Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 516: fighting! fighting! !


The earth-shattering sound exploded like thunder!

The huge propelling city smashed into the sea. Of course, it was not unresponsive. The huge waves that rose from the sky were accompanied by strong vibrations! In terms of scale, it has surpassed the huge seaquake created by Whitebeard before.

In the harbor, the frozen ice surface began to shatter. The strong vibrations brought about more than just such consequences. Across a defensive wall, the navy soldiers inside the square also felt unstable, and many fell to the ground. .


Not only that, a huge wave slapped, and another huge tsunami that could drown the naval headquarters!

Of course, the tsunami this time was the first to bear the brunt of the Whitebeard Pirates who stood in front of the Navy, especially the affiliated pirates, who were originally blocked from the harbor. It can be said that the first target of the giant waves was them. .


Whitebeard's face is not good-looking, and he has no good way to do it now. His strength is very strong, and it is not impossible to smash the giant waves. However, what stopped him and the giant waves, It is the pirate group under his command, do you want him to blast off his followers along with the waves?

It was at the moment of hesitation that the waves had already swept in, and the pirate group on the periphery suddenly fell into pieces, swept up by the waves, and swept toward the naval warships that were blocking the harbor.



The cold air spread, and the turbulent waves had turned into an ice wall before blinking, blocking the entrance to the sea of ​​Marin Fando. Of course, Qingzhi could watch Whitebeard's subordinates being affected by the waves, but it involved his own people. Of course not.

"Yeah, ah, it's really scary!"

The photons gathered again, and there was no injury on the body, but the dusty yellow ape once again appeared beside his comrade-in-arms, with a distressed expression on his face, "Really, it was a good opportunity just now!"

"I won't give you a chance to play tricks this time,"

Akainu said, "Don't forget, the Red Hair Pirates haven't debuted yet!"

"What did I hear?"

Doflamingo on the side laughed in a low voice, "Isn't the intended enemy only the Whitebeard Pirates? This is different from what we said! General Akainu!"

"Don't worry about anything else, Flamingo,"

Akainu said solemnly, "Just do your own thing!"

"嗈嗈嗈! This war is really not in vain! Will it become more exciting?"

Doflamingo smiled, "Hey, Hawkeye, you're just waiting for the redhead, right?"


Hawkeye did not speak.

"嗈嗈嗈! Then I'll go play first!"

The flamingo turned into a big bird and flew to the battlefield.


With a soft sound, the bear also disappeared in place.

"It's so boring!"

Taking a leap, the Empress jumped off the surrounding wall.

Qiwuhai, dispatch!


"Jie ha ha ha ha! You did a really good job!"

Flying in the air, the golden lion laughed loudly, "Warring States, the old mad dog, and Zefa, oh, and Newgate, they are all a group of old men who are still so energetic!"

"Wuhaha, this sentence is a bit wrong from the predecessors!"

Vlad flew beside the golden lion and smiled, "You are the most energetic one!"


"I'm going to Newgate to catch up!"

The golden lion turned and flew away.

"Hey, I'll go too!"

Vlad flapped his wings and followed, "Isn't it a pity that a guy like Whitebeard doesn't have to deal with him once?"


"Golden Lion, Ryder, and that kid Fire Dragon!"

On the execution platform, the three pillars of the navy of the previous era stood side by side, Zefa said solemnly, "It's not an ordinary trouble!"

"There will be a redhead later!"

Sengoku, who had recovered his human form, said, "It will be more troublesome! So, before it becomes more troublesome, we must make the trouble a little less!"

"Is it almost? Because of the waves just now, the pirates in the outer sea have almost been wiped out, which is a good thing for us! Let's start!"

"Cut off the live broadcast! Let the navy on the ice retreat!!"


Above the harbor, after the previous big prison fall, the pirates and the navy fought together again! The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates led the pirates from the New World to fight with the navy elites led by the lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters. Now, there is absolutely no competitiveness for the top cadres of the Four Emperors, so they can only fight with senior cadres like the captain.

"go to hell!"

There is no need for any mercy, the long sword in the pirate's hand has been slashed towards the woman's head, even such a beautiful woman, but there is absolutely no need for mercy! This is war!

"fall back!"

The woman drank lowly all her life, and two red light **** had already slammed into the pirate. In the blink of an eye, the hideous pirate had turned into a child, holding a long sword that was too big for him. Like, and then, a slender leg has been blasted on his head! The little child was completely unable to resist such power, and had already been blasted out.

"Damn! Fire Dragon!!"

The woman is full of malice towards that man.


"Jie ha ha ha ha! Newgate,"

The golden lion fell from the sky with a smile, "It's really old and outrageous!"

"Cut, you bastard,"

Whitebeard grinned, "Wouldn't it be better to just stay in the advance city and wait for death?"

"This can't be done! Senior Whitebeard,"

Vlad followed the Golden Lion and landed on the deck of the Moby Dick, smiling, "I wouldn't watch Senior Golden Lion just die in prison like this! It's not surprising that a hero on the sea would have such an outcome. So sad!"

"Tsk, fire dragon kid?"

Whitebeard's eyes moved to Vlad's body, "What a long-awaited meeting! That guy Titch has been killed by you, right?"

"Well, yes!"

Vlad nodded in response.


A huge sound rang out. On the wall where Qiwuhai stood, a solid wall began to rise, and the incomparably huge wall had completely surrounded the Crescent Harbor~www.readwn.com~ oh oh oh! It is completely surrounded! "

Vlad smiled, the arrangement of the navy was no different from the plot.


The continuous sound and the volcanic bombs rising into the sky brought amazing heat.

"Jie ha ha ha ha! Do you want to smash the sea in the harbor? Don't you care about your own people? Are there any retreating navies? It's amazing! This guy from the Warring States period—"

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

The ice surface shattered instantly, and the fiery volcanic bomb had both a strong temperature and a huge impact force, easily shattering the solid ice surface.

The harbor is boiling in an instant!

In an instant, both the pirates and the navy suffered heavy casualties! Of course, what is even worse is the pirates. The pirates really have no place to stay. The navy has evacuated a lot before, and they can go ashore after retreating.


The huge volcanic bomb easily shattered the remaining three large ships of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then slammed towards the last ship, the Moby Dick.


A heavy punch slammed out, the air burst, and the volcanic bombs shattered, turning into small volcanic bombs and scattered.

"What a terrifying power!"

Vlad smiled, the power of the shaking fruit is really powerful.

"The ice is melting!"

Whitebeard smashed the volcanic bomb with one blow, and immediately realized that this was also a good opportunity, "Put the ship directly ashore!!"

The huge ship is moving!


It was at this time that a guy covered in water came to the Moby Dick.

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