Chapter 270 Chapter 270: Goodbye Hancock

the next day.

Just when Mio woke up and walked out of the room, there was a Sombra soldier standing at the door of the room waiting quietly. After seeing Mio came out, the Sombra soldier knelt on one knee, took out a note, and handed it to Miao.

Mio took the note and waved, the shadow soldier left.

Afterwards, Mio opened the note and looked at it.

There are two positions on the note.

One is about Tiger’s location.

“It looks like Tiger that guy really escaped Mariejois.” Mio touched her chin and was a little surprised. To be honest, Mio didn’t have much confidence in Tiger’s escape from Mariejois. Originally, she just tried it. Let Renee take the shot and let the Sombra soldiers take Tiger to leave, but that would expose Linglong Newspaper.

But that is no way.

But now it seems that Tiger is still very powerful and did not let himself down.

“Then next, go and meet this’old friend’.” The corners of Miao’s mouth raised, and a smile appeared.

After washing, Mio came to the deck after breakfast.

A seagull was standing at the bow of the ship, holding a newspaper in his hand, tilting his head and looking at Mio, seeming to be asking whether Mio should buy a newspaper.

“Come here.” After Miao handed out a coin, he took the newspaper from Seagull.

Not surprisingly, the headlines in the newspaper were about the riots on Mariejois yesterday. Although the World government deliberately concealed it, after all, this matter concerns the face of the World government and the world’s nobles.

But what was so big yesterday, Mariejois was so dazzling, even if you want to hide it, you can’t hide it at all.

Some newspapers still learned the first-hand news and published it.

However, the newspaper in the hands of Miao is not from the newspapers of New World, but from the newspapers of the World government.

Perhaps because it knew that it was impossible to hide it, the World government took the initiative to announce it, and in the headline of this newspaper, there was also a picture of Tiger, and it was introduced below that Tiger was the leader of this time. Wait for words.

Said that the arrest would be carried out as soon as possible.

And the other location is… the location of a slave-catching group.

It has to be said that Linglong Newspaper’s intelligence capabilities are still very strong. In one night, the position of the slave group that captured the Hancock three sisters was figured out, and this slave group is now heading to a sea area in Mariejois. , It happened that Tiger was also in that area, after all, Tiger escaped from Mariejois.

After reading the newspaper, Mio put it beside her, looked at Baifeng and said a position.

Baifeng nodded, and immediately sailed the ship, heading away.

The Black Honor moved slowly.

Miao looked at the warship that was still staring here in the distance, and said calmly. “Askar, go and solve it.”

Marine can’t keep watching for the next action, otherwise the World government will soon learn that this Mariejois riot is related to the Black Crow.

Hearing this, Aska licked his bright red lips, a flash of blood red and excitement flashed in his eyes, nodded, and his figure jumped and disappeared on the deck.

Robin raised his head to look in the direction where Aska disappeared, and couldn’t help but shook his head and said. “Those Marines… so poor.”

Nowadays, most of the people who are going to kill, the other people on the Black Crow ship rarely take action, and they are all handed over to Aska. After all, Aska that absorbs blood can become stronger, even if the improvement is slow, but it is also a direction to become stronger.

The reason for Robin to speak like this is mainly because Askar’s method and process of killing are somewhat cruel, rather than a one-shot solution like others, and there will be no too much pain.

Soon, there was a scream from the Marine.

Not long after, Askar returned to the Black Honor.

There is a touch of Bloodline on the sleeves.

Exudes a bloody smell.

Nowadays, Aska’s strength can be said to be strong and terrifying. Apart from Mio, no one knows how terrifying Aska’s true strength is. After all, Aska itself is stronger than other people, and it has been improved. The strength is coming too much, as long as killing is enough, and constantly absorbing combat experience, Aska can definitely be called a combat master now.

Even Whitebeard may not be as good as Askar.

“I’m going to take a shower first, sir.” Aska said with a smile. Although she liked the bloody smell on her body, her husband didn’t like it very much.

“Go.” Min nodded.

The ship moved on.

The modified Black Glory traveled faster than the Black Glory two years ago, and under the drag of the drought, Mio reached the destination sea area in almost a day.

“Robin, leave it to you, the target is a slave hunting group.” Miao looked at the sea and said to Robin immediately.

“Okay.” Robin nodded, closed the book, and even if he folded his hands in front of him, a wave of Observation Haki spread out.

After a while, Robin opened his eyes, looked at Mio and said. “At one o’clock, the slave trap is over there.”

Hearing this, Mio didn’t say much, and the white wind had already sailed away from the ship.

Compared to two years ago, Robin now knows his direction, perhaps because the Black Crow is not short of combatants, Robin chose to become an auxiliary existence instead.

Rely on the ability of Flower-Flower Fruit, plus the Observation Haki that has been practiced for a long time.

Let Robin be able to inquire about intelligence in a certain area.

As the Black Glory progressed, a ship finally appeared in Miao’s sight.

From the outside, it was an ordinary ship, just like a merchant ship.

This is also the appearance of most slave hunting groups, and it will even attract some pirates to attack them. Instead, they will use this to fish and enforce the law and capture the pirates as slaves.

When the two ships reached a certain distance.

Mio’s figure disappeared directly.

Immediately afterwards, appeared on the deck of the ship.

It can be seen that many men gathered on the deck at this time, eating meat and drinking wine, and chatting about Mariejois.

However, with the appearance of Mio, these people noticed Mio for the first time, and stood up with vigilant expressions.

“Who is this guy?”

“Damn it, when did it show up? I didn’t notice it at all.”

The guys on the boat whispered.

Mio’s expression was calm, but his right hand was slowly raised, and he said calmly. “Get on the road, everyone.”

The voice fell.

The raised right hand slowly fell.




Voices sounded one after another.

Blood ran down the deck.

Wind blades condensed in an instant, piercing the neck of a member of the slave hunting group, and their heads rolled to the ground.

The expression on Mio’s face did not change at all, but he put his hands in the pants Kabuto and walked towards the cabin.

In the cabin, this place has been transformed into a huge space. At this time, there are a large number of cages. Each iron cage contains one, two or three men and women. There are no old people, all of them are young men and women or pirates. .

Miao advance step by step.

The slaves in the cage looked at Mio with horror, and even shrank when Mio passed by them, expressing the fear in his heart.

Finally, Mio came to a cage, looked down at the three sisters inside, and said calmly. “Meet again, little ones.”

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