264 Chapter 263: The princess is born

After returning to Crow Island from Mio.

Unconsciously, two years have passed.

Two years is not long when it is said to be long, but it is also constantly short when it is short.

But for New World, it has been two years of frightening.

In two years, fighting broke out all the time.

Originally, Charlotte might have fought with Saia two years ago, but in the past two years, two new powerhouses appeared, made a reputation in New World, and showed their powerful strength.

One is Talos. A year ago, the New World waters fought with Admiral of Headquarters Akainu, and they were evenly matched, offering a reward of one billion.

Another Qiongqi, except for a few, no one knows that this is a member of the Black Crow. After Qiongqi went to sea, he formed a disaster pirate group. He became famous with Aokiji, and Aokiji was seriously injured. Suffered some minor injuries.

The reward for the first battle directly reached 1.5 billion.

It was also because of the appearance of Qiongqi and Talos that Charlotte and the others, who had been eager to move, once again settled down, waiting for the next opportunity.

After all, both Qiongqi and Talos have shown their powerful strength and have the possibility of aspiring to the throne. This kind of strength can threaten them. In order to avoid being taken advantage of by Qiongqi and Talos, only Can and can only wait.

For this reason, up to now, apart from Whitebeard, New World has not yet seen a second emperor.

at the same time.

In two years, on Raven Island.

The vibration is not considered loud.

In the past two years, all members of the Black Crow, including Robin, spent most of their time in cultivation, and the same was true for Mio. Among them, Askar occasionally went to sea to hunt pirates.

at this time.

A clearing on the island.

Mio sat cross-legged, her eyes flickering.

Compared with two years ago, Mio’s figure is getting stronger and stronger, and his aura is even more terrifying.

After all, Mio’s strength is stronger than two years ago.

For two years, Mio didn’t practice Haki, nor did he practice physical arts and swordsmanship, specializing in fruit abilities, that is, replacement and influence.

In particular, the replacement has already entered the stage of awakening within two years.

Although the ability to influence has not reached the level of awakening, it is fast.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Mio has not continued to cultivate creatures in the past two years. He has stored ten Devil Fruit so far. In addition to the few that cannot be used, there are also seven that can be used for the lottery. .

Although not much, but not too little, after all, Devil Fruit is getting slower and slower to collect.

Sometimes one cannot be collected even for a few months.

The reason why he didn’t cultivate was also because Miao wanted to use all his abilities in the Grandmaster first, and at least part of the Grandmaster.

Moreover, at present, it doesn’t matter whether you cultivate or not.

There is not much impact.

In the two-year plan in Mio, it is a matter of regenerating energy, waiting for a time to come, this time is the time to allow Mio to control The fish men island, and Mio himself intends to use this opportunity to control The fish men island Later, began to ascend the emperor.

Turn the palm of your hand.

A light circle appeared in Mio’s hand.

Then the aperture quickly expanded, directly covering the entire island.

This is the area of ​​influence.

Thoughts moved.

Over the island, dark clouds gathered and thunder spread.

Mio’s right hand was raised and slowly fell. You can see that in the area of ​​influence, the thunder in the dark cloud began to slowly converge, turning into a thunder snake to roll and swim in the thunder cloud.

Even if I think about it, I can manipulate the shape of Thunder at will and change the weather at will.

This is the power of influence.

But not all.

All in all, compared to two years ago, Mio’s strength has become more terrifying.

at this time.

The port of Raven Island.

A ship docked slowly.

At the port, you can see a large number of pirate ships, the number is about 20, all of these ships follow Yu Miao’s existence.

A large number of pirates gathered in the port. At this time, after seeing the pirate ship, they stopped one after another, and there was a flash of excitement in their eyes.

“This ship, is Master Askar back?”

“Yes, I didn’t expect to be able to see Master Aska today. It is really fortunate for Sansheng.”

“Master Askar has become a nightmare for Marine and the trash pirates, hahaha.”

“There are at least thousands of pirates who died in the hands of Master Askar. This terrifying killing intent, hehe, is really scary.”

The pirates said one after another.

On that boat, a tall figure slowly walked off, walking towards the center of the island with an indifferent expression, not caring about the pirates beside him from beginning to end.

It’s just that a few pirates may have been too close to Askar, and they felt the terrifying killing intent from Askar in an instant, and suddenly fell to the ground pale with fear.

He even couldn’t help but spit out from his mouth.


Aska walked all the way, came to Mio’s body, and bowed his head respectfully.

“I’m back?” Mio raised her eyes and looked at Aska in front of her, then stopped. “Help me get a bottle of wine.”

“Okay.” Aska pursed his lips and smiled, nodding and turning away.

At this time, Bai Feng, who had a stronger aura than two years ago, came to Mio’s side and lowered his head and said in a low voice. “My lord, the princess of The fish men island is born.”


Hear the words.

Mio’s eyes widened suddenly, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted, sweeping the entire Crow Island. The crows in the sky were startled and rushed to the sky to make a panic cry. The entire sky was gathered by thunderclouds and thunderously plundered.

Even the waves in the Crow Sea began to surge.

Mio’s eyes flashed with excitement, and the corners of her mouth rose up and laughed. “Hahahahaha, finally… is it finally born?”

“When did this happen?”

“Just yesterday.” Baifeng reported in a respectful tone.

Mio stood up, moved her body, and made a crisp sound of bones colliding.

“Tell me the name of the princess of The fish men island.” Miao smiled and asked slowly.



Mio’s eyes flickered and snapped his fingers.

With a ‘pop’, a Sombra soldier appeared behind Mio, kneeling on one knee, waiting for Mio’s command.

“Go, tell Renee that it’s time to act. The slaves on Mariejois’s side shouldn’t be able to wait?!” Mio said.

The shadow soldier nodded respectfully, and the figure slowly dived.

At this time, Aska also brought a bottle of wine to Mio’s body and handed it to Mio. Feeling the breath radiating from her husband just now, it seemed that she had thought of something in general, and asked. “Are we going to take action? Sir.”

“Ah, that’s right.” Mio took a sip of the wine and grinned. “After two years of rest, it’s time to go out for activities, The fish men island… Oh, I’m going to make a reservation.”

“Then… do you want to give Neptune and Otohime first…” Aska asked, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Mio shook his head. “No hurry, wait a minute, one thing is needed to make the guys at The fish men island be grateful to me.”

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