Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

: Thor and Chimera and Paso and Jage


In the blue and white lightning beam, the petite monster made a shrill scream, even though the body surface had extremely strong armor, even if this layer of armor was enough to easily block most of the attacks, but in the face of it. This kind of lightning attack is also somewhat powerless.

"Yeah haha!"

In Weipa and Ohm's astonished eyes, a thunder light fell from the sky, hitting the ground heavily, and the man with the upper body naked laughed and appeared in front of them.


Ohm's eyes widened, and a feeling of being after a catastrophe suddenly appeared in his heart, "Lord Anilu!!"

This man was originally one of the four priests under Enilu, and he was very loyal to Enilu. Even now that he has become a subordinate of the Fire Dragon Pirates, this guy has different feelings for Enilu.


Ai Nilu didn't care about Ohm's reaction, and turned around angrily, with a cold expression on his face, "You guys, are you being forced to this point so easily? What a joke, the captain will let you all bear the burden. After the task of guarding the shrine, is that how you stick to it? That group of pirates from Qinghai didn't stop them, and they have nothing to do with such a guy?"

Without the slightest relief, Anilu rebuked indifferently, "This is too ugly! If you accept the captain's mission with such a conscientious mind, then let me destroy you all, Fire Dragon Pirates. Tuan, you don't need guys like you!"

"...Sir Anilu..."

Ohm lowered his head, completely speechless in the face of the man's scolding.


The thunder light dissipated, and the six arms of the charred Chimera shrank back, lying on the ground like a gecko, the six blood-red eyes stared at Anilu, and the mouth seemed to be warning sharp. The roar, the amazing situation is that this guy's injuries are recovering visibly to the naked eye, far faster than the recovery speed of the Divine Soldier team.


Anilu didn't care about the Chimera, who was extremely powerful for the Shenbing team, this man was very dissatisfied with the performance of the Shenbing team, "This thing is very good for you, it's not something you can take lightly. The guy who defeated, but, that's not an excuse!"


Perhaps he noticed Anilu's ignorance, or perhaps he realized that this was a good opportunity. Chimera jumped up, his mouth wide open, and the arc of the opening exceeded ordinary people's imagination. This guy's mouth began to expand, It got bigger and bigger, until the mouth had far exceeded its own volume, until it was able to bite off half of Enilo's body in one bite.


Anilu's body disappeared instantly, and Chimera's six eyes stared blankly, not understanding what was going on.


Chimera's eyes seemed to protrude from their sockets. The originally wide mouth was now tightly closed. A big foot fell from the sky and stepped heavily on its head, and the huge head was directly stepped into the ground. , the dense cracks spread on the ground.

"When God speaks,"

Anilu said condescendingly, "Keep me humble! Bugs!"


Lightning soared into the sky.


Ohm, who has been with Anilu the longest and knows the man's temper the best, swallowed a spit involuntarily. Lord Anilu seems to be really in a bad mood now?

"This guy is strong, yes,"

Enel said, "But why can't you be stronger?"

Weipa stood up straight, his face a little ugly.

"Remember, idiots,"

Anilu looked around, looked at the somewhat ashamed Divine Soldier team, and said loudly, "As a member of the Fire Dragon Pirates, as a person who follows the captain, you guys are never allowed to be weak! Only the weak, this is the Never allowed!"


Jingu, belonging to Paso's laboratory.

"Blu blu blu!"

The laboratory, which was still somewhat silent, suddenly sounded some sharp chirping sounds.


Gaji picked up the phone bug in his hand with anticipation on his face.

"How is it? Sanji? Are you done? Have you got it?"


There was silence, and no one spoke.


Jiaji was suddenly very flustered. Originally, he wanted Sanji to help him take back his and other people's hearts from Dino's hands. I have to say, this is really a very risky thing, but Jiaji Zhi thinks that Sanji is likely to succeed, and he is very clear about the friendship between Sanji and Dino.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gage,"

There was such a voice suddenly from the opposite side. The voice of the young man was not Sanji's voice, but the voice of that man named Croft Dino!

"If Sanji is going to meet the captain with me, come over quickly too!"


Gage's eyes widened, the phone's microphone could no longer be held, and he fell heavily to the ground.

"Better hurry up, Mr. Gage,"

Dino finally said, "Your behavior makes the captain very unhappy. If you don't want to die, you'd better come over and apologize to the captain immediately."


The chef hangs up.


Jiazhi was dumbfounded, speechless, there was no doubt that the plan was completely shattered, and even, was it all exposed at the very beginning? So, are all your activities carried out under the gaze of the fire dragon?

"That bastard!"

Gage suddenly cursed loudly~www.readwn.com~ Tears flowed from his eyes, "That bastard! Fire dragon! Fire dragon! Are you playing with me as a monkey???"

"Lord Gage, we, we,"

Compared with Jiazhi's anger, the other white coats were already frightened. Such behavior was discovered by the fire dragon, and it was impossible to guess what would happen to them.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"Really, what are you arguing about!"

It was very abrupt, such a voice came from one side, and Paso, who had been concentrating on experimenting, was startled by Jage's roar.

"It's all you! It's all you!"

Noticing Paso, Gage seemed to have a vent, rushed forward, grabbed Paso's collar, and said loudly, "You bastard, you bastard, it's all because of you!! Wen Smoke! O Vinsmoke! O Vinsmoke!"


Paso, who was dangling, looked puzzled, "What are you talking about?"

"Fire Dragon Pirates!!"

Gage shoved Paso to the ground heavily, his eyes were fierce, like an evil spirit.

"Oh, right,"

As if remembering something, Paso took out an injection, inserted it into his body, and stood up, "The captain asked Anilu to tell me, let me fix you, and almost forgot. , Thank you, Gage, if you forget it, you will definitely be scolded by the captain again."


Gage was a little confused.


The body was pulled up suddenly, and Paso's shadow had already covered Jage's body.

"So, please grit your teeth and persevere!"

"Mr. Gage!"

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