Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 461: howl

Vlad was a little surprised, one hand was tearing at his face, and there was no power. Vlad could smell the strong smell of blood, which is of course, because the owner of this hand is now covered with blood , It is estimated that there must be a big bowl of blood flowing from his mouth.

What a tenacious guy, Vlad couldn't help but think that even though he already understood the strength gap between the enemy and us, he would not give up and still dare to charge his opponent. Is this kind of mentality to be praised or not? critical?

Vlad's thinking has even diverged to such a point that he launches an attack on an opponent he absolutely cannot win. Is this approach good or bad? Honestly, this is really stupid, death is the most horrible thing in the world, it takes everything, no matter how noble a person is, no matter how powerful he has, no matter what he has acquired No matter what kind of wealth he has, as long as death comes, everything will leave him, this is really a simple truth.

And behavior like the straw hat is courting death! It is the most stupid behavior. Everyone knows that it is really stupid to seek death, so,


Vlad threw the straw hat aside and said so, but in fact he had a smile on his face, "How stupid! Straw hat!"

But he didn't hate such stupidity.

If this man is his partner, Vlad thinks so, if he is this guy's partner, and in order to protect himself, this man is willing to bet everything on him, if that's the case, this guy is not very good ? Vlad really hated such a guy.


With some difficulty retracting his hands, his hands rested on the ground, and the straw hat tried to stand up again.


However, he didn't do such a thing. The man slipped his hand and fell to the ground weakly, lying on the ground gasping for breath. To be honest, when he fought Aniluo before, the man didn't keep his hand. Wrapped in a domineering blow, it slammed heavily on the head, and there is no need to say what kind of damage it will cause. Then he was beaten by Weipa, and finally he directly faced a monster like Vlad. His physical strength is early. It's already overdrawn.

"Oh~ finally can't get up?"

Vlad smiled and took two steps forward, looking at the straw hat condescendingly, "Really, you are obviously weak, but you are more difficult than many opponents I have met in the past!"


Vlad raised his eyebrows, and a hand mixed with blood had quietly held his ankle, "Do you want to continue?"

"Take it, Robin,"

Vlad saw it, the man turned his head with great effort, and his whole body was trembling even if he turned his head, but the guy turned his head desperately, his eyes fixed on his own eyes, the eyes There is not the slightest cowardice in him, some are just firm, as if, now he is not knocked to the ground by himself, but he is the victor, really, how,

What a beautiful look! Manly spirit, but that's it!

"give me back!!"


Vlad was startled, "What am I doing? Uhhahaha!! Uhhahaha! What the **** am I doing! Isn't this stupid?"

Vlad suddenly laughed, shaking his feet lightly and breaking away from the straw hat's hand, he suddenly felt amused, he felt amused, "Really, Vlad, what the **** are you doing, you idiot? Not long ago. Do you know what this man looks like? Uhahahaha!! Isn't this something I already knew? So what are you expecting?"

"Have you bet everything for your partner? Such a spirit,"

Vlad put away the smile on his face and said solemnly, "I'll admit it! Straw Hat Luffy, you guy is indeed an amazing man! He can be called an opponent by me, my Fire Dragon Vlad. man!"



The flames shot up into the sky. Vlad's arm was completely covered with scales. The flames shot up into the sky. He smiled, "Let me give you a serious death! I won't underestimate you any more!"

Vlad admits that he really has the mentality of showing off in front of the straw hat. It is indeed a great feeling that the original protagonist is blown away by himself. However, this kind of mentality is not what Vlad should have. , to fail without being discouraged, to win without being humiliated, this is the attitude that a king should have, so because the other party is special, he will have a sense of accomplishment because of the abuse of vegetables, so, isn't it too ugly?


Vlad stretched out his right hand to the straw hat, the flames began to gather in his palm, and an extremely bright fireball appeared in his hand, "Is there anything else you want to say? Monkey? D? Luffy, the end of life. , is there anything else you want to say?"

Since it is an approved opponent, there is no such thing as showing mercy, even if this man is his ally, Dorag's son, even if he is the benefactor Sabo's younger brother, even if Sabo has promised to make him cry. Thanks to myself, even if it is like this, if the opponent is to be completely defeated, isn't this a natural thing?

Ferdinando Vlad, now I just want to kill this noble man in front of me! Any stay is just an insult!


Even if the body is completely overdrawn, it stands to reason that this man will no longer have the strength to stand up. However, this man still stands up, the body is overdrawn, and the spirit is broken, but as long as the heart is still beating The pursuit will not stop~www.readwn.com~ is my partner! Give her back to me! "

"Okay, then I'll-"

"Enough! Enough! Enough!"

Just when Vlad wanted to say something, a sudden scream interrupted his words. Vlad turned his head and looked to the side, quietly watching the woman he was fighting with the straw hat fell to the ground. When, tears had filled her cheeks.

"Enough, enough! Enough! Why? Why!"

Vlad swore that he never thought this woman would be so out of control, "Why? Why do this for someone like me? I'm the child of the devil, the one cursed by the world, with me People will only be hurt, I will not trust anyone, and no one will believe me, I am a woman who treats betrayal as simple as eating and drinking, and I am on your boat just to protect myself and only But for your intelligence, I will betray you soon, a guy like me, a guy like me,"

Under Vlad's gaze, the woman cried hoarsely, "Why are you so obsessed with me!! Why are you doing this for me! Are you all idiots?"

"Because, because, because, Robin, Robin is, mate,"

The man's voice was very soft, but it got louder and louder. At the end, it was a cry of strength, and it was already a declaration resounding through the sky, "Because, Robin is my partner!!"


After the age of eight, the woman who had never felt the warmth again widened her eyes, and then,

"Wow wow wow!!"

It was like crying like a child. Who would have thought that this 28-year-old beauty would have a time when her crying face was a mess.

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