Chapter 246 Chapter 245: Aska Island, Traces of the Golden Lion


Five Elders walked into the lobby.

The old man wearing a training suit with a knife in his hand frowned at this moment, said. “Celestial Dragons needs to be warned.”

“Yes.” Another Five Elders nodded in agreement. “They are too reckless and reckless, after all, they are the top existence of New World, and the turmoil caused by them will not be small.”

“Yes, although it is not afraid, it will cause trouble after all. It is very difficult for Marine to stabilize the situation. Our main goal still needs to be on the revolutionary army. If it causes turbulence, it may cause the revolutionary army to seek development opportunities.”

“Order the CP organization to protect Celestial Dragons. If you encounter something like a black crow again, you can ignore Celestial Dragons’ orders.”

“Well, that’s it.”


The killing of Celestial Dragons by the black crow caused some turbulence in the sea, but there was no action on the Marine side, which ordinary people did not understand, but it is not surprising in the eyes of some powerful people in New World.

Mio was not surprised at this.

At this time, the Black Honor had left Sabaody Archipelago.

And after driving for a few days, he came to a sea area.

Baifeng stood beside Miao and reported. “My lord, Askar Island is about to arrive.”

“It’s finally here.” Hearing this, Mio stretched her body, couldn’t help but murmured, and a look of expectant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Aska Island was one of his goals when he came to the Grand Line.

Some people may not know this island, but I believe many people remember one thing on the island, the Seven Star Sword.

The holy sword that was cursed in the original book, if you say that before you know that Noah can be cultivated, Mio may not be interested in the Seven-Star Sword, but after knowing that Noah can be cultivated, Mio is the cursed one. Holy Sword is interested.

In this world, some weapons are spiritual.

It’s like a ghost.

Oni Toru is also a cursed weapon, and it can even be said that Oni Toru will choose the owner by himself. In the original Third Generation, Oni Toru belonged to Zoro who chose Oni Toru, and also belonged to Oni Toru who chose Zoro.

Under such circumstances, he had to doubt that the Seven Star Sword might also be able to train.

This sword can control people’s hearts, which shows its own particularity.

Moreover, the power of the Seven-Star Sword would never be weak when it came to the sword.

After all, this is a demon knife that can control people’s hearts and kill the breath.

If it can be cultivated, coupled with some powerful genes, it is not impossible to cultivate a powerful existence.

(Ps: I have to say something here. Although I can write the Seven Star Sword, there are some things that cannot be written in this theater version, because it is impossible to write. It is like the three gems that seal the Seven Star Sword. I prayed from the gods of Askar, this kind of thing…to be honest, just jump right away.)

Taking into account the peculiarities of the Seven Star Sword, coupled with the fact that the distance to Aska Island is approaching, there is still some distance.

So Mio plans to draw a lottery first to see if he can get the genes suitable for cultivating the Seven Star Sword.

If you can get it, you can just train the Seven Star Sword directly at that time, but if you can’t get it, to be honest, Miao may not take the Seven Star Sword away, after all, the Seven Star Sword is too weird.

If you take it away, it will inevitably cause some trouble.

But at this moment.

Warwick came to Mio and said with a phone worm in his hand. “My lord, your phone bug belongs to Renee.”

Mio is not nonsense, just get the phone worm directly to connect.


“Sir.” Renee said in a pleasant voice.

“Let me think about it, should there be any good news?” Mio said with a smile.

“As expected, sir, you have guessed it all, it’s awesome.” Renee laughed happily.

Miao couldn’t help but help her forehead. This was a bit obvious. After all, she wouldn’t call if there was no good news.

Mio shook his head and laughed, and said. “Okay, what’s the news?”

“Hehe, sir, it’s the Golden Lion news that you told me to find.”

“Huh?” Hearing this, Mio’s expression became serious, and his eyes flickered. “found it?”

“There are some traces.” Renee reported. “A member of the Sombra Corps found several floating Sky Island in the sky near the upside down mountain yesterday, but they quickly disappeared. If nothing else, the Golden Lion should be nearby.”

“In this case, continue to search, and stare at me as soon as you find him, don’t lose his position.” Min indulged for a moment and then ordered.

As for Golden Lion, he will go there once the affairs on Askar Island are over.

This kind of thing can’t be delayed, and if it drags on for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents on the Vegapunk side.

And to be honest, he is quite interested in Golden Lion’s genes.

After all, the ability of Lion Fruit has already bloomed its light in the hands of Golden Lion. This is a very good ability.

“Where is Festa?” Mio asked again.

“Festa’s words have not been found so far. Since Roger was executed, there has been no trace of the other party, even in Impel down.”

“Let’s continue searching.” Mio touched his chin and said, there was some speculation in his heart. Radruf’s permanent pointer was left by a crew member on Roger’s ship. Roger found out that he shouldn’t leave this kind of thing and be thrown into it. In the sea, he was swallowed by a big fish.

Guy Festa, shouldn’t it be swallowed in the belly of that big fish?

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to find Radruf’s permanent pointer.

Of course, this is all nonsense of Mino.

In the phone bug, Renee’s voice rang respectfully. “Yes, I will do my best to complete your order, and I won’t let you down, and after a while, Renee will give you a surprise.”

“Really?” Miao’s mouth raised and smiled. “Then I will wait and see.”

“Haha, but Renee hopes that her husband can meet Renee’s small request by then, and she hopes that her husband can agree.”

“Are you asking? Yes.”

“That’s good.”

Soon, the phone worm hung up.

Mio was looking forward to the surprise that Renee said. As for Renee’s request, Mio also had some speculations.

It just turned into a chuckle in the end.

After all, having been with Lilith for so long, he couldn’t be more clear about what he thought of the female members he had cultivated.

It’s just that the girls like Lilith are different from Olive after all.

In Mio’s eyes, Oliv is a kind of venting desire. There is no emotion at all, but Lilith and the others…

Mio shook his head, no longer think about it, let the flow take its course.

After some conversation, Aska Island, already appeared in front of my eyes…

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