Chapter 185 Chapter 184: Susanoo?

Mio’s power is not reserved in the slightest.

And because of this, a huge pit was directly knocked out of the ground during this collision, and Lufaxi’s face was covered with blood, and he almost lost consciousness.

Mio lifted Lufaxi into the air and said lightly. “This is the end of the question of politeness. Now my junior will teach you how to save your life in this situation.”

The voice fell, Miao grabbed one of Lu Cifer’s arm with the other hand, and tore it fiercely. The blood was spilled. Under the powerful force, the arm was torn off abruptly, and it looked extremely bloody.

Lu Cifer’s screams suddenly sounded, very sad.

“Old, boss…”

Several Lu Cifer’s men saw their boss’s tragic appearance, and couldn’t help swallowing saliva, hesitated whether to save the boss or escape.

However, it was just in this short period of hesitation for a few seconds. With a sigh, a cold light flashed, and Erica’s figure appeared in the distance without knowing when, the two swords slowly returned to their sheaths, followed by There are heads on the ground.

At this time, Lu Cifer’s eyes were filled with fear.

The body was struggling, but he couldn’t get off the hand that was holding his neck.

“No, don’t kill me.” Lufaxi said in horror, shook his head frantically, begging Mio to let him go, but he didn’t have the same air just now.

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t kill you.” Mio patted Lu Cifer’s head, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she smiled. “As long as you do one thing for me, I might let you go.”

“You, you say.” Lu Cifer said quickly. His abilities are not strong, and can only be used to deal with some weak and weak-minded people. At least Lu Cifer has not developed any powerful abilities so far.

And now, although the group of people in front of them are newcomers, they are not like newcomers at all. Each of them exudes a murderous intent and aura. In terms of aura alone, no one is weaker or even stronger than himself.

This made him completely lose the idea of ​​fighting it.

He still doesn’t want to die.

“It’s good to be obedient.” A smile appeared on Mio’s face, grabbing Lu Cifer’s shirt and bringing it in front of her, slowly speaking out her plan.

In fact, this plan is very simple, everyone in the Black Crow Pirates group knows it, but Black Research doesn’t know it, it can be regarded as a small attempt by Miao. Especially just now Mio personally experienced the ability of the fruit of the senses. This ability is used to control the senses. It is difficult to detect the abnormalities even with the use of sight, hearing and color. It is very real, and therefore Mio thinks this time’s plan may be very big. Probability of success.

And the purpose of this plan.

It lies in Heiyan’s eyes, Sharingan.

In the island town.

At this moment, Heiyan was holding two lingering guys in his hands, and was about to return to the boat to hand them over to the adults, but then he received a call bug from Erica and asked himself to go to the town center. There was a battle there, Marine came, and the adults were besieged there.

Putting away the phone bug, Hei Yan casually threw the two lingering guys aside, and then quickly rushed towards that side.

At the same time, he frowned, feeling a little weird.

If there is a battle, I should be able to detect the strangeness, why now, there seems to be nothing happening on the island?

But even so, Hei Yan was still moving forward quickly. When he stepped into the center of the town, suddenly, Hei Yan felt a little trance, but it was only a momentary thing. Then, Hei Yan saw himself. In sight.

The adults are fighting against others, and the target of the battle is actually the three Admiral from Naval Headquarters.

Erica and others are also fighting against other Vice Admiral.

The voice kept ringing.

Let the scene before me is very real, and even the smell of blood can be clearly smelled.

In Kizaru’s sight, he only saw an adult who was suddenly attacked by Akainu when he was attacked by Akainu, hitting his back with one blow, and his body flew out, even more blood spurted out of his mouth.

This scene suddenly widened Hei Yan’s eyes and showed an angry look. Sharingan appeared in his pupils, and rushed towards the adult without hesitation, trying to catch the adult, and then took the adult away.

But at this moment, Kizaru, one of the three Admirals, was faster. He appeared behind the adult before the adult landed, raised his foot, and blasted the adult into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Kizaru squeezed his fingers at the underground position. “Bachiqiong Gouyu!”

One by one the ball of light madly bombarded towards the bottom.

Seeing this scene, Hei Yan suddenly widened his eyes, the scarlet color appeared in his pupils, and the three-seduce Sharingan was turning crazily. “Do not!!”

In the town.

On one street, everyone on this street has been emptied, only Black Yan standing on the street is left.

On a roof, Mio sat on it and watched Hei Yan’s rising momentum, and couldn’t help but look forward to it. “Hope to succeed.”

“Captain, are you really good to Heiyan like that? Heiyan believes in you so much.” Robin said helplessly.

“Just like the husband fighting with Hawkeye before, he also deceived Erica.” Erica couldn’t help but speak at this time, remembering what happened last time, and now he can still see the Hawkeye on Mio’s chest. The scar left.

“Sir, you should do less of this kind of thing next time, especially don’t do it to me, otherwise Lilith will be very sad.” Lilith nodded in agreement, she didn’t want to experience that feeling. , I don’t want to experience it even if it’s only once.

For people like them, that feeling is extremely painful.

Just like Hei Yan at this time, his body is getting more and more turbulent, but there is a trace of blood pouring out of his eyes at this time, and then he can clearly see the eyes in his eyes. The original three Gouyu are now linked. Together, it formed a shape resembling a blade.

At the same time, a huge purple-black skeleton figure condensed behind Hei Yan and emerged, and enveloped Heiyan in it. Following Hei Yan’s roar, the huge black-purple skeleton giant clenched his fists and slammed into the ground. .


The whole town shook suddenly.

The sky is full of dust.

“It looks almost done.” Seeing this, a flash of joy flashed in Mio’s eyes. It was only an attempt, but now it seems to have succeeded. The black and purple skeleton giant phantom is very familiar to Mio.

That’s… Susanoo.

A power that only Mangekyō can use.

Mio’s plan is to use the power of this sensory fruit to deceive Heiyan and make Heiyan mistakenly believe that he is dead, so as to gather sadness and bring it to Ultimate, thereby promoting the evolution of Sharingan and making it Mangekyō.

Now obviously very successful.

Of course, Susanoo is the ability of Mangekyō’s eyes. In addition, Mangekyō’s left and right eyes have their own different abilities.

In this regard, Mio is more curious, don’t know what Heiyan’s ability will be?



Or Distinguished Heavenly Gods?

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