Chapter 263 Chapter 262: Imitating the Power of Pluton, Return

“Judge, I hope you can bring me some surprises this time.”

On the shore of the island, Mio watched Judge in front of her and spoke slowly.

Feeling the momentum from Mio, Judge nodded, and Chūnin couldn’t help but flashed with excitement and anticipation, said. “Don’t worry, although you haven’t tried the power yet, you won’t be disappointed if you think about it.”

With that said, Judge turned around and walked in one direction with Miao and the others.

This is a river in the island.

The river is very wide.

At this time, on the river, there was a dark ship docked on it. The ship was huge, and oncoming was a heavy breath, like a cast of steel.

The pitch black color gives people a sense of solemnity.

At the bow of the ship is a serpentine bow, and in the mouth of the ship, there is a thick and dark barrel.

Judge introduced. “According to my transformation, although this imitation Pluton is not as powerful as the original Pluton, it is definitely not weak, and the energy conversion device has become absorbing light energy. The light energy absorbed every day is enough to release five bombardments. Of course, For fear of attracting the attention of the World government and Marine, this imitation Pluton has not yet tried its power, and it is waiting for you to come.”

“Perform it.” The corner of Miao’s mouth raised, and he said.

I was curious about the power of this imitation of Pluton.

The original Pluton can smash an island in one shot, so how powerful is this fake Pluton?

Not to mention smashing the island with one cannon, but at least it must be able to reach the level of smashing a ship with one cannon.

“Okay.” At Mio’s order, Judge couldn’t wait to set foot on the ship, followed by some cloned soldiers.

After Judge got on the boat, he immediately started to operate. The imitation Pluton drove. He quickly left the river and entered the sea area. He turned his head slowly and aimed at the distant sea. The golden energy began to converge.

Immediately afterwards.


A cannonball that resembled an energy ball suddenly exploded, and the speed was very fast, and it bombarded the sea at a very far distance.

Pause time.


A huge vibration suddenly sounded.

A violent explosion appeared, like a shrinking mushroom cloud, the sea vibrated wildly, and the waves rose into the sky.

“Not bad power, but compared to the legendary Pluton’s power, it’s a lot worse.” Lilith couldn’t help but speak as she watched the explosion in her sight.

“It’s true, but it’s enough.” Mio nodded slightly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

After all, without Pluton’s design drawings, he is very satisfied with this power. You must know that although this power is far inferior to Pluton, it can be mass-produced.

If Roger and Golden Lion cooperated, all the Golden Lion fleets were replaced by Pluton, maybe Golden Lion can really dominate the world.

After all, with the ability of Golden Lion, Pluton can be turned into a mobile bomber in the air.

You can imagine how terrifying the power of the combination is.

Now the Golden Lion is dead, but the Golden Lion’s abilities are in his own hands. As long as the time is enough and the number of imitation Plutons is enough, then he can cultivate a ‘Golden Lion’ by himself.

Tsk tsk, even Naval Headquarters, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the mass bombing that imitated Pluton.

Under a shot.

The imitation Pluton soon returned to the river.

Judge disembarked and came to Mio’s face with an exhilarating smile on his face. Obviously he was very satisfied with the power of copying Pluton.

After pondering for a moment, Mio asked. “Imitating the construction of Pluton, how long does it take to build one?”

“At least two months.” Judge replied quickly.

“It’s okay.” Min nodded, this speed is not fast but not slow.

Immediately afterwards, Mio groaned for a while again, and said. “Continue to build it. You can consider reducing the power of counterfeit Pluton for sale, but you must never be discovered by the World government and Naval Headquarters, or even think of the relationship with Pluton. As for other counterfeit Pluton, don’t let it go. The time has come. Someone will get it.”

“Okay.” Judge nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Mio had no intention of staying any longer, turned and walked towards the shore, and said as he walked. “Let’s go, you’d better continue research and development here, and see if you can restore the original power of Pluton.”

“I’m doing my best.” Judge didn’t promise, he just nodded.

After Mio’s figure disappeared completely, Judge returned to his research room, and at the same time let the fake Pluton drive into the island to avoid being discovered.

Although he wanted to restore the glory of the Germa 66 in his heart, he knew that it was not the time. Even with the imitation Pluton, it was also very powerful. As long as a few ships are equipped, it is not a problem to rule the entire North Blue.

But he knows very well that although the imitation Pluton is not as powerful as the original Pluton, once it is released, it will definitely cause the world government’s association. When the time comes, Djerma will not mention the restoration of the past glory, it may be the next Ohara.

Because of this, Judge didn’t wait in a hurry, looking for an opportunity.


Even if he wants to equip a fake Pluton, he needs Mio’s consent.

The strength of the world’s top powerhouses cannot be threatened by simply copying Pluton.

After leaving the island, the Black Glory headed directly towards New World.

This time, apart from stopping at the Sabaody Archipelago for coating, the Black Glory did not stop and went all the way to Raven Island.

It has been sailing continuously for half a month, and at full speed, he finally returned to the Black Raven Sea and returned to Raven Island.

On the island.

Mio’s return made Araki and others extremely excited.

After all, they were very aware of the fact that Mio killed Golden Lion before. The people they followed killed the existence of the same level as Whitebeard in the previous era, and they increasingly believed that they did not follow the wrong person.

Excitement is inevitable.

On the same day, there was a night banquet on the island.

And the next day, when the morning comes.

Mio opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling, and a hint of thinking flashed in her eyes.

Then she pushed the woman next to her, and said calmly. “go out.”

“Yes.” After hearing this, Olive got up from the bed naked without any hesitation, put on a piece of clothing casually, and left the room.

When Oliv left, Mio picked up the phone bugs one by one and dialed out.

The call has been continued for half an hour before it is over.

Mio slowly got up, went naked to the window, looked at the endless blue sea in the distance, felt some warm sunshine, and couldn’t help narrowing her eyes and muttering. “Next, we have to wait for the time to come.”

“Although it’s been a long time, but I can take this opportunity to improve my strength.”

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