Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 768: target and no country

"Wow! I didn't expect to actually escape!"

The huge warship floated quietly on the periphery of the island. In front, the island like a mountain of flames was still emitting intense heat. At the bow of the ship, a sloppy naval soldier sighed, "I thought it was dead. It's gone!"

"Shut up! Stupid!"

In the back, the man with two cigars in his mouth was very angry, "Is there anything to be proud of? It escaped like a lost dog! Where is the face of justice?"

"Uh-Smoko, don't be too strict!"

The navy soldier was a little stunned, but he immediately had a smile on his face, "Everyone was frightened just now! That guy Vergo is already scary enough! There was no cadre of the Fire Dragon Pirates who appeared later, and everyone was terrified. I thought it was doomed! It's hard to survive, so please make us happy!"


Smaller really wanted to let these **** have a good experience of how warm the sea water here is, and let the scorching sea water here remove all the sewage from the brains of these bastards.


Smog's eyes were a little confused, and his memory had returned to when he was on Punk Hazard. When he was about to be killed by Trafalgar Law of the Fire Dragon Pirates, he was suddenly rescued by someone. The original old acquaintance.

"Kuzan, what the **** are you thinking? Have you really fallen to the side of the fire dragon? Damn it! It's enough, why is it like this? Is the country of the fire dragon really that good? It's really possible. Has your justice been shaken? Kuzan!"

"Wano country? Fire Dragon seems to have decided to attack Kaido, so the battlefield is in Wano country, right? You go back too! Kuzan, the guys above are already starting to move around, right? Then wait. Come on! I'll definitely ask next time!"

Not just the straw hat, but the eyes of the world were already fixed on the place called Wano Country.


On the other side, Greenbit.

"Thank you so much!"

Three people knelt in front of Vlad, an old man with gray hair, a middle-aged man with only one leg, and a beautiful girl with pink hair. All together, of course, in fact, these three people are indeed three generations, grandfather, father, daughter. Three generations indeed.

"Thank you so much!"

A man who has been infamous in this country for ten years, and a man who has been regarded as a tyrant, spurned and despised by everyone in this country for ten years after Don Quixote Doflamingo usurped the power of the country. , This country, the former king of Deros Rosa, the old man known as King Riku, was lying in front of Vlad, tears falling from his face, wetting the ground in front of him.

"Your Excellency Vlad! Thank you so much!"

The former king of this country, King Riku said so loudly, "Thank you! Thank you for saving this country!"



Cyrus and Rebecca, who were lying on the back, immediately shouted in unison.


Vlad looked a little surprised. The three people ran out suddenly, and then knelt in front of him without saying a word, crying and apologizing. If Vlad didn't hear what they said, he thought it was the filial son and grandson. Sweeping his grave was really infiltrative.

"Get up!"

Vlad said casually, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to save anyone, just because the Don Quixote family is blocking my way, and they also have what I want here, so I'm here. It will come, that's all."

"I dare not say anything,"

King Riku raised his head and said solemnly, "Mr. Vlad, it is an unquestionable fact that you have liberated this country! The citizens who were originally deceived by Doflamingo's conspiracy and played with him by him. After being liberated, they can finally live in this country with their own will! For such a thing, I have to thank you anyway!"

"As you please!"

Vlad smiled and didn't care too much. After all, he couldn't refuse if others had to express their gratitude, right?

"However, King Riku,"

Vlad said, "You have to understand one thing, this country, this Deros Rosa is already my thing, and my country doesn't need the existence of a king, if you say that, you understand?"


King Riku was a little silent. This was of course a matter of course. He knew very well that Vlad was not a hero. It was not because he knew that the people of this country were suffering, so he came here to liberate these people, the so-called sea. A thief is such a profit-driven creature, but he does not have the idea of ​​taking the country back from Vlad's hands. He thinks that he is not a qualified king, and he is simply expressing his gratitude.


King Riku nodded, "I've heard about the Fire Dragon Kingdom. I think Deros Rosa will become a better country with your help from Lord Vlad!"


Vlad was really a little surprised, "You old man is unexpectedly powerful!"

"Because, I think,"

King Riku said, "The so-called king is not born to rule the people, but to make the life of this country happier~www.readwn.com~ If the so-called king becomes an obstacle on the road to such happiness If so, then perhaps this country would be a better place without such existence!"

"very good!"

Vlad smiled, "I like you very much! You guy, amazing!"

It’s really hard to explain people’s desires clearly, but in a certain class, you will subconsciously safeguard the interests of this class, and if you are in a certain class, you can jump out of this class and come to a more universal view, really not. an easy thing to do.

Of course, King Riku's actions were due to the fact that he himself knew that he was unable to take back the country from Vlad's hands, but Vlad could also hear his true feelings. It was indeed a great move. Vlad could only do this. It is said that this romantic sea has given birth to countless romantic men!

"Oh! King Riku!"

The little people of the little people laughed and gathered around King Riku, looking very happy. The two countries are neighbors that have been good friends in the times, and the relationship is very friendly.

"Oh haha, it's been a long time,"

A smile appeared on King Riku's face. The smile that came from no one knew where it came from. Maybe it was the safety of the family, the safety of the country, or the reunion of old friends. No one knew where it came from.

"Blu blu blu blu!"

It was at this time that the voice of the phone bug rang from Vlad's pocket, and it looked very intense.


Vlad took out the phone bug from his pocket and smiled, "It's already here!"

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