Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 769: Imu adult

"Da da da!"

There were some low footsteps from the bottom of the dark cabin, some messy, not just the footsteps of one person.


A flame suddenly appeared, and the white flame emitted a strong light, instantly brightening the dark bottom of the cabin.


He subconsciously stood in front of his eyes, and the sudden strong light made his eyes feel a little uncomfortable, and after a short period of adaptation, he finally saw the guy walking over.


The upper and lower teeth have been fighting, and the man named Caesar shivered, "Fire dragon—fire dragon—"


Vlad glanced at him and didn't care. Now is not the time to chat with him. There are more important things waiting for him to do. Of course, Vlad doesn't care about Caesar, it doesn't mean that Caesar doesn't care about Vlad, The body subconsciously shrank back, but because of the effect of the sea tower stone chain on the body, he couldn't move.

"Oh! I haven't woken up yet!"

Walking outside of a certain cell, Vlad saw the unconscious guy inside and smiled, "That's not good! Men can't be weak, right?"

"Do me a favor! Princess Mansherry,"

Vlad turned his head, looked at the Lilliputian princess standing on his left shoulder, and begged, "Help me treat his injury, and he doesn't need to be cured, just let him recover to the point where he can wake up and speak. That's enough!"


The little princess had a bright smile on her face, "Okay! Flalando!"

"Can't let you go in such a coma, Flamingo,"

Vlad smiled, "Wake up quickly! Tell me everything you know about the Draconians!"



I slowly opened my eyes, and the strong light around me really made a person who had just woken up from a coma feel at a loss, because the glasses had been taken off his face, and his eyes were slightly squinted. There were several figures standing in front of him.

The memory began to become clearer gradually, did you lose the battle? It's a very funny thing, I actually gave a few little ghosts for nothing, but it's really funny enough, all the inside has been lost, right? I was killed by a few pirate goblins, and I still want to laugh when I think about it now.


So he laughed. Although there was still a strong pain in his chest, he just laughed. When he wanted to laugh, he laughed. This is everyone's instinct. He just follows his own instinct.

"Oh! It's amazing!"

Then I heard such a very surprised voice, "It's amazing! Her Royal Highness Princess Mansherry, this was originally,

The guy who has stepped into the gate of **** was actually rescued by you like this! Quite awesome! "


The voice of a very shy girl, Doflamingo is still familiar with this voice. If I heard correctly, this is the voice of Princess Mansherry from the Dongtata royal family, right? The voice of the little human princess who was supposed to be imprisoned in the deepest part of the Deros Rosa palace!

That is to say—


The laughter grew louder.

"Tsk! We meet again!"

Such a condescending voice came over, "Clown! This time, it's an unprecedented embarrassment!"

"Rip, Row,"

Brother Doflamingo, who had already adapted to the light, widened his eyes and saw the man standing in front of him clearly, "Fire dragon! It's been a long time! It looks really good."

"Oh, thanks for your concern,"

Vlad said casually, "It's you, it's miserable."

"Isn't this all thanks to you?"

Brother Doflaming smiled, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all because he had been reduced to a prisoner. He had the most unscrupulous and unruly smile on his face. Although Vlad really didn't like him, But it cannot be denied that this guy is definitely a rare hero in the sea.

"But it made me miserable enough,"

Brother Doflamingo said, "Since the villain princess has been in your hands, that means Deros Rosa has fallen into your hands, right?"


Vlad nodded as a matter of course, there was no need to deceive, "This Deros Rosa is already my territory, and everyone in the Don Quixote family except Sugar and Miss Violet have all been taken by me. Done!"

"Is that so! Did you come straight to Deros Rosa because you thought Luo could completely settle me?"

Even if Doflamingo heard that all his family members were killed by Vlad, he was not too angry. His smile was even a little joking.

"It's really good work! Fire Dragon, this is just like talking! You guy, maybe you can really become the Pirate King! But if that's the case, don't I have nothing? It's an unpleasant feeling!"

"Oh~ I thought you would be a little more angry,"

Vlad looked a little surprised. Although Doflamingo was essentially a cold-blooded hero, Vlad thought that maybe he would still have some warmth towards his family, "Am I thinking too much?"


Doflamingo twitched the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully, "Do you want me to scream like a little devil, saying something that I will definitely avenge my partner, and then die with anger? Hey, hey, Forgive me! Don't I have no chance?"

"Well, at the end, it made my impression of you a lot better!"

Vlad smiled, of course it's okay to be angry if you can be angry, but when anger is meaningless, it's naturally unnecessary, right?

"Should I be happy?"

Doflamingo smiled.


Vlad's mouth hooked~www.readwn.com~ This is the king's approval! "



Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, then immediately began to laugh like a fool.

"How interesting! How interesting! King? Not bad! Then,"

"Respected King,"

Doflamingo said, "Is there any question I need to answer?"

Brother Doflamingo knows all too well that there is only one reason why the fire dragon will keep him, that is, he needs to know the secret of the Tianlong people through himself.

"Then tell me!"

Vlad said bluntly, "What the **** is the Dragon Man hiding? Tell me everything you know!"


Doflamingo's mouth twitched, "What if I refuse?"


Vlad smiled and said, "Don't be stupid, didn't you say it? The people I killed were all except Miss Violet. Do you understand what you said?"

"Oh~ Violet!"

Brother Doflaming exclaimed in amazement, "Then it seems that I can't hide it from you!"

Miss Violet's staring fruit can not only be used as a telescope radar, but also mind reading.

"Then let me tell you!"

Brother Doflamingo said with a low smile, "Anyway, you are also holding the idea of ​​pulling these pigs to the gods? Well, really, where do you start?"

"Or start with that person! The one hidden in history,"

"Lord Im!"

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