Chapter 144 Chapter 143: Linglong Economic News Agency

If it is the genes of the eight great demons in Jackie Chan’s Adventures, perhaps the strength will be much stronger, but for the Sombra Corps, tusk, there is no threat to the strong in this world.

“Extract ability.” Miao’s heart moved.

Ability was immediately extracted.

To be honest, he didn’t attach much importance to this ability extraction. Although both of them have good abilities, they are not very suitable for them. To be precise, there are not many abilities suitable for them.

“Starting to draw~ The draw is successful. Congratulations on the ability [Phantom Body] and one-tenth of the all-round attributes of the creatures you cultivated this time!”

“Starting to draw~ The draw is successful. Congratulations on the ability [Summon Shadow] and one-tenth of the all-round attributes of the creatures you cultivated this time!”


Seeing the ability after extraction, Mio was suddenly surprised, and a bright light appeared in her eyes.

If you talk about the ability that matches you most, then there is no doubt that it is definitely this ghost body. With your own replacement ability, it can be said that your life-saving ability has increased a lot.

As for the ability to summon black shadows, it has little effect, but it can’t be said to be a tasteless one. It can be used to improve 13 squares, and occasionally it can help oneself solve some chores.

In addition, the two consecutive ability extractions, apart from the ability, the attribute improvement of the two combined, only made Miao feel a little bit of improvement. From this, we can imagine that Miao’s current physical fitness is very good. Strong, although there are still some gaps from the top power, but it is definitely not too far away.

There was a ‘pop’.

Mio snapped his fingers.

The cat maid in the training trough also appeared in front of her eyes.

Two naked girls stood in front of her, making Miao touch her nose. After all, she was still a shy child.

“Which one of you is your sister?” Miao asked curiously.

The cat maid who possesses Geng ghost abilities immediately Kaidō. “I am a younger sister.”

After speaking, the cat’s ears on his head couldn’t help shaking, and the tail behind it shook.

“Then you are your sister?” Mio looked at the cat maid who had the ability to summon black shadows and confirmed.

“Yeah.” The cat maid nodded.

Seeing this, Mio also thought about it.

Sister Hua, this name has to be thought of.

After a long time, Mio spoke. “From now on, you two, your younger sister’s name is Petunia, and your sister’s name is Renee.”

“Thank you Master.” Petunia and Renee suddenly narrowed their eyes and bowed.

“Call my husband later.” A smile appeared on Mio’s face.

“Good sir x2!” The two sisters nodded again and shouted.

Looking at the cat ears on the heads of Sisters Petunia and Renee, Miao couldn’t help but reach out and touch them. Suddenly the faces of the two girls turned reddish and their tails swayed.

“It feels good.” Mio grinned, and then asked the two girls to wait here for a while, and went to find Erica to get them clothes.

After taking the clothes back, let the two put them on, Miao took the two sisters to meet Erica and others.

Then, he gave orders to Petunia and Renee.

Their task is to form an intelligence network.

Originally, Mio intended to let the two girls directly enter the New World, but after thinking about it, he rejected this idea. The development of the intelligence network is currently the best in the first half of the Grand Line.

In the New World area, there are some underground kings, and some big pirates also have their own power. It is not the time to go to New World to develop an intelligence network.

On the other hand, in the first half of the Grand Line, there are not many strong players now. The strong ones basically go to New World, leaving behind some new sea pirates, or in the first half of the Grand Line, they did not enter New World, or Pirates who came back from New World.

With the strength and abilities of Renee’s two sisters, it will undoubtedly be very easy to develop an intelligence network in the first half of the Grand Line.

Just a little more financial help is needed, and there won’t be too many problems.

Thinking of the funding problem, Mio touched her chin for a moment, then looked at Renee and asked. “Renee, do you have any thoughts on the development of the intelligence network?”

After hearing this, Renee lowered her head for a moment, then raised her head and said. “Sir, I think the development of the intelligence network is not a problem for us. The most critical part of the intelligence network is how to collect information. This is, as far as I am concerned, there are currently three ideas. First, in the island towns in the center of each channel. Set up a tavern on the top. The tavern is a good place to gather information among the pirates.”

“Second, inquire about intelligence. It is a time-consuming and laborious task for others, but it is not difficult for me.” Renee said, raising her right hand, and shadows appeared on the deck. Then a group of figures rose from it, kneeling on one knee.

But in an instant, these shadow warriors were all over the deck.

With a ‘pop’, Renee snapped her fingers, and the shadow warriors dispersed.

Renee said. “For me, there is no shortage of manpower, and there is no need to worry that these manpower will die or be damaged. Therefore, we can send black shadow warriors to various kingdoms and famous islands to lurch and search for information.”

“The third point in the end, I think a newspaper office can be formed.”

“Newspaper?” Hearing this, he was stunned, she didn’t seem to expect Renee to have this idea, but I have to say that this is a good note.

“Yes.” Renee nodded seriously, and said. “After establishing a newspaper, we can use the information we inquired about to publish it for sales, and at the same time we can use money to attract others to contribute to the newspaper.”

“It sounds good, but the training of the news bird is a problem.” Mio said in a deep voice.

News birds are seagulls. There is no shortage of seagulls in this world, but they definitely need to be trained, otherwise those seagulls may not fly back when they fly out.

“No, I don’t think there is any need to use seagulls. We have the Sombra Corps. They can go anywhere through Sombra Kingdom. Isn’t that much better than Seagulls? They can also accept contributions from those pirates at any time.” Renee smiled and said. His eyes shone with confidence.

Mio grinned. “It’s good if you have confidence. Next, we will go to Alabasta. I will put you down in Alabasta, and then give you a certain amount of funds. Then it’s up to you.”

“Sir, don’t worry.” Renee looked confident. “You will never be disappointed. Renee is confident that she will be able to develop the intelligence network into the New World soon.”

“Sir, if you want to create a newspaper, would you like to think of a name for the newspaper?” Petunia on the side asked at this time, spreading expectations.


Mio scratched his head. The newspaper really needed a name. The newspaper of the future news magnate Morgans will be called the World Economic News Service, and he will have a newspaper. If you choose a name, you must choose an appropriate one.

At the same time, we also need to prevent Marine and the World government from being aware that this newspaper is related to themselves.

After thinking about it, Mio raised her eyebrows suddenly, and said with a smile. “Linglong Economic News Agency.”

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