Chapter 223 Chapter 222: Three Fruits

Unknowingly time, two days passed.

Two days later.

In the forest in the center of the island, you can see that a castle has been built. In addition to the castle, there are some houses that look like a small base. The flags of the Black Crow Pirate Group are planted all over the castle.

That castle is where Mio lives.

This island, with the exception of the forest surrounding the shore, other areas can be said to belong to the crow area, which shows how terrifying the number of crows on this island.

at this time.

The shore of Raven Island.

Hawkeye was about to leave.

After staying here for a few days, he intends to go back to the first half of the Grand Line. It seems something is going on.

After Miao stayed for a while, if Hawkeye didn’t intend to keep him, he didn’t keep him, and sent Hawkeye away.

And just not long after Hawkeye left.

Just as Mio returned to the castle, Araki brought a person over.

“Boss, this guy is from the mad beast pirate group. He said that he has something to give you. I saw Devil Fruit.” Araki said, pointing to a man behind him.

The man looked at Min in front of him nervously, and hurriedly put Devil Fruit in front of him and said. “Master Black Crow, our boss asked me to bring this to you. You can see. There are three Devil Fruits in total.”

“Yeah.” Mio nodded and waved his hand, Araki immediately took three Devil Fruits in front of Mio.

Mio took the three Devil Fruits and looked at them one by one. One of them made Mio’s mouth rise and a smile appeared.

After watching for a while, Mio put Devil Fruit aside, looked at the man and said. “I have received the stuff, you can go.”

“Yes.” The man nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Facing this Master Black Crow, there was always a sense of oppression in his heart, he didn’t dare to breathe, his heart was extremely nervous.

The man turned and prepared to leave.

Mio glanced at Araki, a flash of cold light flashed in her eyes.

Araki nodded secretly, motioned to himself to be clear, and turned around to leave the castle with the man.

Not long after, a scream sounded outside the castle.

Araki walked into the castle while wiping the blood in his hands, lowered his head and said in a deep voice. “Boss, it has been resolved.”

“Well, dispose of the corpse and throw it to the crow’s lair. Those little guys are now our pets. They also like to eat carrion. Let it be their food for a few days.” Miao smiled and ordered. .

Araki grinned, nodded, turned and left.

Because he knows how powerful he is.

So Araki and the others are very precious to the crows on the island, and basically every time they kill, they throw the corpse directly into the crow’s lair, and after a few days it becomes a carrion, it will be eaten by the crows.

As a result, there are a lot of bones on the side of some crow dens.

And left with Araki.

Mio once again picked up one of the three Devil Fruits and placed it in front of him, muttering. “I didn’t expect it to be this Devil Fruit…something unexpected.”

This is a Devil Fruit that Miao is very familiar with, but this fruit is of little use to him.

But it is undeniable that this Devil Fruit is very helpful to women.

Because this Devil Fruit is a sweet fruit.

That’s right, it was the Devil Fruit that Hancock ate in the original book. He didn’t expect to appear in front of him now.

Think of Hancock, the king of daughter island in the original book, one of Shichibukai who is known as the world’s most beautiful woman.

Miao squinted her eyes, her eyes flickered, and then she smiled faintly. “Daughter Island…maybe you can also plan a closed island in the Calm Belt, where the whole people will practice martial arts. If such a force is conquered, it will be a good help in the future.”

Moreover, the female emperor, to be honest, her strength in the future is actually good. Although she has not shown how strong, she has not shown the upper limit of her own strength.

But it is undeniable that the true strength of the Empress is definitely stronger than that shown in the original work.

And Daughter Island, he was really interested.

Not for the women above, but simply for this country and for this power.

But it’s still too early to talk about this. Empress Hancock is still a kid, and I don’t know if it’s in the country of daughters, or has been captured in the Holy Land Mariejois. If Mariejois was captured, then for the daughter’s island Planning will be much easier.

Even Miao can easily control this country.

In addition to the sweet fruit, the other two Devil Fruits are not the Devil Fruits of the two sisters in Hancock’s original book, but other Zoans, but they are very common and there is no need to keep them.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Mio asked Warwick to come over and take the three demons to his room.

Three Devil Fruits, of which the sweet fruit Miao is intended to be kept, and the other two Devil Fruits, may be considered for a lottery in the future.

As for now, it’s not in a hurry.

Lilith walked here at this time, looking at Mio who was sitting on the top of the stairs in the castle, with a bright smile on her face, walked towards Mio, and soon came to Mio, sitting without shyness. Entering Mio’s arms, wrapped her hands around Mio’s neck.

“What’s the matter?” Mio asked Lilith with a smile.

“Yeah.” Lilith nodded slightly and reported. “The black crow sea area has basically been set up, and people are sent to guard everywhere, and there are no other people in the sea area except the black crow.”

“There are also various facilities on the island that have been completed.”

“That’s it.” Hearing this, Mio touched his chin and began to ponder. “In this way, you can leave after waiting for a while.”

He doesn’t want to stay on Raven Island all the time, he will be in the future, but not now, he still has a lot of things to do.

“So, what plan does the husband have next?” Lilith asked curiously.

“Of course.” Mio lifted Lilith’s delicate chin, looked at the charming face in front of him, and said slowly. “There is still a battle needed to fully establish the power of the black crow.”

“Does the sir have a goal?” Lilith asked. She understood the meaning of Miao’s words very well, but nowadays, there is no such easy goal to find. Want to establish the power of the black crow once again.

The right opponent is a must.

But now there are only a few suitable opponents for the Black Crows.

Looking at the entire New World, there are not many.

Those who belong to the top level of New World, and it is not so easy to find each other to shoot. Directly looking for each other to fight is a provocation, and it is easy to provoke a war.

It also needs a suitable reason to make a move.

“Don’t worry, there are always opportunities. Anyway, we don’t have to leave New World in a hurry for the next period of time. After all, we have to go to Shengdu Island…”

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