Chapter 247 Chapter 247

“Let’s start the lottery.”

With a move of Mio’s heart, the roulette in front of her turned quickly.

In this lottery, Mio intends to draw two first.

Two Devil Fruits turned into two lucky draw opportunities. Looking at the rotation of the roulette in front of him, a look of expectation appeared in Miao’s eyes.

This time, he saw a lot of new genes on the roulette.

[Black Cat Sheriff Gene! 】

[The Disaster of Anaconda-Anaconda Gene! 】

[Armor Warrior-Yanlong Xia Gene! 】

Well, some weird genes.

Seeing Miao’s lips twitched wildly, and couldn’t help but pray that she would not get these genes.

Although many of them belong to childhood, to be honest, the effect is really small, even if it is Yanlongxia, it must have armor.

But among the newly emerged genes, there is another gene that interests Mio.

[Void Fear] Gene.

This gene comes from Valoran Continent, which is in the game [League of Legends], but let alone this gene, it feels really powerful in terms of Miao, and the power is not in the opponent’s strength.

It lies in the potential of the other party.

That is the unlimited level.

As long as you can continue to eat, you can continue to grow stronger.

So Mio is a little expectant to be able to get this gene.

As the roulette continued to spin, it soon slowed down and gradually stopped.

A reminder appeared on the panel, and the first draw was over.

[Congratulations on clearing the lucky draw included: Samehada Gene! 】


“This gene… is interesting.” Mio raised her eyebrows slightly, a little surprised. The Samehada gene came from the Hokage world. It was a knife. Of course, it was a knife, but it could also be regarded as a creature.

All in all, it is very special.

And this gene made Mio feel like she was lucky, after all, if this gene was used to cultivate the Seven Star Sword, it felt pretty good.


After taking a deep breath, Miao looked at the roulette in front of him and pressed the ‘raffle’ button again.

The roulette continued to spin.

Min watched the lottery roulette quietly, and after a few minutes passed, the roulette stopped again, and then the results of the lottery appeared before her eyes.

“Congratulations for including the Shinigami gene through the lottery!”

The draw is over and the roulette disappears.

Mio’s eyes were fixed on the genes that he had won in the second lottery draw, frowning, even a little surprised.

Shinigami gene, this gene is not some god or something, but simply Shinigami gene from the world of “Shinigami”.

Shinigami is not a certain person, it can also be regarded as a race, a kind of existence, so it is not surprising to get the Shinigami gene, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy. After all, the Shinigami gene is not used for those other people in the’Shinigami’ world. Gene.

There are other ‘Shinigami’ in the Shinigami world, but these Shinigami’s abilities are fixed, and the abilities that can be obtained from the other party’s genes, including Zanpakutō, are all those.

The Shinigami gene I got in this lottery is completely different.

What kind of Zanpakutō or the like is possible depends entirely on the creatures being cultivated.

“It’s not bad,” Mio murmured, and Mio was very satisfied with the results of the two draws. After all, one gene is very suitable for the Seven Star Sword, and one gene is simply powerful.

After taking a look at the genes he currently possesses, the corners of Miao’s mouth raised, and immediately looked at the island in front of him, the color of the catalogue’s expectation, and he landed on the island with a single leap.

Several people behind followed followed.

Looking around the island in front of him, Erica’s tentacles surged on her forehead and said. “The ants told me that there is something special on this island, the gentleman should have come for that thing, right?”

“That’s right.” Mio nodded slightly and said. “I hope that thing won’t let me down, otherwise it will be a trip for nothing.”

“I’m on the boat with Warwick.” Hei Yan also said at this time.

“Well, I’ll leave it to you.” Miao waved at the drought in the sea, and the group of people left directly and walked towards the island.

Along the way, Erica shook her tentacles, communicated with the ants on the island, and even summoned the ants to lead the way, ready to go directly to the place where the Seven Star Sword was sealed.

After all, there is a Marine branch base on this island. If it is not necessary, Mio does not want to be an enemy of these Marines. It is not a good thing to slaughter a Marine branch base.

It will cause Marine hostility. Although it’s not a big problem right now, it’s hard to say after Marine pulls out the power of New World.


Suddenly, a touch of joy flashed in Erica’s eyes, and she looked at Miao and said. “Sir, some ants say they know where Devil Fruit is.”

“It seems that even if that thing doesn’t help me, this trip is not in vain.” Miao couldn’t help but laugh.

Then he instructed Erica to let the ants send Devil Fruit over, while the others continued to move towards the Seven Star Sword.

Soon, there was a ruin in front of Miao’s eyes. It was said to be a ruin, but it was not completely collapsed. Some ancient buildings could be vaguely seen, and it may have been hundreds of years since now.

“There used to be an Askar Kingdom on this island. Unsurprisingly, these ruins should have been left over from that kingdom period, right?” Robin said, holding a book in his hand, looking at the ruins in front of him.

“Well, what I want is also the holy sword left by this kingdom.”

“Holy Sword?” Lilith had a little doubt in her eyes.

Even if it is a good weapon left by a kingdom, it is not worthy of your husband’s attention, right?

Mio explained Lilith’s doubts. “Originally it was only a good weapon, but after absorbing the resentment and blood of countless people, it turned into a demon knife that can control people’s hearts.”

“This kind of weapon is somewhat unknown. Is it dangerous for the captain to find this kind of weapon?” Robin asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen.” Miao said with a smile, and the group moved on.

In his eyes, a high-rise castle began to appear.

Erica said. “The ants said, that thing is inside.”

“Go in.” Mio looked up at the castle in front of him. If not unexpected, he remembered that the Seven Star Sword was sealed in a sarcophagus.

“Please stop.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

Mio turned her head to look, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. She was a woman, considered beautiful, wearing strange clothes, and ran towards the few people in Mio at this time.

Robin said. “It should be the maiden on this island. There was a maiden on this island a long time ago.”

After speaking, the witch had already come to Mio and the others, and said seriously. “You can no longer move on, and I won’t let you in. There are very dangerous things in there.”

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