Chapter 265 Chapter 264: The black crow leaves, Sengoku is helpless

“Let’s go.”

Mio said, slowly getting up and walking towards the shore.

At the port, the pitch-black Black Glory is docking here. The Black Glory has undergone some changes in the past two years. The reason is that it has been modified and has the power to imitate Pluton.

At the port.

When the pirates saw Mio’s arrival, they all showed excitement.

Araki came to Mio and asked respectfully. “Master Black Crow, are you going to sea?”

“Yeah.” Min nodded, turned to look at Bai Feng, and ordered. “Go get them together.”

With that, Mio looked at Araki again and ordered. “You continue to stay on Raven Island, and during this time some good newcomers will come in and collect some information about Charlotte and the others.”

“Yes.” Hearing this, there was a flash of excitement in Araki’s eyes, and he nodded immediately, my lord, is this finally ready to be the emperor? His heart was lifted, and he was a little bit ready to move.

As early as two years ago, he felt that Mio had the power to become the emperor, but Mio hadn’t moved, and he didn’t dare to say much, and now he is finally coming.

After taking the order, Araki turned and left.

Not long after.

At the port.

Erica and others also came slowly.

Compared to two years ago, Robin, who was much taller, wore hot pants and a shirt, and smiled happily with black-rimmed glasses. “Are you going to sail again?”

“Well, it’s time to go out and stroll.” Mio nodded with a smile, and landed on the deck with a light leap.

Erica and others set foot on the Black Glory.

The boat moved slowly towards the distant sea.

Mio sat on the bow of the boat, waved his back to Crow Island and shouted. “Hee, defend your base.”

The sound fell, a harsh sound, followed by the crowing of the crows on the entire island.

Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku is dealing with files. Compared with the rush when he took office two years ago, Sengoku is now more adept at handling all kinds of things.

Just after processing a document, the door of the office was knocked.

“Please come in.” Sengoku raised his head and said.

Two figures opened the door and stepped into the office. One of them was Marine Staff Officer Vice Admiral, and the other was Garp, who had returned from New World.

“Sengoku, if you have any senbei, I want to get it soon. I want to eat it.” Garp dug his nostrils and sat beside Sengoku generously.

“No, get out.” Sengoku’s expression suddenly became gloomy, and he didn’t have a good air.

“Cut, petty man, don’t think I didn’t know you secretly hid two bags.” Garp muttered.

Sengoku turned a deaf ear, just twitched the corners of his mouth, took a deep breath, looked at Crane, and asked. “Is there something to report?”

“Yeah.” Crane nodded, opened the file in his hand and said. “I just got information from New World. Almost all Black Crows left Raven Island.”

“Everyone?” Sengoku frowned slightly, and murmured. “Black Crow has been quiet in New World for two years, how come all of them leave suddenly? Do you know the route?”

“It’s not clear at the moment, but it seems that there is an idea to go to the first half of the Grand Line.” He said. “Of course, this is only the current judgment, and the possibility of diverting midway is not ruled out.”

“Maybe, it’s the black crow’s ambition that can’t stand it anymore.”

“That guy…” Sengoku frowned.

The so-called ambition is nothing more than becoming the emperor.

It’s just that if the Black Crow wants to become the emperor at this time, he must find a suitable target. No matter who is the target, it will cause turmoil in New World, and Marine cannot act rashly at this time.

Because it is more effective to kill an Admiral of Headquarters than to kill pirates of the same level.

And Black Crow does have this strength.

At least for the current strength of all Black Crows, even Sengoku cannot accurately judge.

“Order to go down, let people stare at Kaido and the others, and report immediately when they find the black crow’s trail.” Sengoku muttered for a while and then he opened his mouth. Now he is a little passive. It’s changing.

“Yeah.” Crane nodded and spoke again. “One more thing.”

“What’s the matter?” Sengoku asked.

Speaking of this matter, Garp on the side couldn’t help but look solemn.

“It’s from The fish men island.” Crane said with a serious expression. “Two years ago, Princess Otohime of The fish men island has been urging the desire to make The fish men island a member of the World government, in order to improve the status of The fish men island in the world and improve the people of The fish men island. Our status. But I don’t know when the human aristocracy appeared on The fish men island is the biggest enemy of The fish men island, especially the Celestial Dragons, and the people who disseminate it, have not been able to Find each other.”

“In particular, in the past two years, there have been a large number of slave groups to arrest mermaid slaves for auction, most of which were purchased by Celestial Dragons. Today, almost 90% of the fish men island The people were extremely hostile to the nobles of the world, and even in the first half of the Grand Line, some murlocs left The fish men island and targeted the ships of Celestial Dragons. Although they did not cause casualties, they aroused the anger of Celestial Dragons. .”

Listen to the report.

Sengoku’s face was solemn.

This matter is not easy to handle.

A bad one can easily cause confusion.

Although The fish men island is not strong, but Marine wants to destroy The fish men island, it is really not so easy. Dogs will jump over the wall when they are anxious, and the fish men island will be forced to rush. Maybe the other party will choose to die together.

After all, on the bottom of the sea, everything is possible.

And this matter itself belongs to The fish men island, especially most people in the world know the fate of being slaves, because in any kingdom, there are people who have become slaves.

If it is not handled well, it may even cause civil upheaval.

Thus allowing the revolutionaries to develop further.

“This is a hot potato, it’s better to leave it to the World government to handle it by themselves.” Garp said in a deep voice.

“That said, it’s not that easy to throw it away.” Sengoku said with a gloomy expression, his eyes thoughtful.

And this time.

What Sengoku didn’t know was that it was in Mariejois.

The place where the slaves were held.

It was dark here, with cages after cages, and each cage was a slave.

The vast majority of the slaves were pale yellow and dull eyes, without any color or hope in them.

In one of the cages.

Tiger, with a burly body and red skin, was resting, but while resting, he was still looking around, looking for a chance to leave.

But at this moment.

Tiger suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw a figure on the ground suddenly appeared in his cage, saying that the figure was wrong. This was a very small guy, only the size of a small bottle. This was the Shadow Devourer of the Sombra Corps.

Tiger looked at the little guy in front of him warily, but he didn’t make much movement.

Just staring closely.

At this moment, a piece of paper was suddenly spit out from the mouth of the little guy in the Shadow Devouring Group.

Subsequently, the members of the Shadow Eater disappeared.

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