Chapter 271 Chapter 270: Do you want to have strength?

The three sisters who hugged each other tightly heard Mio’s voice and couldn’t help but look up at the past.

When he saw the familiar cheek, Hancock’s mouth suddenly grew, showing a look of consternation.

She remembered this face very clearly.

It was the person who bothered Granny Zai two years ago.

“You, what are you going to do?” Hancock asked his two sisters behind him, resisting fear.

“Come with me to save you.” Mio said, waving his hand, wind blades resurfaced again, and the cages cracked open.

“Follow up.” Miao said as he looked at the three sisters, then turned and walked out of the cabin, the words in his mouth still continued. “Those people outside are dead. Go wherever you want this ship to go.”

Hear the words.

Those frightened slaves couldn’t help raising their heads and looking at Min, a glimmer of hope appeared in their eyes.

The three Hancock sisters were stunned. Looking at Mi’s back, Hancock gritted his teeth, still dragging his two sisters to follow.

When they came out of the cabin and looked at the corpses on the ground, the three little girls couldn’t help their faces becoming pale, and immediately vomited. Now they have never seen this situation, and it is inevitable that they are a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, the Black Glory, which is larger than this ship, was approaching. After the two ships got close, Mio took the three sisters on the Black Glory.

“Let’s go, go to the next place.” Miao looked at Bai Feng and ordered.

After Bai Feng nodded, he looked at Robin again, pointed at the three little guys and said. “Go and arrange a room for them, let them live first, then take them back to Sabaody Archipelago and give it to Rayleigh.”

“Well, leave it to me.” Robin nodded, looked at the three sisters, noticed the vigilance in Hancock’s eyes and couldn’t help but smile. “Come with me, don’t worry, we were asked to rescue you back.”

“Request?” Hancock was puzzled.

“It was you from Nine Snake Island who asked Rayleigh Shakky on Sabaody Archipelago for help, and then they asked the captain.” As Robin explained, he took the three little girls into the cabin and found a room with the three girls. Later, he found a piece of clothing for the three women and took them to wash.

On the deck.

Mio looked at Bai Feng and asked. “How far is it?”

“It’s very close. At the speed of the Black Glory, you can see them within three hours at the latest.” Bai Feng replied after hesitating for a moment.

Hearing this, Mio touched his chin and thought for a moment, and with a thought, a dark shadow soldier appeared in front of him, knelt on one knee and waited for Mio’s command.

Miao spoke directly and ordered. “Go find Kizaru’s location and confirm it roughly. You don’t need to stare at it all the time.”

The shadow soldier nodded and disappeared.

Mio’s eyes flickered again, and a hint of thinking appeared.

Tiger, it must be dead, but not now, but after going to The fish men island. If Tiger does not go to The fish men island, how can he tell him the compatriots of The fish men island because there are Can he run out with his own help?

Without telling his compatriots, how could his compatriots be grateful to themselves?

As for Tiger’s compatriots knowing about this, will Marine and the World government know about it, Miao is not worried, it doesn’t matter if they know it, anyway, Tiger has escaped, and Tiger is also considered by the World government this time The main culprit of the matter, as long as he catches Tiger and puts him to death, for the World government, this matter will save their face.

When the time comes, he won’t even think about taking action against the black crow, because that would be too much of a loss.

Moreover, as in the original book, Tiger is still dying.

It is still going to die in Kizaru’s hands.

But all this has to be after Tiger goes to The fish men island.

With Tiger’s character, even if he went to The fish men island, he would never stay in The fish men island for a long time. He would only visit his hometown. After all, staying in The fish men island for a long time would only drag down the fish men island. He wouldn’t do it.

And if Tiger died.

“Heh.” Mio’s eyes flickered, and he could imagine that once Tiger died, the hatred between Mermaid Island and humans and the nobles of the world would further expand.

But in this hatred, the black crow will not be included.

“Everything is still being planned, it’s time to test the acting skills next.” Miao murmured in her heart, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

After half an hour.

Inside the cabin.

Robin walked out, behind Robin there were three Hancock sisters who followed.

At this moment, Mio was sitting on the bow of the boat facing the sea, and at the same time exercising his ability to influence the fruit. With the ability to influence the fruit, the waves on the sea continued to undulate, pushing the Black Glory, and the sea breeze passed by, making the black The Glory advances faster.

“Captain, look, there are three beautiful girls.” Robin shouted from the back looking at him.

Mio turned back slightly and glanced at the three sisters. He had to say that even if he hadn’t eaten the sweet fruit yet, Hancock was still very beautiful. It was also the case when he was still young. The sweet fruit only helped Hancock possess that special temperament. .

Hancock’s own looks are beyond doubt.

But in Mio’s eyes, it was nothing more than that.

As for Hancock’s two younger sisters…

To be honest, it was okay when I was young. After I ate Chanko in the original book and grew up, I was completely the same as I was when I was young.

“Next I have important things. The three of you stay in the cabin, don’t come out casually.” Miao thought for a while and said to the three sisters.

After all, the next step is to meet Tiger.

“Yes, I know.” Hancock nodded. Her two younger sisters had been hiding behind Hancock, afraid to look at Mio. Only she had the courage to respond to Mio’s words.

But even so, my heart is still full of fear.

After all, this was a pirate ship that had feared her in the past.

The breath radiating from everyone on the ship gave her a strong sense of oppression, and staying in the cabin was more in line with her wishes.


“Is this the benefit of being strong?” Hancock looked at one of the black crows on the deck and couldn’t help muttering in his heart, a little envious, envious of this powerful aura, envied their powerful strength.

If they have a strong strength, they will not be arrested by the arrest slave group.

Although this envy was quickly suppressed by Hancock, Mio still noticed it and couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth. She stood up and walked to Hancock step by step. Because of her height, Mio looked down at Hancock.

Being so watched by Mio, Hancock and her two sisters both took a few steps back in fear.

Mio raised his right hand, clenched a fist slightly, and slammed into the air aside.

A powerful force burst out in an instant, and for an instant, a sense of death asphyxiation swept through the hearts of the three sisters.

But this feeling comes quickly and disappears quickly.

But even so, the three sisters turned pale.

“Do you want to have strength?” Miao asked with a faint smile.

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