!"

"How come, treasure or something—"

Woman with orange head waving hand.

"Your eyes are completely unconvincing."

The man with the green head leaned on the side of the boat, looking at the ¥ in the woman's eyes and was a little speechless.


Suddenly, the straw hat said so.

"Well? What's coming?"

The long nose looks a little curious.


It was clear that there was no wind, but the waves gradually began to roar on the sea.

"Sea Current,"

Luffy raised his head, his eyes were very firm, "Here!"


The straw hat turned his head, "I'll give it to you!"

"Look at me!"

The woman has a confident smile on her mouth.


In the blink of an eye, the sea was already turbulent, and a huge whirlpool had appeared on the sea surface without warning.

"Wow ah ah!"

"Damn it!!"

Such screams came from all around from time to time. Before the ocean currents appeared directly, there were already quite a few pirate ships that sank in the whirlpool and lost their flying qualifications.

"It's coming!"

Nami, who was carefully observing the direction of the current on the sea, suddenly said loudly, "Sauron, turn the rudder to the right! The current is coming!"


The man with the green head has 100% trust in his partner~www.readwn.com~Boom! ! "

The whirlpool stopped abruptly, and then, in an instant, a huge ocean current surged into the sky, like a divine pillar connecting the sky and the sea, with a large number of pirate ships rushing into the sky!


On the boat in the distance, Vinbulan Kulick, with a cigarette in his mouth, smiled,

"If you have a chance to meet again, tell me the story of the empty island!"

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