Chapter 180 Chapter 179: Make a deal?

Hearing that, Kata Kuri was silent for a moment, then took out a phone bug and handed it directly to Mio’s body. He was a wise man and he could see the situation clearly, but he didn’t hesitate too much.

After receiving the phone worm, the corners of Miao’s mouth raised, showing a smile, and immediately dialed the phone worm.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

The voice of the telephone worm rang, and soon the call was successfully made.

“Kata Kuri, my dear son, what’s the matter?” A slightly crazy voice came from the phone worm, accompanied by constant chewing.

“BIGMOM, I am not your son.” Mio slowly said.

Hearing Mio’s voice, the phone worm was silent for a while, and then it rang again.

“Who are you?”

“Kurokawa Mio!” Mio grinned, with a smile on his face.

“It’s you, the newcomer who just entered New World, I remember Kata Kuri and the others are going to send you the invitation letter for the tea party? So now, why do you have a phone worm to contact me?” BIGMOM’s voice said Some doubts, because she was a bit concerned about the Black Crow Pirates. At this tea party, she also asked her two sons to send invitations. She also took this opportunity to demonstrate the strength of the BIGMOM Pirates and let this newcomer know about New World. How deep is the water.

After all, her two sons, especially Kakutari, have extraordinary potential in BIGMOM’s view. They won’t be able to reach Admiral in the future, but there is no problem with the emperor’s rank.

But now Mio is calling himself a phone worm, which makes BIGMOM a little surprised, his own phone worm is not so easy to get.

“Ah, that’s right.” The corner of Mio’s mouth lifted up and said with a smile. “As for why is there a phone worm contacting you? Of course it came from your son.”

Upon hearing this, BIGMOM was silent again.

As if he had guessed something, BIGMOM’s voice became grim. “You guy is looking for death!!”

“Don’t be so angry, BIGMOM.” Miao said with a smile on the corner of his mouth. “How about we make a deal?”

“Huh? A deal?” BIGMOM couldn’t help calming down when he heard this, and asked in a deep voice. “What deal?”

Mio looked at Kata Kuri in front of her and spoke directly. “Three Devil Fruits, in exchange for your son’s life, how about this deal…?”

“Oh, yes.” Mio said again as if thinking of something. “These three Devil Fruits are in exchange for the life of your son Katakuri. As for Perrospero, he is dead.”


As soon as the voice fell, there seemed to be something rang from Charlotte in the phone bug, making a collision, and faintly screaming and begging for mercy.

“Damn, damn!”

Charlotte’s voice is crazy. “How dare you kill my son, I want you to die, I want you to die!!”

Mio looked calm and said calmly. “BIGMOM, now you just need to tell me whether you want to make this transaction or not.”

Hearing this, BIGMOM calmed down immediately, followed by a frantic road. “Hahahahaha, Black Crow, I remember you! I made this deal with you, three Devil Fruits, right?”

“Of course.” Mio nodded with a grin.

“Okay, I will prepare, but I hope you can live well. After all, I’m afraid you will see your life and you won’t take it.” Charlotte’s words were threatening.

In response, Mio’s eyes flickered, she didn’t care, just grinned. “Charlotte, there is no need to talk about threats. If you are afraid of threats, the Black Crow Pirates will not enter the New World.”

“Get the fruits ready as soon as possible, I am waiting for you in Guy West Asia.”

After speaking, Mio hung up the phone worm.

Robin walked over and asked in surprise. “Captain, won’t this provoke the BIGMOM pirate group?”

“There is no way to mess with hair.” Mio said with a shrug. “Although I am afraid of trouble, but the trouble is brought to the door, it can only solve the trouble, and the BIGMOM Pirate Group…”

The corner of Miao’s mouth raised a sneer. “Although the woman Charlotte has no brains, she still has The Resourceful General under her hand. I am not the only enemy of BIGMOM, there are other big pirates. If she really dares to come out and find me in person, I will be Will be happier.”

“Then will she really send Devil Fruit?” Robin asked curiously.

“Yes, of course.” Mio nodded without hesitation, explaining. “Kata Kuri still has a bit of weight in Charlotte’s eyes.”

Although there are a lot of three Devil Fruits, for Charlotte, it’s not too many. It’s very easy to get together.

Being watched by Mio’s gaze, Katakuri’s body was tight at this time.

Mio noticed the strangeness of Kata Kuri and said directly. “Next, in order to avoid accidents, you better be honest.”

I originally planned to leave the Guy West Asia Islands for the next destination, but now I can only stay here for a few days. Fortunately, I will get a good harvest in a few days. Although I will completely unite with the BIGMOM pirates, I don’t need it for now. I was too worried about the revenge of the BIGMOM Pirates, but after a period of time, the BIGMOM Pirates vacated their hands, and that was a time of trouble.

So Mio thought about finding ways to improve her strength again in the next period of time.

Although he is not an opponent of BIGMOM, he still has to be fearless.

Mio pointed to a location, and Katakuri went there and sat down without saying a word.

Because there are no seastone handcuffs and other things on the boat, Mio can only let people stare at Kata Kuri. Fortunately, Kata Kuri is not as strong as in the future. The Black Crow Pirates is currently speaking. There are many people who are better than Kata Kuri.

So there is no need to worry about Kata Kuri running away.

Mio grinned at Heiyan who was staring at Kata Kuri. “If he wants to escape, he just intends to use his hands and feet.”

“Yes, my lord.” Hei Yan nodded and looked at Kata Kuri. Under his calm gaze, there was an inexplicable chill, which made Kata Kuri not only tensed his muscles, but instinctively hurried to the person in front of him. The strength will not be weak.


Hei Yan lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand.

But he still looks up at Kata Kuri from time to time.

And by this opportunity, Kata Kuri occasionally observed the people on the Black Honor.

This observation made Kata Kuri’s heart even more shocked.

On this ship, it seems that except for the son of the demon who came out of Ohara, no one is weak, and it is not like a rookie pirate group.

He is still a little unbelievable now, he was defeated by a rookie pirate group, not to mention, and the strength of this rookie pirate group is still very powerful. Among the powerful pirates that Kata Kuri knew personally, none of them was as powerful as the Black Crow Pirates during the rookie period.

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