Chapter 186 Chapter 185

“My lord, my lord, you should be able to let me go now?” Lu Faxi asked Miao hesitantly and nervously. Seeing Hei Yan’s appearance, Lu Cifer felt that his role should have been achieved and he could leave.

Hear the words.

Mio grinned and smiled. “You are right, you can leave.”

Hearing this, Lu Cifer’s face suddenly showed an excited smile.

But the next moment.


A cold light flashed, Raikiri on Mio’s waist did not know when to unsheath, accompanied by a knife light, and then Lu Cifer’s head was directly separated from her neck, fell to the ground and rolled a few times, and finally stopped at Mio’s feet. .

“Congratulations on your inclusion of Pirate (sensory) genes!”

On the panel, a prompt emerged.

Immediately afterwards, at the place where Black Research was in front, a huge Susanoo punched out, a row of houses collapsed, and many pirates were killed.

At this time, in Heiyan’s Observation Haki, he suddenly felt familiar auras, and he couldn’t help but suddenly looked back in the direction where Mio was, with a look of startled expression. “grown ups?!”

Seeing Mio’s figure, Hei Yan couldn’t help rubbing his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Send Susanoo away.” Mio said while looking at Heiyan.

“Yes.” Hei Yan nodded quickly, and then quickly came to Mio’s body, with a puzzled expression. “My lord, you weren’t just…”

“Let them explain it to you.” Mio shrugged and pointed to Erica and the others, with a look of helplessness on his face. If this were not the only option, he would be very reluctant to do this kind of thing.

Hearing that, Hei Yan looked at Erica, and Erica immediately explained. In the end, the corners of Hei Yan’s face twitched slightly, as if he didn’t expect an adult to use this method on himself.

Mio smiled and said. “Well, although the process is a bit unsatisfactory, at least the result is pretty good, isn’t it?”

As he said, Mio turned his gaze on Hei Yan again and asked. “What are your left and right eye abilities?”

Mangekyō generally has three abilities, one ability for the left eye, one ability for the right eye, and one ability for combining the left and right eyes, but the combined ability for the left and right eyes is basically Mangekyō.

The ability of the left eye and the right eye alone is partly different.

Some are Amaterasu Tsukuyomi, some are Kamui Amaterasu.

There are differences, and there are the same.

But if you want to say what ability Miao wants Black Research to possess, then there is no doubt that it is Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

Because of this ability, it is too powerful.

Distinguished Heavenly Gods is known as the strongest illusion, which can unconsciously control the consciousness and thinking of others to make changes, and at the same time, the other party will not notice that they are being manipulated.

This shows how terrible this ability is.

This is the ability to turn a completely loyal world government trained by the world government into his own subordinates.

Unfortunately, things backfired.

Hei Yan lowered his head and said. “It’s Amaterasu and Kagutu fate.”

“These two abilities…” Hearing this, Mio nodded and made it clear that Mangekyō’s abilities are exactly the same as Uchiha Sasuke, both Amaterasu and Kagutu.

But these two abilities are matched and very good.

Amaterasu itself is a kind of flame that cannot be extinguished after burning, and its power is very terrifying. Kagutu is used to control the fire of Amaterasu when Amaterasu is released, and it can be transformed into various forms, weapons, and so on.

Although it is not the Distinguished Heavenly Gods that I am looking forward to.

However, these two abilities are quite interesting.

“Not bad.” Mio smiled and nodded, and then said. “Okay, the purpose of coming here is settled, let’s go ahead.”

I came to this island only to help Black Research’s Three Tomoe Sharingan evolve into Mangekyō. Now that it is completed, there is no need to stay. As for why not help yourself to evolve, the reason is also very simple, because it is impossible. He can help Heiyan evolve completely because Heiyan has no idea what is going on. He already knows the cause of the matter, so no matter how tragic the scene appears, he will not take it seriously.

On the Black Honor.

At this time, several people have returned.

Holding the chart, Mio is looking for the next island to go to.

To reach Raven Island, you have to pass through a lot of sea areas, and Mio must find a convenient way.

And one of the roads is to pass near Cake Island.

Looking at this route, Mio’s eyes narrowed slightly, with a gleam of brilliance, and even if the spin was decided, he would take this route.

At the same time, Mio snapped his fingers.

Shadows appeared on the deck behind him, and then a group of figures appeared from that shadow. It was the Sombra Corps, but it was not the Ninja Corps. There are a total of nine Sombra Corps, and the Ninja Corps is just the most balanced one.

And this time behind Mio, it was the stab-blade group.

Both feet and claws of the thorn blade group are sharp and sharp cones. They are very fast and have strong melee combat capabilities.

Among the nine Sombra regiments, the ninja regiment is actually considered human, and the other corps look like under the masks, tusk, it really has nothing to do with human beings, but they are all different monsters.

At this time, a total of more than twenty piercing blade regiments appeared behind them, and they looked at Mio respectfully, waiting for Mio’s instructions.

“Go.” Mio turned around to look at these pierced blades and waved. “Let me go around and see if there are related warships investigating our whereabouts and looking for our location.”

Hearing this, the members of the piercing blade group immediately bowed their heads respectfully, and then their bodies slowly sank, and finally disappeared.

After Mio put down the chart and said to Baifeng, the boat moved up and headed in one direction.

Mio leaned against the bow of the boat with a bottle of whiskey, looking forward to the sea breeze. “Marine, don’t let me down, I’m still waiting for you to help me get benefits from BIGMOM.”

The boat moved slowly down.

On the deck.

Kuroken is familiar with the newly acquired power, and Baifeng is practicing Haki.

Erica is practicing swordsmanship once a day.

Lilith and Robin are reading a book, Warwick…

“Huh? What are you doing, Warwick?”

Mio raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise, because at this moment Warwick was actually holding a book in his hand, which surprised Mio.

Hearing that, Warwick seemed to be shocked, turned his head and scratched his head in embarrassment, and whispered. “I’m reading a book.”

“Reading? What books can you read?” Mio asked strangely.

Warwick looked around, and finally whispered beside Mio. “The brewing book.”

“What the hell?”

Hearing this, Mio raised her head and looked at Warwick in surprise, making wine?

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