Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 723: Great retreat

The battle is still going on. The battle between the Fire Dragon Pirates and the big?mom Pirates is still going on. The battle between Vlad and the Navy and CP is indeed over. Barr was directly killed by him. And Fujitora chose to retreat. The battle on both sides was indeed over, but on the other side, the battle was not over yet.

It's a little unbelievable to say. Although the two sides of the battle are the Big?mom Pirates and the Fire Dragon Pirates, there is nothing wrong with the Four Emperor Pirates, but in fact, the big?mom Pirates are the ones who really participated in the battle. On one side, there was only Charlotte Lingling, but at the same time, the only people on the side of the Fire Dragon Pirates who participated in the battle were Shanlei Enilu and the armed maid baby-5. After all, this time the battle of Fire Dragon Sea The band of thieves also fought on three sides at the same time. The opponents were two generals from the Navy Headquarters plus one alternate general at the top of cp0. The cards in their hands were really stretched.

Therefore, I can only show a little contempt for this Four Emperor Pirates, and only sent two people to fight the big?mom Pirates. I have to say, this is really an arrogant thing. , even if the main body of the implementation is the Fire Dragon Pirates, such behavior is too contemptible.

However, the actual situation is that such an arrogant battle was successful. Anilu and baby-5 really successfully contained the big?mom pirates. I have to say that the real war in the world is really It's not just about the hard power of the two sides. The super mobility and beyond line-of-sight attack ability possessed by Anilu and the maid is too difficult for the big?mom pirates. s method.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

With such a loud roar, the woman named Simuji was already tall and tall, and the long sword in her hand swung violently, and the strong slash mixed with a strange force shot up into the sky, directly smashing a series of in the sky. Missiles smashed.

"Where did the attack come from!"

The woman roared like this, the battle has been going on for a long time, and the only ship on her side has been bombed, and only this main ship is left, but she doesn't even know where the opponent is. This is for the usually lawless big? Mom Pirates, for the children of the Charlotte family, this is really unbearable.

"Brother Katakuri,"

Smoothie turned around and said loudly, "Can't you think of a way?"

"Even if you say so,"

On the other side, the huge pirate ship, the bow of the new Queen Mother Anthem, a man named Charlotte Katakuri threw a lump of rice cakes to block a thunder, and said loudly, "Even me, It's hard to detect an attack from such a distance!"


With a wave of his hand, the wall made of candy rose directly into the sky, turning into an indestructible shield, directly blocking the whistling shells.

"Is it confirmed? It's Vlad's maid, baby-5, and Shanlei Anilu! Although these two guys already knew that they were difficult to deal with, they never thought that they would be so difficult to deal with. !"


Just clapping their hands lightly, dozens of biscuit soldiers have formed on the deck, and they are heading towards the thundering cannonballs roaring in the sky one after another.

The man named Charlotte Cricket gritted his teeth, "How long will this situation last?"


"Dust Slash Dance!"

With such a low shout, the tall figure rose into the sky, easily smashing the numerous cannonballs that fell from the sky, "The problem now is,"


The man landed on the deck and spit out a mouthful of blood unconsciously, but he didn't care at all, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth casually, and the man named Ai Ben whispered, "What's going on with Mom? already?"

"If we continue to stay here, we will be too passive!"

"Hey! Ai Ben, didn't you say you were not allowed to fight?"

Behind Ai Ben, a woman named Garret grabbed his arm and said loudly, "You bastard, do you just want to die?"

"Hello, Garrett,"

The man with a long tongue, Perospero looked a little speechless, "Eben is also a warrior of our Charlotte family!"

"Shut up! Brother Perros,"

Garrett's eyes were like those of an evil spirit, "It's not like you don't know what Aiben's physical condition is. He was taken fifty years of his lifespan by his mother!"

"It's obviously not his fault! Isn't he the one who has been working hard?"


Whether it's Perospero or Katakuri, whether it's Cracker or Smoothie, everyone unconsciously fell into silence. Eben's misfortune is precisely because the hegemony of the Dragon Pirates was established more than a year ago. Although the defeat of the big?mom pirates was due to Charlotte Lingling herself, this woman, the leader of the family, would of course not take responsibility for herself, so Ai Ben, who was deeply trusted by her, could only take the blame.


Ai Ben said loudly, "Don't talk! Since it is a family member, I don't think there is a problem with this kind of dedication!"

"Where did such a truth come from!"

Garrett's eyes were full of tears, "Is that the so-called family members? Katakuri brother, your injuries are still okay!"


Katakuri was silent.

With a man named Ai Ben as a fulcrum, the family relationship seems to be less harmonious than it used to be.

"Urgent news! Urgent news!"

A man named Charlotte Mundo suddenly rushed out of the cabin with a panicked expression on his face, "Brother Katakuri! Navy, retreat!"


Katakuri was startled and almost let a lightning strike on the deck, "What happened?"

"The specifics are not clear, but what is clear is,"

Mondor's head was covered in cold sweat, and he knew exactly what this situation meant, "Admiral Fujitora has returned with the naval fleet that was supposed to attack the Fire Dragon Kingdom!"

"No way??"

Blue veins burst on the back of Perospero's hand, "How on earth did that kid Vlad do it? Did the Navy just give up?"

"No, I can't wait any longer,"

Katakuri said loudly, "Our current situation is too passive. The navy has retreated now. If we wait for Vlad to come over, we will only be destroyed here!"

"Bree! Bray!"

Katakuri said so loudly~www.readwn.com~ eh? Brother Katakuri? "

Some dazed, branch-like women emerged from the cabin, "Call me?"


Katakuri said loudly, "There is no time for us to hesitate!"

"Eh? Retreat? Means—"

Bree looked a little surprised, "Aren't you going to attack that guy Vlad?"

"The priority now is,"

Katakuri said loudly, "How to save ourselves, Vlad's revenge will come soon, are we going to fight in such a place?"



Ai Ben suddenly shouted, "What about Mom? She's still chasing that Lightning Anilu!"


Katakuri was suddenly silent, and then, he said, "There is no other way now, so we can't just wait like this! The Fire Dragon Pirates are coming soon!"

"let's move!"

He said, "Everyone started retreating through Bree's mirror, and in the end, Bree and I went to find my mother! That's the only way!"



After a brief silence, everyone responded in unison, and unknowingly, Katakuri became more and more like a parent.

Charlotte family, the Great Retreat has officially begun.

At the same time, the huge fire-red pirate ship has begun to get closer.

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