Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 774: big move by the navy

The news is still spreading. The news of the Fire Dragon Pirates' declaration of war on the Beasts Pirates has been flying all over the sea in the blink of an eye like a bird with wings. It roared at an astonishing speed, and everyone was starting to realize it.

"Finally the day has come!"

New World, the back of the elephant walking on the sea, the cat with the pipe and the dog with the long sword on his waist met again after a long time, "Little Brother Vlad has decided to fight Kaido!"

"That is to say,"

The giant cat with a pipe in his mouth, known as the boss of the cat-bellied snake, smiled. Such a smile actually gave people a cute feeling, "It's finally time to take revenge on Oda-sama and the Kozuki clan?"

"It's been too long,"

Sitting on the side, the dog named Duke Inuarashi said solemnly, "Our dear friend since ancient times, the people we respect have been wiped out, but there is nothing we can do. Such a long wait is finally over!"

"Then there is nothing to hesitate!"

The cat-bellied snake laughed loudly, "Let's go then! The goal is the Fire Dragon Kingdom! Go and make peace with Vlad!"

"Then, the target is Wano Country!"

The fur tribe, join the war to confirm.


"What a terrible junior!"

In a certain sea area in the new world, a huge pirate ship is moving slowly, and there is absolutely no fool to come to find them trouble, because the name of this big ship is Redford, the Four Emperor Pirates, the Red Hair Sea The ship of the thief group, placed in the new world, is definitely a frightening existence, and anyone with eyes should not come to court death.

With a cigarette in his mouth, the man named Ben Beckman chuckled, "How long has it been, isn't Charlotte Lingling's body cold yet? Are you going to decide to attack Kaido soon?"

"Hahaha, get ready, Beckman,"

Beside him, the one-armed man with red hair smiled, "After Kaido, it's us! I'm still looking forward to the showdown with that man!"

"Are you so unsure about Kaido?"

Beckman was slightly surprised, "That guy Kaido is still different from Charlotte Lingling. Shanks, you should know his strength better than me!"

"Indeed, that guy Kaido is a well-deserved monster,"

The redhead shook his head, "However, he can't defeat the fire dragon!"


Beckman was a little puzzled, "Why?"


Redhead replied with a smile,

"Because a man whose heart is full of dreams will not lose!"

"Is it?"

Beckman smiled, "So, if Luffy and Fire Dragon go to war, who will win?"


As for the persistence of the dream, the straw hat has never been afraid of anyone, and the red hair is very clear about this, but the current straw hat can never win the fire dragon, and the red hair is also very confirmed.

"Hahaha, that's right!"

The redhead scratched the back of his head and smiled, looking a little embarrassed.

At the same time as the sea was surging, the center of justice, the Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, of course, also received the news. Before Vlad's gauntlet was issued, the Navy had already started to prepare silently. After all, this time the declaration of war The precursory events of Doflamingo are quite obvious. A Qiwuhai the size of Doflamingo was killed by the fire dragon under the eyes of the government. Of course, the relationship between Doflamingo and Kaido cannot be concealed from the government. Kaido's attitude is already easy to guess.

"This is the best chance!"

The huge conference room is already full, the high-level officers of the Navy headquarters have gathered together, the senior officers above the lieutenant general of the headquarters have all gathered here, and the power of absolute justice is now concentrated here.

The beautiful woman said, "This war is a good opportunity for us. It is not impossible to solve the two four emperors at one time! The contradiction between Fire Dragon and Kaido is irreconcilable!"

The woman has pink hair, a cigarette in her mouth, her name is Tina, a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, she is considered to be a young talent in the Navy, of course, it is the same as the previous generation's Chi Qinghuang, and the previous generation's Kapuze. The French Warring States Cranes are much worse in comparison, and the navy is indeed green and yellow.

"They won't stop fighting easily, so we can take advantage of the fact that they have both lost in the fight, and we can deal with the two four emperors with one force."

There was some excitement in Tina's voice, "In this case, the four emperors will only have one red hair left, and it will be much easier to solve it!"

She is not the only one who thinks so. Almost all the navies present think so, and things are likely to develop as they expected.

This is indeed the closest the navy has come to sweeping away the garbage on the sea. Pirates have been the enemy of the navy since ancient times. This situation has become even more pronounced since the beginning of the era of pirates. The power of pirates has made the navy a little tired, so The appearance of the four emperors is somewhat logical, and the navy is helpless, so the growth of the pirates is also natural.

And now, if we seize the opportunity, then after the defeat of the Beast Pirates and the Fire Dragon Pirates, the navy can completely take down two Four Emperor Pirates at one time, then there is one redhead left in the end. There is no threat, and the navy can kill him at will.

"Prepare to mobilize troops!"

Sitting at the top, Marshal Akainu said in a low voice, "Ready to fight! This time, I will lead the team myself!"


The yellow ape below looks a little surprised~www.readwn.com~Sakaski, are you on your way? Will it be too serious? "

"Fire Dragon and Kaido,"

Akainu said, "Everyone is an extremely difficult guy, even if they are going to have a war now, but this is not a reason for us to take it lightly! Kizaru and Fujitora, you go with me! Tea dolphins too! For the headquarters, Green Cow and Peach Rabbit are enough!"


Surprised, extremely amazed expressions appeared on the faces of all the senior navy officers. Is this kind of force configuration a bit too much, basically pulling out most of the navy's high-level combat power.

"But what if pirates take the opportunity to attack the headquarters?"

There are concerns.


Akainu scolded mercilessly, "How can anyone attack the headquarters at this time? Besides, the troops left behind are enough!"

There are only four pirates who dare to go to war with the Navy Headquarters, and there is only one red-haired pirate left, but will the red-haired come? Of course not, he is not a guy who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

Besides, the left-behind Green Niu and Taotu are not weak.

"With such a force—!"

All the admirals of the navy spit unconsciously. With such a force, they can easily crush the combat power of a Four Emperor Pirates regiment. The navy, this time is really a big move!

If it really develops like this, maybe Vlad will be out of luck, but—

"Blu blu blu blu!"

Excited phone bugs broke the silence.

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