Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 775: Revolution Revolution! The wave of the times!

"Oh oh oh!"

Vlad was lying on the reclining chair, without the tension before the war at all. He was shirtless, with a cup of shaved ice beside him. He looked very comfortable. It was as leisurely as he was on vacation. The battle after the month, as if Kaido took it to heart, was very casual.

Holding a newspaper in his hand, he looked a little amazed, "This has already begun! It's really surprising, has it come to such a point?"

The big news on the sea has been really continuous recently. Of course, most of the incidents were caused by the Fire Dragon Pirates. Vlad still has this self-consciousness. After all, it has reached this point now, and there is no hiding anything. Meaning, Vlad doesn't care anymore, it's interesting to make big news, isn't it? It is really cool to have the entire ocean shake because of his every move.

Then, finally, today, he finally played the role of a melon eater. The newspaper in his hand really surprised him, because the news reported in the newspaper was really amazing.

Spreading out the newspaper, the first thing I saw were the faces of two men, two faces that Vlad was quite familiar with, one was a middle-aged man with a red tattoo on his face, and the other looked young. Many, with smiling man's face.

Vlad of course recognized that these two guys are the supreme commander of the Revolutionary Army, his best partner, Monkey D. Drago. This man's appearance is not too special. Of course there is no unrecognizable reason.

Another man is also an old acquaintance of Vlad, a subordinate of the Fire Dragon Pirates, and the current supreme commander of the Fire Dragon Kingdom. Of course, according to reports, he is also one of the top members of the Revolutionary Army, a guy named Jack.

Although Vlad knew for a long time that Mr. Jack had been united with Dorag and the friends of the Revolutionary Army, he really did not expect such a movement after they were united. No, maybe it should be That said, to have made such a big move so quickly, Vlad thought it would take a while, but he didn't expect that they would be unable to bear it so soon, or rather, they were already fully prepared.

Today's newspaper is like the day Vlad declared war on Kaido a few days ago. The entire newspaper only reports one news, which is also earth-shattering news.

"Hum ha ha ha ha! This is quite interesting!"

Vlad smiled, looking very happy, "In this case, can the opening be announced? The most turbulent and the most wonderful era has officially arrived! It's not bad! What a good job! Dorag!"

I really didn't expect that Drago would have achieved such a level in silence!

There is only one news reported in the newspapers, that is, the revolution broke out! It's not like the previous petty play, playing hide-and-seek with the government, running away immediately after overthrowing a country, evading the government's pursuit, and then watching the country rebuild, this time is different! Everyone is aware of this, because it is so obvious that anyone who is not a fool can realize the difference.

Something astonishing has happened, something that would surprise anyone has happened.

In fact, just when Vlad was amazed, Mary Joa, the guys who clearly held the highest power in the world, were also furious because of this time.

"Damn! Dorag is a bastard!"

The five old star with blond hair had a look of anger on his face, and the blue veins kept jumping on his forehead, obviously he was extremely angry, "How dare he??"

"Hmph, why doesn't he dare?"

The bearded Wu Laoxing hummed, "What else can that man dare not to do? Didn't he understand long ago when he raised the banner of the Revolutionary Army and declared that he was going to be the enemy of the government? , treat the Tianlong people and the gods as enemies!"

"That bastard!"

The bald Five Old Stars, who had no hair at all, also looked very angry, "His son is now at sea again, and that bastard's downfall is also part of that kid's share!"

"Speaking of Doflamingo,"

The sword-wielding Wu Laoxing said solemnly, "That guy was executed after being captured by the fire dragon, right? The problem is—"

"Did that **** reveal what he knew to the fire dragon?"

The bearded Wu Laoxing also said solemnly, "If it is true, then it would be too troublesome! That **** Huolong is already difficult enough, if he masters the secret treasure of the Tianlong people - the trouble will be big. !"

"If the fire dragon said it, it's also his fault for seeking his own death,"

The bald five old star sneered, "You dare to start a war with Kaido when you know that the government is already targeting him. This time, the timing is just right, just get rid of him!"

"But because of that **** Dorag, it is impossible for the navy to mobilize as planned before. We must allocate most of our troops to suppress the four seas!"

The bearded five old star emphasized, "The power that can be sent out is very limited! If you want to kill the fire dragon, you don't have that much confidence!"

"After all, it's still the bastard's fault in Dorag!"

The bald-headed five old stars said angrily ~www.readwn.com~ just to cover their allies, so they decided to attack now? Damn, it's just a group of rebels, and it's quite loyal! "

"Just send CP0 out too! Now the revolutionary army has come to the bright side,"

The blond five old stars said, "If the navy can go all out, then the vacant combat power should be topped by CP0. Aren't the villains who were recruited in the war with good combat power?"

"That's fine, too,"

The bearded five old star nodded, this is indeed a good idea, that group of people's combat effectiveness is not weak, of course, they can help the navy.

"That's it for the fire dragon. The navy dispatches two generals, and then cooperates with these people from CP0. If it really doesn't work-"

The bearded five old star said decisively, "The **** Kaido doesn't have to be eliminated now, and it's not impossible to let him relax for a while!"

"So, now the main thing to solve is Dorag?"

Sword-wielding Five Old Stars frowned.

"Of course it's him,"

The bald-headed five old stars said bitterly, "Officially declared war with the government, almost the entire South China Sea has now been subverted, far more than that, the tide of revolution has spread to the sea! I don't know how much power is hidden! I don't know yet. How many countries have thrown themselves into their arms! This guy has undoubtedly become a confidant of the government!"

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