Chapter 145 Chapter 144: The Terrified Cobra

Five more days passed.

The Black Honor finally arrived at Alabasta.

This desert kingdom.

When he came back here again, Robin looked forward with expectation and asked Mi. “Captain, is our purpose this time that piece of historical text?”

“That’s right.” Mio nodded, rubbed Robin’s head, then looked at Sister Renee, and said. “Next, it’s up to you.”

“Don’t worry, sir.” Renee nodded confidently.

Petunia also waved her fist seriously. “Don’t worry, sir, we will definitely surprise you.”

“Then I will wait and see.” Mio said with a smile. After the two girls took the things Mio gave them, they left the Black Honor and walked towards the nearest port of Alabasta.

“Shall we go directly to the capital? Sir.” Lilith was wearing hot pants and short sleeves, with a pair of blue high-heeled sandals on her feet, and she asked after she stroked her hair.

“No, wait, you have to determine the location first.” Mio shook his head and snapped his fingers.

A group of warriors from the Shadow Corps emerged behind him.

There are only nine Sombra Corps, and each Sombra Corps has its own characteristics. Among them, the Ninja Corps belongs to the most balanced existence.

“Go find this person’s location, and report to me.” Miao handed over Crocodile’s reward order.

A Sombra warrior accepted the reward order and nodded. Then a shadow appeared under their feet. The Sombra warriors fell into the shadow and instantly disappeared in place.

“Okay, just wait.” Mio moved her body, turned and walked towards the cabin, ready to get a bottle of whiskey.

Drinking wine and sitting under the umbrella on the deck, there is also the cut fruit from Erica next to it. I have to say that it is a treat.


Mio took a sip of wine, and at this time also checked his abilities.

He has gained a lot of abilities since he passed through, but most of them are passive abilities, and there are not many real active abilities.

Warwick got the ‘Warthirsty Heart’, Erica’s ‘Sword Do’, the ‘Sound of Sea Kings’ drew from Drought, and Talos got the ‘Endlessness’.

These are passive abilities.

Including the ghost body drawn from Penny’s body, it can be regarded as half passive.

Other active abilities are replacement abilities, Dragon Power (Fire Dragon’s dragon-killing magic), Sharingan, summoning the Sombra Corps, other than that, Mio’s swordsmanship, and Conqueror’s Haki.

It can be said that Mio’s ability is not too much, because the ability to summon the Sombra Corps does not need to be cultivated.

At present, the main practice of Mio is placed on replacement ability and kendo.

Then the power of the dragon came in second, followed by Haki.

Haki’s promotion to the present is equivalent to reaching a bottleneck, and there is still an opportunity to improve again.

“When will it be possible to upgrade to the replacement air, it will be fine,” Mio muttered, his eyes flickering. If the replacement ability can be increased to the point of replacing the air, it would be a huge improvement.

And he can also feel that the air can be replaced.

It’s just that my own replacement ability has not yet been developed to that point.

There was a ‘pop’.

Mio snapped his fingers.

A white light circle spreads around him, covering this area.

This is the field of replacement.

Theoretically speaking, he can replace all the dead objects in this aperture, as well as air, but unfortunately, he always feels that something is missing.

“It would be much more convenient if there is a physical object in the air,” Mio murmured.

Then, suddenly raised his eyebrows, had a good idea, and immediately tried it.

With a move in his mind, Miao urged his replacement ability.

It can be seen that in the displacement field, one after another white apertures the size of marbles emerge.

These apertures are formed by using the ability to replace fruits. The apertures form round spheres that are very small. The spheres are filled with air, which makes the air form a ‘physical’ form in Mio’s eyes.

Just like self-hypnosis, Miao thinks that the air wrapped in spheres already has real objects, then they are real objects.


Miao’s heart moved again.

A round ball directly exchanged positions with Mio.

“It’s really possible.”

A touch of joy appeared on Mio’s face. The development of the replacement fruit has not improved. This is just an application of ability, but for Mio, it is already a big surprise.

“It seems that Mr.’s ability has improved a lot.” Erica, who has been watching Mio on the deck, said with a smile.

“It’s better to make progress.” Lilith smiled slightly, her beautiful eyes flickering. “When Mr. develops his abilities to a higher level, I will be able to ask Mr. abilities for another reason every day.”

Hear the words.

Robin couldn’t help flipping through Byakugan.

Continue to read his own book, no more words.

Just now.

On the deck.

A shadow warrior suddenly appeared.

Mio’s figure flickered and appeared in front of the Sombra Warrior.

“found it?”

The black shadow warrior nodded, took out the pen and paper, and immediately began to write and draw.

Not to mention, the Sombra is good at drawing. He actually drew a map in a short period of time. If Mio is correct, this map is in the capital of Alabasta.

The black shadow warrior circled it in a place on the map and pointed it to this place.

After picking up the map and looking at the place, Mio nodded. “Here…”

“Okay, I see.”

With a wave of his hand, the shadow warrior disappeared directly.

Miao put away the map and grinned. “Go away, everyone, let’s go.”

at this time.

The capital of Alabasta.

Inside the palace.

Cobra looked at the report of a soldier in front of him and got up abruptly. “You said the Black Crow Pirates appeared in Alabasta?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The soldier nodded and said solemnly. “Should we issue a warning? Or notify the Marine branch base?”

“Don’t.” Cobra hurriedly stopped. “We are not opponents at all because of their strength. The warning can only arouse irritation. As for the Marine branch base… forget it. If they know it is the Black Crow Pirates, they may not come to support.”

Cobra still knows the Marine branch base in his country.

Lots of people.

But it is only equivalent to a contact with Marine, and it has no strength.

Facing the Black Crow Pirates, I am afraid that even a crew member on the Black Crow Pirates ship can’t be beaten.

What’s more, after the last contact with Mio, Cobra also knew that Mio is not a pirate who likes to kill casually. Compared to other pirates, it is considered a kind of contact.

So Cobra did not panic about his life at this time, but panicked about other aspects.

“Go, hide all the famous knives in the treasury for me, and I want to change to a library with a smaller collection of books.” Cobra ordered immediately.

“By the way, find a place for me to hide the Devil Fruit in the treasury.”

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