Chapter 282 Chapter 281: Tiger’s Death

In fact, Miao had already noticed the arrival of Eim.

If he might not have noticed two years ago, his use of fruit abilities two years later was enough to make him notice the arrival of Yim.

The reason why he didn’t move was because he wanted to see what Eam was going to do.

But now it seems that the fruits have been reaped.

The ‘mark’ that Askar talked about is not surprisingly Yim’s ability.

However, it is still unclear what the specific fruit ability is.

But it does not prevent Mio from guessing.

“Do you control people’s hearts…”

Mio’s eyes flickered, and he began to think.

“This ability is really terrifying.”

For the people he cultivated, Mio would not have such worries, but he can think of it, if there is no limit to this ability, then as long as the time comes, or in the future, the revolutionary army will attack Mariejois and be killed by Iraq. What happens if I use this ability?

Even if the strong are not affected, just ordinary cannon fodder is enough to affect the situation.

“So, if you want to overthrow the World government, do you have to rely more on the people you cultivated?” Meng murmured.

Although the ability of Yim is just a guess, but it has to be guarded.

After thinking for a moment, Mio looked at Askardao. “Destroy that mark, it’s useless to keep it.”

He guessed that Yim’s idea was to control Aska and stay on her ship as an undercover existence, but unfortunately she obviously didn’t know what Aska existed. Aska itself was able to control people’s hearts. , How could he be controlled by this kind of thing, even if there was no 100% loyalty to Mio, Aska would not be affected by this thing.


Aska nodded.

With a thought, a trace of blood flashed from his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he could see that there was a golden light dissipating in the blood-colored eyes.

With this mark disappeared.

Far away.

A figure was walking on the sea, and suddenly stopped, as if feeling something, could not help but be stunned, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

But then, she whispered softly. “People who are not under control should not exist in the world.”

The voice fell.

She moved away again.

The Black Glory continued to move forward, towards the destination, where the three thousand orangutans were located.

And this time.

Grand Line.

A certain sea area.

A ship is traveling on the sea, and the pirates on the ship are all murlocs, and the leader is naturally Tiger. This pirate ship was just snatched by them. Those pirates were either killed or driven away.

Tiger looked at the compatriots in front of him, and worked with them to design the flag as a pirate.

Although he still supports Otohime’s dream, he wants to bring a better living environment to The fish men island, but he himself cannot have any expectations for Marine and the World government.

Becoming a pirate is his best choice.

However, when Tiger had just finished designing the Pirate Flag and named his Pirate Group the Sun Pirate Group, a dazzling golden light suddenly came from a distance.

There was an indifferent voice along with it.

“Finally found you, Murloc…Tiger.”

“Admiral Kizaru!” Hearing this voice, Tiger suddenly looked solemnly at Kizaru’s golden light in the sky. He didn’t expect that he had just left The fish men island shortly before the other party found him.

“Do you surrender yourself and follow me, or let me arrest you?” Kizaru asked.

“Huh, it’s not that easy to catch me, Kizaru.” Tiger said in a deep voice, looking around. Now he is on the ocean. If it is Aokiji, it would be nice to say, but it is Kizaru. Once he enters the ocean, even if it is. Kizaru don’t even want to catch him.

But Kizaru seemed to see Tiger’s thoughts, and said directly. “There are a lot of your compatriots on this ship, maybe you can escape, but how many of them do you think can escape?”

The meaning in the words is already very obvious.

Tiger’s face suddenly became embarrassed.

Kizaru does not have the righteous heart like Aokiji, nor the absolute justice like Akainu, but he is definitely the smartest one in Marine. Perhaps he has a righteous heart before, but after becoming Admiral and witnessing too many dark things, he has Only a little bit left.

“Damn, this guy is threatening boss Tiger with us.”

“Hmph, we are not afraid even if it is dead, Big Brother Tiger doesn’t care about us, hurry up and leave.”

“Yes, even if Marine Admiral wants to kill us, it’s not that easy.”

The other fish people on the boat roared at Kizaru.

But unfortunately, Kizaru no longer has the idea of ​​wasting time. During this time, he has wasted a lot of time originally used for vacation. Now he just wants to resolve this matter early and return to the World government, and then go on vacation.

Therefore, Kizaru licked his ears and said helplessly. “I’ll send you on the road after I’m done. Celestial Dragons don’t want to see you go back alive anyway.”

The voice fell.

Kizaru raised his right hand and extended his index finger.


A golden light burst out.

A murloc’s head was directly pierced, his body leaned back with his eyes wide open, and fell on the deck.

“Damn it, you fellow.” Seeing the death of his compatriot, Tiger opened his eyes wide and showed an expression of anger.

However, Kizaru still looked calm and said calmly. “Tiger, come back to Mariejois with me and stand trial.”

the next day.

A piece of news edited by a newspaper under the World government flew to the world.

Mariejois slave violent murloc Taige was arrested by Marine Admiral Kizaru and executed.

After reading the contents of the newspaper in her hand, Erica put down the newspaper and turned to look at Mio, and asked. “Sir, Tiger is dead, so are we going to The fish men island soon?”

“No hurry, Renee hasn’t taken any action yet. Death of a Tiger will not allow me to completely control The fish men island.” Miao said calmly, with his hands resting on the back of his head and basking in the sun. He has no idea about Tiger’s death. How sad.

After all, The fish men island is too important to him.

At the same time he also guessed.

Eim’s abilities may be useless for Poseidon.

Otherwise, the Poseidon through the ages will probably be controlled.

And in The fish men island, not only is Poseidon important to him, but also Noah. If he can’t let the people of The fish men island willingly be controlled by himself, how can he get Noah?

After all, I said earlier that Noah has an extraordinary position in The fish men island.

Only by becoming the king of The fish men island can you get Noah without any scruples.

Of course, there may be some entanglement with Sea Kings at that time. After all, Noah is guarded by Sea Kings, and he is still huge Sea Kings, but with Shirahoshi, those Sea Kings will not be a problem.

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