Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 722: Destroy the BIG-MOM Pirates! !

"Navy! Let's go to war!"

Vlad said so.

Compared with the beginning, the current battlefield has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the comparison of combat power has already tilted towards the Fire Dragon Pirates.

The main combat power on the navy side is that Admiral Fujitora smiled, the alternate Admiral Chadou added, plus the five elite lieutenant admirals, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Stoloberg, and Dalmesia.

And now the main combat power of the Fire Dragon Pirates is the Captain of the Fire Dragon Pirates, the Four Emperors, the Fire Dragon Vlad, and secondly, the Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army, the most dangerous criminal in the world, the Revolutionary Army, the dragon, and then, the The monsters of the Fire Dragon Pirates, the magic chef Dino, the swordsman Sakata, the ship doctor Luo, and ten Chimeras are added to the main combatants. In terms of advanced combat power, the Fire Dragon Pirates have an advantage.

"Is this the end result? The government's plan seems to have failed completely!"

Tea dolphin frowned and said, "Although Anilu and Baby-5 are not there, in fact, after adding Moria Jinbei and even Dorag, what we are facing is a strengthened Sea of ​​Four Emperors. Band of thieves?"

In fact, the configuration of a standard Four Emperor Pirates is one emperor plus three top cadres, plus several senior officers, while the Fire Dragon Pirates have two emperors, the top cadre chefs, There are four Sakata, Moria, and Jinping, and even Luo's strength has reached this level, and then the senior cadre Chimera can completely top it. From this point of view, the naval combat power is really not enough.

Even if Fujitora can withstand Vlad Dorag, the chef below Sakata Moria Jinpei has no one to deal with. The lieutenant generals will not be able to handle the Chimeras who have an absolute advantage in numbers. .

Therefore, the current situation is that the navy, which has been prepared for a long time, has fallen behind and is in a disadvantaged position.

"It's the worst possible situation!"

Fujitora frowned, "There is no doubt about the strength of the enemy. Now it's our turn to have insufficient combat power. If we are a little careless, we may be the ones who encounter the disaster!"


For a while, the atmosphere was a little silent, and the admirals of the navy were speechless, and even those of the most steadfast and righteous faith would admit that they had indeed fallen into an embarrassing disadvantage now.

"Let's end here?"

Suddenly, someone said, "This time the incident will end here, I said, if it continues, it will be bad for both parties?"


Vlad raised his eyebrows, his expression not showing any expression of anger and anger, "Mr. Kuzan, I guess you helped us before I came back, right?"

"Yes, Captain,"

On the big ship in the sky, the chef said with a smile, "Thanks to Mr. Kuzan, otherwise, Mr. Jack might have gone to heaven by now!"

"Oh! That's really helpful, eh,"

Vlad laughed, "It's a pity that Mr. Jack is dead now."

"Yeah, I think so too,"

Kuzan nodded, "So, Fire Dragon, how about just ending here?"

"To be honest, that's an excessive request."

Vlad frowned and said, "Mr. Kuzan, they are the navy, we are pirates, we are naturally opposed groups, and now is the best opportunity to weaken the Navy headquarters, a navy admiral, an alternate General, plus the five elite lieutenant generals of the headquarters, if these forces add up, if we can directly destroy them, the naval headquarters will no longer be out of reach for us!"


Kuzan pursed his lips, "That means—"

"it means,"

Vlad smiled and grinned, "I promise!"

"—Really, Fire Dragon,"

Kuzan looked a little headache, "He's a guy who will always surprise people!"


Vlad smiled, then turned his head, "So General Fujitora, what do you mean by your side?"

"Naturally there is no reason to disagree!"

Fujitora is not a stubborn person. He won't do what he can't do. He knows that if he really wants to fight now, he will never be an opponent. Even if he and Chagu can run away, the remaining The navy and the lieutenant generals were left with only their lives.

"Mr. Smile!"

Behind Fujitora, Admiral Huoyaoshan looked worried, "Such a thing—"

"It's ok,"

Fujitora shook his head, "If this situation continues, we won't have any good results. After returning, I will be responsible for the resistance. If there is anything wrong with our marshal, let him come to me!"

"Then come here!"

Vlad said casually, "Navy, take your menacing approach and go back to me honestly! Remember it for me,"

"This time, I'm the one who let you guys down in the face of Mr. Kuzan! Understand?"

Vlad raised his head and grinned, "I let you go!"

"You bastard!"

The ghost spider couldn't hold back his body at all, and the long knife in his hand was already clenched.


The purple halo acted on him, and Fujitora said softly, "Stop it, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, there is no need to continue fighting!"


The ghost spider still wants to argue~www.readwn.com~ Compared with unnecessary face disputes, I think the life of a soldier is more important! "

Fujitora said this, and with a slight wave of the staff and sword in his hand, everyone around him flew up and floated towards the naval battleship in the sky.

"This is the end!"

The chef gently landed on Vlad's side and smiled, "I thought there would be a more drastic result."

"It's just not there yet,"

Vlad said, "Is that so?"


Drago said with a smile, "It's not an illusion, I think that Mr. Laugh may also be our comrade!"

"You are not alone!"

Vlad smiled.

Of course, the reason why the navy is really let go is not just Kuzan's face, but more importantly, of course, because if you really go to war with the navy, the losses will be huge. You know, not all crises have been solved now, there is still a big BIG ?MOM Pirates are waiting for Vlad, and now is not the time to go to war with the Navy.

Moreover, Vlad thinks so, maybe the man named Yixiao will become their comrade-in-arms in the end.

"So, Captain, what will happen next?"

The chef asked, "Anilu and the others are dealing with the BIG?MOM pirates!"


Vlad smiled, with a look of anticipation in his eyes, "I think so many years of patience are enough, and I'm a little impatient. This time,"

"Just destroy the BIG?MOM pirates!"

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