Chapter 224 Chapter 223: The Surprise Brought by Doflamingo

Sundo Island is actually the island in the original ‘Operation Mania’. This island not only contains a treasure left by Roger, but also a permanent pointer to Radruf. He will naturally not miss it.

(Ps: I really can’t find the name of this island, if anyone knows, I can tell you.)

Time, three days passed again.

In these three days, Mio can be regarded as a good rest for a while.

Without practice, every day is rest, drinking, life is very comfortable.

But on this day, Mio was ready to no longer degenerate, and it was time to deal with some business affairs.

Inside the castle on Raven Island.

“Master Black Crow, something terribly big happened today.” Shengyou Wu Liu hurriedly walked into the castle holding a newspaper, and handed a newspaper to Min.

Mio picked up the newspaper and read it, raised her eyebrows, stretched out immediately, and smiled. “Interesting, the red-haired guy went to Kaido.”

The content of the newspaper was the battle between Red Hair and Kaido near Wanokuni. As far as the description in the newspaper is concerned, the battle was fierce and destroyed an island, but the result was also very surprising.

It turned out to be a peaceful departure.

This result looks like a tie.

After all, no one wins and no one loses.

It is indeed the same as a peace hand, and for this reason, the content of this newspaper is undoubtedly shocking, which means that the strength of red hair may reach the level of Kaido, and it also allows more pirates to know the terrible red hair, and at the same time It’s a recognized redhead.

“Interesting, do you know what Kaido is doing?” Mio put down the newspaper and asked Wu Liu Xiangyou.

“It’s not clear at the moment, but it is said that Kaido came to our side when he left. Will it be…” Wuliu Katsuta said, frowning slightly.

Hearing this, Mio said slowly with one hand on his chin. “Don’t worry, Kaido alone can’t cause any threats, and he will only run away dingy when he comes.”

What’s more, Kaido may not be able to get here.

after all…

On Talos’ side, Kaido is about to be found when I think about it, and it will be another big battle for Kaido by then.

For the outcome of this battle, Mio is still very much looking forward to.

“Order to go down and let people find Kaido’s location.” Mio thought about it and said, he wanted to know Kaido’s location for the first time, even if Talos was not Kaido’s opponent, he could take it at any time.


Although I don’t know if the boss has any plans for Kaido, the boss ordered that he only needs to follow the orders.

Therefore, Shengyou Wu Liu turned around and left.

After more than ten minutes.

Shengyou Wu Liu returned to Mio again.

“Master Black Crow, there is a guest here.” Shengyou Wu Liu reported with his head down.

Miao raised her eyebrows slightly, curiously asked. “Who?”

“Mr. Doflamingo.”

“He? Let him come over.”

Miao frowned slightly and was a little confused. Why did this guy come back not long after he left? Could it be that there is something important?

While thinking about it, Doflamingo soon walked into the castle hall under the leadership of Katsutatake Takeru. In addition to Doflamingo and Katsutatake Takeru, behind Doflamingo was followed by a few guys who looked like Doflamingo’s men.

And these guys are pushing a cart, and there seems to be something on the cart, which is covered by a black cloth, making it difficult to see what is inside.

But Mio stood up for the first time and couldn’t help grinning. “It looks like you brought me a nice little gift.”

“Yes, I got it by accident.” Doflamingo smiled and nodded, speaking of this’little gift’ meeting he can be said to be very unexpected, because the last time I met with Mio and left, he temporarily made it on an island in New World. Encountered during a break.

At that time, the roar of this guy almost spread all over the island, which made Doflamingo notice this guy.

And after discovering this guy, he immediately decided to give it to Mio.

In order to catch this guy, even Doflamingo, it took a lot of effort.

However, entering the hall at this time, Doflamingo replied, his eyes wandering in the hall, his heart could not stop surprised.

In the hall, what can be seen is the steps in front of him. On the steps, Mio is conveniently located. There is like a throne, a seat belonging to Mio, and Mio sits on it like a king.

Exudes inexplicable majesty.

On both sides of the steps below the throne, there are members of the Black Crow Pirates.

White wind.

Black research.


These people are all combat members of the Black Crow Pirate Group, standing there quietly, some sitting on the steps, and some holding their shoulders against the wall.

But Doflamingo felt it, each of them exuded a not weak aura, and several of them were even more powerful.

Such a scene, coupled with Katsuya Wuliu who brought him in, and some Pirate Captains he saw along the way to the castle, made Doflamingo know that his “partner” is now in New World. He has stood up.

And it will stand firm soon!

At the same time, it is also clear that the Black Crow Pirate Group is indeed strong today.

Compared with the top-notch existence of New World, what is missing is probably only some intermediate forces and the number of people under their hands.

“When the fake Pluton comes out, maybe this’partner’ will directly become the most powerful force in the New World, right?”

This move is right.

When the Don Quixote family officially enters the New World in the future, he will also be able to get some help from the Black Crow.

At least on Dressrosa’s side, he would be a lot easier.

In the underground world of New World, it may also be possible to use the name of Black Crow to expand its development.

While Doflamingo was thinking, Mio couldn’t wait to get up and said. “Open it and let me see what a surprise it is.”

He could feel that the guy under the black cloth was not weak.

Although not very strong, it is definitely not weak. With such an aura, and with the genes in his hands, soon a strong man will appear on this island.

“Humhhhhhhhh, please see.” Doflamingo grinned and snapped his fingers.

The men suddenly lifted the black cloth.

A huge iron cage appeared, and the sound of collision and roar suddenly sounded.

Doflamingo also introduced again. “This guy was found on an island in New World, and he had eaten Devil Fruit at the same time, and the fruit is still a short-faced bear from the ancient Zoan species. I think you should be very interested in this guy.”

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