Chapter 283 Chapter 282: Cultivation Begins

Shaking his head, Mio didn’t think much.

After dealing with the current affairs, The fish men island should be almost over. At that time, maybe he will just arrive at The fish men island.

Thinking like this, Mio turned to look at Bai Feng and asked. “How? How long will it take?”

“Quickly, no accident, I can arrive tomorrow.” Bai Feng looked at the chart in front of him and reported.

The island Vegapunk studied before is also a relatively remote area within the Grand Line. The distance is not far but it is definitely not close.

Mio nodded, and with a thought, the panel emerged.

Looking at the genes in his own collection, Mio rubbed his chin and wondered that there are not many powerful genes. After arriving at the destination, except for the Lion Fruit gene, other genes may be used.

Lion Fruit gene, Mio wanted to keep Noah, but hesitated.

After all, Noah is such a big ship, it would be very good if you can develop the ability of skilled Lion Fruit, but as a ship, to be honest, it will definitely be used in the future.

Lion Fruit genes are afraid of sea water after all, and this is what Miao is worried about.

“I hope that the remaining four lucky draw opportunities will give me some good genes.”

The genes obtained from these four lottery draws, no surprises, will be used to train Noah.

But now Mio is not in a hurry to smoke.

Everything has to wait until The fish men island.

With a thought, Mio turned off the panel.

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Mio cultivated her abilities.

The ability to influence fruits is really strong to be honest, at least for now, in Mio’s field of influence, he can control and use various elements through influence.

It even changes the weather, affecting the sea in the field.

If it develops to the point of awakening, it might even affect people’s hearts.

The ability development that affects the fruit is also the main direction of his next practice.

Unconsciously, after one day passed, the next day, as the early morning arrived, the sun fell on the sea again, and an island finally began to appear in Min’s sight.

That is a huge island.

The forest on the island is lush, but the roar in the forest can be heard faintly.

These voices are full of violent violence.

At the same time, these voices couldn’t help but make the corners of Miao’s mouth rise, showing a look of expectation.


The ship is close to the island.

But just as he approached, a huge figure suddenly rushed towards the ship.

It was a huge orangutan with black hair all over, at least about ten meters tall in terms of height, and the strong muscles made people know that the strength of this orangutan would be very terrifying at a glance.


At this moment the gorilla was roaring, clenching his fists with both hands, and his hands moved like a hammer, hammering towards the Black Glory.

However, it is a pity that when the orangutan was about to fall in mid-air, a huge arm suddenly stretched out on the sea, grabbing the orangutan in his hand, and the powerful force made the orangutan unable to move.

Can only growl constantly.

“My lord, what should I do?” Han Yan looked at Xiang Miao and asked.

“Throw it down.”

Mio said with a hand.

“Okay.” Han Yan nodded, and threw the orangutan on the beach. The orangutan roared angrily, slapped his chest with his hands, and then slammed the ground, and he could see the ground because of the orangutan’s hammering. .

The orangutan’s eyes were full of violent, without the slightest sense of reason, he wanted to rush over again.

But the next moment.

Mio is a thought.

A wind blade condensed beside Mio, the wind blade was huge, but then it was compressed until it was only the size of a boomerang.

Mio waved his right hand.

The wind blade disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a deep wound appeared on the chest of the orangutan, and blood continued to gush out.

Miao’s heart moved again, and the orangutan was taken into the training trough.

Not in a hurry to cultivate, Mio looked at the island in front of him, looked at Lilith and others beside him, and said. “You are here waiting for me, guard this island not to let other people approach.”

“Also, contact Judge and ask him to send the ship I requested directly here.”

Hear the words.

Lilith nodded.

Mio also walked towards the island one step at a time.

After moving forward for a certain distance, you can see a built-up wall standing on the island. This huge wall separates a nearby forest near the sea from other areas.

Not surprisingly, this area is dedicated to placing these raging orangutans.

In this area of ​​the forest, the grumpy roars of these orangutans can be heard from time to time.

Mio found a place, sat down cross-legged, opened the training trough, and started thinking.

To tell the truth, it takes a lot of time to cultivate three thousand orangutans one by one, but it can only be so.

Looking at the panel, Mio soon began to pull some genes into the gene slot.

The first is some beast genes that enhance strength.

Then defend.

Then speed.

There are also resilience, resilience and so on.

After pulling all the genes that can improve all aspects of attributes into the gene slot, Mio pressed the training button.

Afterwards, Mio got up again, and after Observation Haki spread out, his right hand was raised, and the area of ​​influence instantly enveloped the entire area.

As soon as his mind moved, a gust of wind blew up.

These gusts of wind suddenly turned into whips and rushed towards every corner of the area.

Not long.

A series of huge orangutans came from the air, as if being confined by the wind, struggling constantly in the air, but there was no alternative.

In the blink of an eye, the orangutan with hundreds of heads had already arrived in front of Mio.

At the same time, more orangutans are coming.

Three thousand orangutans, this is a terrifying number.

There are not so many people even on the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There are 16 divisions under Whitebeard’s hand, and one division is in charge of a hundred people at most, and a total of only one thousand six hundred people.

And Mio is not only three thousand numbers, but the strength of each one will not be weak. Even after a period of training, once he has armed sex, knowledge, and sex, his strength may be able to reach the entry level of New World, or even stronger.

The entry level of New World does not refer to those cannon fodder, but the new captain who has just entered the New World.

Most of the captains who have just entered the New World are not as strong as the original supernova, but they are not weak. Most have tens of millions of rewards.

And most importantly, these all refer to the ones that have not been cultivated. After the cultivation, adding some genes selected by Mio will only become more powerful.

Just now.

A reminder emerged.

The first orangutan has been cultivated.

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