Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 515: The power of legend

"Ski! That lunatic!"

On the execution stand, Garp gritted his teeth.

"Golden Lion, what does the Golden Lion want to do!"

On the square, the faces of the more than 100,000 navy soldiers turned pale. They couldn't help but be afraid. A thick shadow had already shrouded the square. , once it is smashed, let alone the naval soldiers, even Malin Fando will be smashed into the seabed by himself, and the end of the naval headquarters is at hand.

"What a madman,"

Beside the golden lion, Earl Red smiled, "I won't accompany you to go crazy! Go down and catch up with old friends first!"


Regardless of being at an altitude of several hundred meters, Ryder jumped and jumped straight down. For such a guy, such a height is really nothing, even if he is not armed, it will not hurt. .

"Damn it, Golden Lion, stop!"

"What exactly do you want to do??"

Behind the golden lion, the expressions of the prisoners on the sixth floor changed greatly. The fact that the Red Earl could easily jump from here did not mean that they could also do it.

"Yes, are you going to fall?"

"It's dead! It's dead! This time it's dead!!"

The Straw Hat Pirates were terrified.

"Don't be stupid, do you think you can stop this man?"

Crocodile with a cigar in his mouth sneered, "Stop being self-righteous! If you really want to live, you might as well just jump off!"

"Isn't there a big hole down there?"

Crocodile sneered, "Maybe he will survive! Of course, there will be no chance after a while!"

"Jie ha ha ha ha! Crocodile boy,"

The golden lion laughed loudly, "You're quite an interesting kid!"


The sand crocodile snorted coldly, turned into gravel in the sky, and floated downwards. As a natural power user, of course there is no saying that he was killed by falling.


Gritting his teeth, the green-haired swordsman said so.


The orange-haired Miss Navigator was already stunned.

"Is there no other way now?"

The curly-browed cook said.


After a moment of silence, the man with the long nose gathered up his courage, "Jump!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Along with a few screams, the Straw Hat gang jumped straight down.

"Jie hahahaha!! Straw hat kid's partner? What an amazing group of guys!"

The golden lion laughed.


"Golden Lion, remember it for me!"

"Sooner or later I will kill you!"

Leaving the whining of the defeated dog like this, the rest of the prisoners had no choice but to jump down.

"Who cares about you?"

The golden lion said with a smile, and then with a wave, the advancing city, which had been floating above the square, suddenly stopped.

Above the square, the sky was completely darkened, and the entire Marin Van Doo was covered by shadows.

"This is, this is, what is it!!"

"It's over! It's over!"

"Is this the power of the Golden Lion!!"

"It's terrible! We are not on the same level as him at all!"

As if the end had come!

"Hey, Dad!"

Flapping his wings, Marco gently landed on Whitebeard's side, "If it really falls down, we'll be doomed too!"

Yes, the size of the advancing city is indescribable, and it can be described as an island. Of course, there is no need to say much about the consequences of such a huge thing falling from a height of hundreds of kilometers.

"It's really an old lion. Did he make such a big noise as soon as he got out?"

Whitebeard laughed.


A dark shadow fell heavily on the ice in front of the Moby Dick, and the huge impact instantly knocked off the surrounding pirates, and then,


Without the slightest pause, at the moment when the vibration appeared, the black shadow jumped up, streaked across the sky, and landed gently beside Whitebeard.

"It's been a long time, Newgate!"

"Cut, it's not dead yet! Ryder!"


"Jie ha ha ha ha!!"

Above the sky, the golden lion laughed loudly, "Take this gift well! Warring States! Old mad dog!!"

With a slight flip of the palm of the hand, the fluttering force acting on the advancing city was instantly dissipated, and the power that could make this huge prison lose its gravity and float above the sky was instantly lost. Gravity was once again involved in this huge prison. 's prison.


In just an instant, this big prison has already fallen towards the bottom, and the prisoners and jailers who are still in the prison have realized what it feels like to be weightless. As for their life and death, the golden lion doesn't care at all.


Before it fell, the huge wind pressure was already on Marin Fando.

"Warring States!"

The naval hero pulled his neckline and said loudly.



The huge Buddha soared into the sky. Although he was huge, he could still use the moon steps to soar into the sky, but every time he took a step, an air cannon would be blasted in the air. This kind of power was really amazing.


A low voice sounded. Facing the huge prison that fell from the sky, Sengoku had no intention of keeping his hands. If he kept his hands, the navy might be destroyed.

He patted his hands forward, and the invisible shock wave spewed out like a landslide and tsunami, hitting the waist of the advancing city that fell from the sky.


Visible to the naked eye, the speed of advancing the city's descent suddenly stagnated.

"Drink ah ah ah!!"

Just being slow is not enough, the weight of the advancing city is mainly falling, and it is enough to shatter everything without the need for a height bonus! Warring States shouted loudly, and all the strength in the body was forced out, and then, an astonishing scene appeared!


"Yes, it's the Warring States Marshal!"

"It really stopped!!"

The navy in the square is boiling, it is really amazing power! It is worthy of being a legend on the sea. The furious Whitebeard can smash Marin Fando in half with a full punch. Of course, the Warring States period will not be much weaker. The two of them have been old rivals since Roger's time.

However, stopping is also not enough. Sengoku can temporarily stop advancing the city, but it cannot stop forever.



Sengoku shouted!

In fact, there is no need for him to talk nonsense, the hero Garp on the execution platform has already jumped up, and at the same time, another black shadow has risen from behind the execution platform, and the majestic figure has a serious expression on his face.

"Drink ah ah ah!"


Two dark fists slammed heavily on the waist of the push city, and the majestic power exploded instantly.

"Drink ah ah ah!!"

Behind the two of them, the Warring States shouted again, and the power of the shock wave increased again! The power of the three people acted on the advancing city at the same time, and the terrifying power gathered together!

Immortal Stone Warring States, Black Wrist Zefa, Iron Fist Karp! The navy legends who fought together in the previous era burst into their brilliance! Even if you are old, you still have the power to shake the world!


The direction of the movement of the advancing city suddenly changed, such a terrifying force broke out, and this huge prison was blasted out! !

The huge black shadow crossed the square, crossed the harbor, and fell toward the sea outside the harbor!

"Ahhhhh!! It's Lieutenant General Garp!"

"And Mr. Black Wrist!"

"Propulsion City was blasted away!!"

Really when the navy cheers, aboard the Moby Dick.

"Dad, if it falls, the pirates behind will be wiped out!"

Marco said anxiously, the place where the advance city was about to fall was where the pirates affiliated to the Whitebeard Pirates were.

"It can't fall!"

Whitebeard clenched his fists tightly~www.readwn.com~ The terrifying power gathered in his fists, and before he could raise his fists, the surrounding air began to crumble.

"To my father!"

"Go away!"

Whitebeard roared, and both fists blasted out at the same time, like a flower! A huge air crack spreads! The terrifying fluctuations blasted towards the advancing city above the sky.


The advancing city above the sky began to vibrate violently, and the terrifying force acted on it. The advancing city, which had already been exhausted, flew forward again, directly passing the pirates.


Whitebeard let out a sigh of relief, an abnormal flush flashed across his face.


Shining brilliance flickers.

"Oh oh oh!"

The very wretched man's voice sounded, "There is a flaw! Whitebeard!"

"Eight-foot Joan—"



The domineering long legs wrapped in a strong armed color have already slammed into the hands of the yellow monkey. Although the domineering defense was used in time, the powerful force still blasted the man out. This is this war, and the first yellow monkey. Bombed a second time.


The light that Kiabou transformed into blasted directly into the building complex of the Navy headquarters, causing a huge explosion.


"Little devil!"

Gently landed on the ground, the man named Baroric Redfield raised his head and said softly,

"Too arrogant!"

This is a performance belonging to the legends!


Please order all in one wave. Recently, the increase in all bookings has been very slow. I have worked so hard, but the old buddies are not good enough! In addition, I don't know if pirated friends can see it, let's come to the starting point to support a wave, fan writers rely on love to generate electricity, life is not easy!

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