Chapter 146 Chapter 145: Fate-related transactions

I guess he didn’t know that Cobra became panicked because of his arrival, and the reason for the panic was still so… peculiar.

The capital of the kingdom of Alabasta.


The last time Miao and others came to this city, the bustling and bustling here makes Alabasta worthy of being a big country.

People come and go in an endless stream.

When they came to this city, Mio and others basically wore cloaks, in order to avoid trouble, not afraid of trouble, but also hate trouble.

The location of Crocodile is in a tavern in the capital of Alabasta.

This tavern now seems to be in the hands of Crocodile, or under the banner of Crocodile.

At this time, Miao and others walked directly in the direction of the tavern.

This tavern is located in an alley in Albana, but even so, the tavern is still very lively. Most of the guests are almost pirates, and there are many pirate hunters hiding here as pirates. Looking for a suitable target later.

There was a ‘crunch’.

The wooden door of the tavern was pushed open.

The fiery breath came oncoming.

Many people in the tavern looked towards the door, and were taken aback when they saw a group of people in cloaks, but then they didn’t care and continued to drink their own wine.

Mio looked around and came directly to the bar.

Miao raised his hand and knocked on the wooden tabletop of the bar counter, and said. “Find someone.”

“Who?” Behind the bar was a young man, with a normal aura, a little bit of strength but not strong, he was wiping the glass of wine at this time, and he raised his head after hearing Mio’s words.

“Your boss.” Mio said lightly.

“my boss?”

Hearing this, a vigilant color flashed in the man’s eyes, and while hesitating, another group of pirates walked in in the tavern.

“Damn, this country is too hot, so quickly bring the wine to the uncle.” A strong man headed straight to the bar, looking at the people in front of Miao and others, couldn’t help but curse. “Go away, blocking Laozi’s way.”

“It’s a bit noisy.” Mio frowned slightly.

The voice just fell.


A sharp scarlet tentacles pierced the man’s heart directly, and then pulled out, and blood sputtered suddenly.

The entire tavern was suddenly silent.

Mio still stared at the man in front of him, and said lightly. “Go tell me, I think your boss will be willing to see me.”

“Excuse me…” The man swallowed.

“Black Crow.”


Hearing this, the man seemed to be thinking about it, wondering if this was the name of a strong man on the sea, but the next moment, the man suddenly shrank his pupils, as if he was thinking of something, his attitude became respectful.

“Master Black Crow, please wait a moment, I need to ask about it.”

“Go.” Mio gave up.

“Yes.” The man nodded, first brought a bottle of whiskey to Mio and the others before leaving.

Inside the pub.

Still extremely quiet.

Mio put his chin on with one hand, and said lightly. “Keep on drinking, you don’t need to care about us.”


The voice fell, but there were still no pirates who dared to speak out without permission. After all, although they were not strong, they still had their eyesight to see. Now they can see the extraordinaryness of Miao and others.

Otherwise, the man’s expression would not change so quickly.

A pirate thought about the black crow just now, looked at Mio and the others, and wondered who they were.

Marcy was a little irritated by this look, immediately glared, and said fiercely. “What are you looking at? Do you want to fight?”

Slightly immature voice, but accompanied by an inexplicable breath.

Shrouded by this breath, the pirate swallowed and shook his head hurriedly. “No, I dare not.”

“Huh.” After hearing this, Maxi snorted coldly, turning around and continuing to drink her…milk.

Rubbing Marsh’s head, Mio waited quietly, not in a hurry.

For Crocodile, Mio has the same idea as Doflamingo.

Make friends first.

After all, this guy is one of Shichibukai, and he can still make a plan.

And the other party also has his own ambitions. Ambitious people still like it very much. If you have ambition, you can use the other’s ambition to help yourself. Although you need to pay a little, the reward will be more generous.

After a while.

The man returned, respectfully. “Master Black Crow, please come with me.”

After speaking, immediately lead the way.

Although this is a tavern, it still exists on the second floor.

A group of people passed the door behind the bar, stepped onto the second floor, and soon came outside a room.

“Please.” The man made a ‘please’ gesture.

Mio pushed the door directly and entered.

The light in the room is a bit dim, and I don’t know if these people like this tone, and the same is true for Doflamingo.

At this time, in the room, Crocodile was sitting behind a desk with his legs up, biting a cigar in his mouth. As Mio and the others came in, his eyes kept on the leader Mio.

“The principal culprit who escaped from Impel down is a new generation, but his fame is enough to compare with the great pirates of New World, and he won’t be inferior in strength when looking at the rewards. Then someone like you, come to me. What’s the purpose?” Crocodile said lightly.

Mio lifted his cloak, sat on the sofa unceremoniously, and looked at Crocodile calmly. “Come to you for a favor.”

Crocodile casually threw a document aside in his hand, and said lightly. “Why should I help you?”

“Because you can’t refuse.”

“Oh?” Crocodile raised his eyes slightly. “Then I’m very curious about what you want me to do for you.”


“Pluton?” Crocodile frowned slightly, a strange light flashing in his eyes. “I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“Haha.” Mio sneered, leaning back on the sofa, raising Erlang’s legs, and chuckling lightly. “Sand crocodile, might as well tell you that I know the location of a Pluton. I asked you for help because of Pluton.”

“I know you may already know the news about Pluton in Alabasta. Whether you know it or not, I can only remind you that Pluton is not something that you can own.”

“Are you warning me?” Crocodile’s eyes turned slightly cold.

“No, I’m just stating a fact like you.” Mio sat up straight, supporting her chin with both hands, and pressing forward slightly, her momentum was violent. “The World government will not allow a pirate to own Pluton. If you have the strength of Whitebeard’s level, you might consider it, but unfortunately you don’t.”

“What about you?” Crocodile didn’t care about Miao’s momentum, and sneered. “Can you beat Whitebeard?”

“I can not.”

Mio grinned, but his tone was daunting. “But I have enough time to develop, I have enough ambition, and enough potential.”

The voice fell.

Mio put up a finger directly. “A deal, help me get Pluton.”

“Deal…what can I get?” Crocodile spit out a smoke ring in his mouth, his eyes flickering.

Mio leaned back slightly, holding the handle of the Raikiri knife in his right hand, and pulling out half of it, after the cold light flashed, Mio said lightly. “Your life!”

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