Chapter 182 Chapter 181: Kizaru’s Arrival, Arrest

Hear the words.

A cold sweat broke out on Cracker’s forehead.

He only released a trace of killing intent and was noticed. Only this point Cracker knew that the Black Crow Pirates group might not be as simple as imagined. Moreover, with the sense of crisis just now, he still couldn’t write what it was that passed through his neck.

But Baifeng’s words also made Cracker notice Baifeng.

“There is no such guy in the reward order of the Black Rook Pirates. Is this a newcomer?” Cracker muttered in his heart. Not only was this person not included in the reward order of the Black Crow Pirates, but also in the reward order he had seen in the past. There is no impression.

This shows that Bai Feng may also be a pure newcomer on the sea.

But this pure newcomer has just given himself a sense of crisis of death.

This shocked Cracker’s heart, but also a little envious. “Where did this fellow Black Crow find such a powerful newcomer, damn it.”

Although he did not fight, he has affirmed that Baifeng is stronger than himself. If there is such a person in BIGMOM, it is estimated that the next plan for Borken will be smoother, and at the same time, it will enable the BIGMOM Pirates to have a better place in New World. Great right to speak.

After all, in the pirates of New World, in addition to the strong strength of the boss, the main thing to look at is the number of strong players under their hands.

The king is against the king, and will be against the general.

The strength of Jiang is strong, and only when he fights he has a greater winning rate.

After all, the strength of the “king”, New World is currently able to stabilize the others, only Whitebeard, of course, Red Earl is now considered one.

But the other powerhouses are almost the same.

This also reflects the importance of the’general’.

“Huh!” Cracker took a deep breath, and then said straight to the point. “Black Crow, brought here what you wanted.”

After that, there were several biscuit soldiers who used Cracker’s own ability to condense and walked to Cracker’s side holding three boxes, and opened the box, which contained three Devil Fruits.

But it’s all Zoan.

After reading the Devil Fruit’s picture book, Miao recognized three Devil Fruit abilities. They were all very ordinary Zoan. They didn’t have any powerful abilities, but they were enough for Miao. If they weren’t powerful abilities, just take it for the lottery. NS.

Mio beckoned.

Three boxes appeared directly in front of him.

This scene caused Cracker’s pupils to shrink again, flashing a flash of shock.

This method made him a little wary, because there was no trace of the shot at all.

“Not bad.” Looking at the three Devil Fruits, Mio grinned and said, then looked at Kata Kuri. “get out.”

Without any hesitation, Kata Kuri directly set foot on the Cracker’s ship, making Kata Kuri a little embarrassed for a few days, because there was no food, so his physical fitness was not enough.

“The transaction is complete, then goodbye. I am looking forward to the next transaction with BIGMOM.” Mio smiled slowly, and then shouted directly without hesitation. “Drought, let’s go.”


There was a roar from the bottom of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Glory moved forward at an extremely fast speed, towards the distance.

“Cracker, go quickly.” Kata Kuri stared at the black Glory that was leaving, and then hurriedly shouted without hesitation.

“What’s wrong?” Cracker frowned slightly.

“Marine is coming, it may be Admiral leading the team, hurry away.” Kata Kuri said in a deep voice, looking at the direction of the black Glory again, and couldn’t help sighing.

Hearing his brother’s words, Cracker suddenly opened his eyes and roared suddenly. “Quickly, get out of here.”

After finishing speaking, the ship also started moving and left quickly.

Cracker looked at Kata Kuri and asked in a deep voice. “Why did Marine come? Is it the Black Crows?”

“That’s right.” Kata Kuri nodded, grinning, helplessly. “He took the initiative to contact Marine to talk about his position, and now Marine is estimated to be almost there. If we don’t leave, we will definitely be left behind.”

“This damn guy.” Cracker wasn’t an idiot either, and after a secret curse, he knew the reason.

After this guy killed Perrospero, he used Kata Kuri as a trader and pitted his mother. He actually wanted to use Marine’s hand to impel himself and Kata Kuri into Impel down.

Once impel down, there will be no way to contact her mother. Maybe her mother will ignore the Black Crow Pirates and directly target the mold at Marine, which will be troublesome.

As for why the Black Crow Pirates dared to do this…

Cracker is also very clear.

Because of drought.

Although I have never seen one of the crew of the Black Raven Pirates group, I remembered the speed of the Pirate Ship of the Black Crow Pirates group just now.

Kata Kuli wrinkled his head tightly, and had to sigh that this pirate group, which can be called a monster-level rookie, is very capable.

I would actually think of taking Marine’s hand.

“I hope Admiral won’t lead the team.” Kata Kuri murmured in his heart. If Admiral really leads the team, I’m afraid they can only go to Impel down next, and may even stay there for the rest of their lives.

But just when the ship is moving quickly.


Cracker and Kata Kuri suddenly raised their heads and looked into the air.

I saw in the distance, a golden light flashed across the sky, and finally stopped in the sky above the boat.

“Obviously, I received the position of the Black Crow Pirates, but why did I meet you?” Kizaru grinned and sighed like a playful. “It’s really scary. Is this trying to borrow my hand to arouse BIGMOM’s hostility?”

He wasn’t a fool either, he knew the situation all at once.

But even so, Kizaru did not let Cracker and Kata Kuri plan off.


Looking at the figure in the sky, both Kata Kuri and Cracker couldn’t help frowning, and a look of despair appeared in their eyes.

If it is Akainu, they can still fight, because Akainu’s ability will not be very effective on the sea, but it is Kizaru, one of the Admiral they don’t want to encounter.

“Do you catch it by yourself, or should I arrest you?” Kizaru said lightly, putting his left hand in the pants Kabuto, raising his right hand and extending his index finger, with a dazzling golden light flashing at the fingertips.

Kata Kuri and Cracker looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and nodded to each other.


Soon, there was an explosion in this sea area.

The battle is triggered on this sea area.

Not long after, two warships arrived.

A Marine soldier came behind Kizaru and reported. “Report that Kizaru Admiral, Kata Kuri and Cracker have been arrested, should they be sent to Impel down now?”

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