Chapter 284 Chapter 284

[Successful training! 】

【unnamed! 】

[Ability: Juli (its power is very powerful), agility (its body shape is very flexible), overspeed (it is large, but its speed is not slow), tough (its skin hardness may not be broken by weapons), Berserk (it will fall into a raging state when fighting to Ultimate, and its strength will be doubled), fierce (it has a violent aura that makes weak people feel scared when they meet), fearless (no matter how strong the enemy is, they can’t make them feel scared), long-lasting (Its stamina is very strong, allowing it to maintain a long-lasting battle). 】

[Strength: Major Naval Headquarters! (Extreme combat power: Lieutenant Colonel Naval Headquarters!)][The potential has not yet been developed! 】

This is the first gorilla to be cultivated. As far as the panel is concerned, it is not too powerful, but it is not bad. After all, although this panel does not seem to be a strong one, don’t forget to exist like this. There will be two thousand or nearly three thousand.

Sometimes quantity can cause qualitative changes.

Especially these are not weak existences themselves.

Mio nodded in satisfaction, did not rush to extract abilities, but released the characters trained this time.

A muscular man can be seen appearing in front of Mio, looking at Mio and bowing his head respectfully. “Owner.”

“Stand while standing.” Mio waved his hand and said, pulling out Raikiri, slashing out, severely wounding an orangutan, and then continued to train.

Three thousand orangutans are trained. I don’t know when they will be cultivated. Fortunately, once these three thousand orangutans are cultivated, Mio’s strength will reach a terrifying level. Although it will not gain any powerful abilities, it is only That increased attribute is enough to make his promotion reach a terrible level.

One after another orangutans began to grow.

Almost all orangutans have exactly the same ability panels after training, and there is no difference.

The strength is also the same.

It is completely the cultivation of the assembly line.

When Mio was training, some people in the Grand Line also acted at this time.

An island.

Judge looked at Doflamingo and asked. “Are you going to New World?”

“Ah, the Don Quixote family will all enter the New World in the future.” Doflamingo nodded, because the helper got Op-Op Fruit, Doflamingo didn’t intend to waste time anymore.

Ready to enter the New World.

Hearing this, Judge looked surprised, but even if Xuan’s eyes flickered, he was a little envious. “Are you going to take Dressrosa back?”

Over the years, Judge also knew a little about Doflamingo, and also understood the relationship between the Don Quixote family and Dressrosa. At this time, Doflamingo went to New World to retake Dressrosa. This reminded him of North Blue.

The original Germa also ruled the existence of North Blue.

It’s just that although he has the ability to recapture North Blue, he doesn’t dare to act arbitrarily.

After all, the Black Crow hasn’t promised him to use fake Pluton in North Blue.

He didn’t dare to use fake Pluton without the black crow’s opening.

Otherwise, Germa cannot bear the consequences.

“You should know the character of that person. You won’t hesitate when killing someone, no matter who the other person is.” Doflamingo saw Judge’s envy and couldn’t help but reminded him with a grin.

“I know.” Judge nodded, his eyes flickering, and he wouldn’t do it without Doflamingo reminding him. Especially in the previous two years, after the two powerhouses who suddenly appeared in New World came and took away a fake Pluton under the order of the black crow, he even more afraid of fighting against the black crow. NS.

Who could have imagined that the two top powerhouses, Qiongqi and Talos, who suddenly appeared in New World, were actually from the Black Crow?

When I saw these two guys at the time, Judge’s heart was extremely shocked.

It also became clearer that the black crow was terrible.

“But if you have time now, you can send me a boat to the Black Crow.” Judge suddenly said that the counterfeit Pluton is not the ships sold, and the ships sold are far less powerful than the counterfeit Pluton. , All Judge won’t worry about it. But although the power of imitation Pluton is not as good as Pluton, it is also very scary. If it is encountered by Marine or even the World government, no strong person may be robbed.

If you find something at that time, there will be a big problem.

But if Doflamingo is there, there should be no accidents if you want to come safely to Black Crow.

“Oh?” Doflamingo couldn’t help grinning after hearing this. “Yes, it just so happens that I also need to discuss something with Black Crow.”

He knew that Black Crow was in the first half of the Grand Line recently, but he didn’t know exactly what he planned to do. If he went this time, he might be able to understand Black Crow’s plan.

At the same time.

The fish men island.

“Damn it, those World government guys actually killed Tiger Boss. Sure enough, human beings don’t have a good thing except Lord Black Crow, they are all damned!”

“I must kill all humans and avenge Tiger boss.”

“Aristocrats, World government, Marine, wait, I want to kill all these guys.”

Murloc Street, every Murloc here has sad and angry emotions on their faces. Tiger has a high status in The fish men island, especially in Murloc Street. They are almost all of Tiger’s admirers, and At this time, when the fish people here heard about Tiger’s death, the grief and anger in their hearts could be imagined.

It’s not just Murloc.

Even in other parts of The fish men island, it is roughly the same. The fish men are very sad.

At this time, inside the Dragon Palace.

Otohime rubbed her head with a sad look on her face. Tiger’s death undoubtedly made her and Neptune very sad, but no matter what, the status of The fish men island in the world must be improved.

This is also the direction Otohime has been working hard on.

Even for the past two years, The fish men island has been spreading remarks that the nobility is the mortal enemy of The fish men island. Otohime has been working hard. During this time, he intends to collect signatures from the residents of The fish men island who emigrated to land.

But now that Tiger is dead, The fish men island’s hatred for humans has risen to a new level.

It made her hesitate whether to consider changing the time.

While Otohime was thinking about it, on the other side, there was a sea area in the first half of the Grand Line.

A luxurious ship sails on the sea.

On the ship, a Celestial Dragons was enjoying the service of two beautiful women beside him, and at the same time said to a person guarding himself beside him. “Sabaody Archipelago has been there many times, so let’s go to The fish men island this time.”

“Okay sir, I will prepare now.” The man nodded.

What Celestial Dragons didn’t know was that in a corner of the ship, a small guy hid in the shadow and listened to Celestial Dragons’ conversation. After listening, the little guy left directly.

At the same time, Sky Island.

Renee looked at the report of the little guy in front of her and nodded slightly. “So there are Celestial Dragons going to The fish men island?”

The little guy nodded his head.

“That’s great.” Renee’s eyes flickered, and she smiled faintly. “It can be operated. With the current hatred of The fish men island towards Celestial Dragons, once Celestial Dragons go to The fish men island, they will probably be excluded, but the character of Celestial Dragons will not tolerate this situation. Then Otohime will have to How to do it?”

“But no matter what Otohime wants to do, this time is your death time.”

The voice fell.

Renee raised her right hand.

A shadow soldier emerged.

Renee said calmly. “Go, follow the plan, but this time there will be a Celestial Dragons in the plan.”

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