Chapter 181 180: Charlotte’s Rage

Cake island.

Charlotte Linlin’s residence in New World, this is an island formed by a combination of cakes and cream, which looks like a huge cake on the outside.

And at this time, on Cake Island, in a castle…



The ground kept shaking, and at the same time an angry voice kept ringing.

“This guy, I want him to die!”

In the castle, Charlotte’s eyes are red, and the corners of her mouth are dripping, causing the ground to corrode. Charlotte’s tone was cold and full of anger. “He actually killed my son and threatened me that I would kill him!! Kill him!!”

With that, a grinning smile appeared on Charlotte’s face. “Guy West Asia… Get ready for me, let’s go over and kill him!!”

A newcomer.

He dared to kill his own son.

And dare to take the life of his son to make a deal with himself.

This undoubtedly brought Charlotte into a point of extreme irritation, her eyes full of flames.

But at this moment, Cracker, one of the three general stars in the future, quickly walked over and looked at his mother who was about to fall into a mad state, and couldn’t help shouting. “Mom, our main enemy right now is Parken. After we solve Parken, it will not be too late to deal with the damn newcomer. As long as Parken is solved, Mom, you will be able to absorb the power of Parken. I will definitely be able to ascend to the throne.”

Hear Parken and the throne.

The light of ambition in Charlotte’s eyes flickered, and she couldn’t help calming down briefly.

To be able to become a Four Emperors in the future, and to be one of Rocks’ crew members, Charlotte is not really foolish, otherwise she would not be where she is now. Since Whitebeard became the emperor of New World, Charlotte has always wanted to follow in the footsteps of Whitebeard and become the second emperor, but the emperor is not so easy.

First of all, it needs enough strength to suppress the vast majority of pirates, as well as huge strength under their hands.

In addition, it has a record that is shocking enough.

Without a strong enough record, the pirates of New World will not be convinced.

Whitebeard was able to ascend to the emperor. It was Whitebeard’s punch and punch. Everyone knew how powerful Whitebeard was and how terrifying Whitebeard’s strength was.

The strongest man in the world is not kidding, especially today’s Whitebeard. In fact, it is still at its peak and can fight with all strength. In this state, Whitebeard has the ability of Shock Fruit. Torn.

That’s why.

Regarding Whitebeard being the first emperor, neither Kaido nor Charlotte have any disagreements.

Because they knew the horror of Whitebeard, especially Charlotte, facing the current Whitebeard, she had no chance of winning. Whether it was fire, thunder and lightning, or manipulation of the sea, it was completely useless in front of that man.

Strong enough, Charlotte has it.

She also has the power under her hand.

Now there is a convincing record.

And as long as she kills Borken, another contender for the throne, she will also have a convincing record, and then swallow the power under Borken’s hands, which will definitely make the BIGMOM Pirate Group expand and become stronger again.

She was an ambitious woman, especially she wanted to go to Radruf to see what was there.

And becoming Four Emperors is just her first step.

Thinking of this, Charlotte finally calmed down completely, smiling grimly. “You’re right, son, go and bring me back Kakuta, and then go and prepare to kill Borken. As for the Black Crow Pirates…”

“In the future, my old lady will smash them with her own hands!”

Charlotte’s face was icy with a smile. Around Cake Island, the waves fell with Charlotte’s voice, a tsunami swept across, the sky became dim, Razer rolled in thunderclouds, and flames flashed vaguely.

This scene embodies Charlotte’s terrible…

Miao naturally didn’t know this.

I don’t care if I know it.

At this time, Mio was looking at the sea chart, touching his chin and sinking into thinking.

Whether he wants to find a place directly to determine the location of the Black Crow Pirates in New World, after all, he does not have Roger’s idea of ​​going to Radruf, although he is also aware of the things on Radruf. Very interested.

But now he doesn’t have any historical road signs, and he doesn’t want to go now.

He wants to develop and accumulate his own strength during this period of time.

Therefore, a resident is very necessary.

As for the choice of resident, he also had a goal.

Raven Island.

The island is like a crow, and there is a crowd of crows on it, which is in line with the black crow pirate group.

There are many islands in New World, and there are various islands. It is not surprising that there is an island like Crow Island, but this island is a bit far from the Guysia archipelago. The location of this island is close to New World Deep place.

It would take at least a month to reach Raven Island from here.

“As for the throne…”

There was a flash of thought in Mio’s eyes, and he could see it now, so he was not in a hurry. The so-called New World’s throne, for now, it is very simple to stop the selection of the throne, and there is only one way, and that is to kill.

After killing almost, there are only a few guys with similar strengths, these people are all the emperors of New World.

“There is still a lot of time, but I’m not in a hurry.” Miao murmured, eyes flickering.

“Captain, dinner is ready.” At this moment, Robin walked out of the cabin and shouted towards Mio.

Hearing this, Mio raised her head to look at Robin, grinning with a smile. “Okay, I’m going now.”

With that said, Mio put away the chart, stood up, stretched out, and walked into the cabin to enjoy a delicious dinner.

Time passed by unconsciously.

Five days later.

A ship approached the Guy West Asia Islands.

Baifeng stood on the deck and looked at the flag on the ship, and then at Mio. “My lord, here comes.”

“Tsk, waited for almost a week, finally came.” Miao curled his lips, stepped out, and appeared on the bow of the boat.

It was a pirate ship with the flag of the BIGMOM Pirate Group. At this time, a young man at the front of the ship was standing there looking at Mio. This man Mio recognized at a glance, Cracker, one of the three generals.

“Black Crow!”

Seeing Min, Cracker’s expression was cold, and his eyes revealed a murderous intent. After all, in Cracker’s eyes, the guy in front of him was the one who killed his brother.

It’s just that with this murderous intent revealed…


There was a faint sound of breaking through the air, slashing across Cracker’s neck.

At that moment, Cracker’s scalp was numb, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes. At that moment, he felt as if he was about to die. Something quickly passed by, rubbing his neck. However, as long as you move forward a little bit, your head may be separated from your body.

Bai Feng said lightly. “If you don’t want to die, just accept the killing intent.”

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