Chapter 380 Chapter 379: The Fierce Battle on Zou

“Master Black Crow hasn’t come back yet?”

Coming into the castle, Hancock asked Warwick curiously.

“No.” Warwick’s sharp claws scratched his head and said, picking up another piece of roasted meat and eating it with big mouthfuls. There are not many people on Crow Island who know that Mio has left, but Hancock is considered to be a higher level than the peripheral members of the Black Crow Force, and coupled with his special identity and special relationship, he can be regarded as knowing Mio’s departure.

After Mio had left for a while, Hancock began to ask every day. The questions asked were naturally related to Mio, and wanted to know if Mio had come back.

If she comes back, she wants Mio to see the results of her practice during this period of time.

It’s a bit similar to the feeling that students ask teachers to praise when they are in school.


Hancock responded with disappointment, and then turned to leave, but the direction of his departure was the location of the training ground on the island. There are not many ways to entertain in the world of pirates, either practicing, drinking or bragging, or even men understand. Have fun.

But Hancock is young, and these ways to pass the time are suitable for her.

After all, there are not many girls on this island, and the only ones who can talk to are his two younger sisters.

at the same time.

New World, a certain sea area.

This is where Zuowu is located.

The sky is dim, shrouded by dark clouds, coupled with the gradual dimming of the sky and the rising of mist, the sight of the sea has become unfriendly to the pirates. But even so, any pirate passing by here can still see that there is a huge figure standing on the sea covered by thick fog, that is Zuowu.

The huge ancient giant elephant.

Zuow put it on his back.

The country of fur.

At this time, in the territory of the furry principality, an area.

A group of pirates gathered here, lit a bonfire, drinking, eating meat, chatting and chatting, it seemed very lively.

At the center of the pirate crowd, there is a huge figure. Even if you sit cross-legged, you can feel the terrible aura brought by the tall and burly body, as well as the subconscious deterrence that the opponent exudes because of its strength.


A barrel of wine was drunk by Tarros, and the corners of his mouth were full of wine stains.

He threw the wine barrel aside, and then Talos picked up a piece of barbecue and ate it with big mouthfuls, wiping the wine stains on the corners of his mouth without the slightest image, and grinned. “is that enough?”

The voice fell.

In the surrounding direction, a group of figures walked out.

These guys are not humans, but fur tribes. They are all humanoids but have the heads and characteristics of various animals. There are many, almost thousands or even tens of thousands, with weapons in their hands and anger in their eyes.

“finally come.”

“The number is a lot, boss.”

“Ahahahaha, with so many enemies, can I say that I have a disease that will immediately die if I fight?”

“Well, we have only a few hundred people with this kind of number. It looks like a hard fight.”

“Eat and drink more while the war has not started, otherwise you won’t be able to drink if you accidentally die later.”

Seeing the appearance of these fur tribes, the pirate brothers beside Talos couldn’t help but speak, with fear in their words, but their faces were eager and impatient, and even a few eyes were full of war and desire. .

“Talos, you damn fellow, why are you staring at Zou?” A figure roared at Talos, his breath is not weak, like a waking beast, exuding power.

This is a lion-like fur clan with golden sideburns and a slightly fat body.

“Cat Viper.”

Talos finished eating the barbecue in his hand, and raised his eyes slightly to look at the figure, grinning with a smile. “And Inu Lan.”

As he said, his eyes fell on another figure not far from the cat viper.

This is a knight-like canine fur clan, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and his eyes are wary and solemn at this time.


Talos slowly got up and took a slight step. The burly and tall body made Talos take a step and couldn’t help making a slight noise. At this time, a terrifying aura suddenly broke out from Talos.

As if the beasts were roaring.

It brought great pressure to these fur tribes.

Tarros’ eyes shone with fanaticism, and he grinned. “For half a month, Laozi gave you half a month to summon all the fighting power of Zou to fight Laozi. Now that you are here, do you bring all the fighting power?””Hmph, Talos, even if you are the top powerhouse on the sea, you will definitely die in our hands this time.” A fur tribe gritted his teeth and roared against the momentum erupted by Talos.

Hear the words.

The corner of Talos’ mouth suddenly rose. “Hahahahaha, well, Laozi gives you a chance to kill me, but remember the agreement between Laozi and you. If you win, the whole Zou will respect Laozi as king. If he loses, Laozi will leave and never come to Zou. .”

This condition was mentioned by Talos half a month ago.

At the same time, Zou couldn’t refuse.

Because the price of rejection is the entire Zou, facing Talos’ crazy destruction and killing.



Talos roared, and a more terrifying aura burst out of his body, sweeping across the square, and it seemed that a gust of wind had formed, causing the surrounding trees to sway continuously.

“Little ones, kill!” Godot grinned, drew out the long knife at his waist and shouted directly. Then the figure quickly disappeared in place, and the next moment he suddenly appeared behind a fur tribe, with a stroke of the long knife. A fur tribe fell directly to the ground.


“Hahaha, after waiting for half a month, Laozi can’t wait.”

“Don’t die hahahaha.”

The pirates laughed presumptuously.

Following Talos, their guts have long been trained.

There is no fear at all at this time.

And Talos, making a fist with his right hand, slammed his fist towards the ground.

The ground cracked, and a deep crack emerged directly, spreading towards the front, until the fur tribes’ feet and then split apart, and a large number of fur tribes fell directly into it.


The cat viper gritted his teeth and roared directly, and then rushed towards Talos.

“Be careful.” Dog Lan said solemnly. Although he and the cat viper are not right, but at this time they have to unite, otherwise Zuowu will suffer a disaster.

The voice fell.

Inu Lan also drew out the long sword around his waist, slashed out with one sword, and swept towards Talos with one slash.

“Weak attack.”

A look of disdain appeared on Taros’ face, his right hand clenched a fist again, Armament Haki covered it, and a punch was blasted out, and the slash was abruptly shattered.

Then he quickly turned around and punched again.

The cat viper who had just arrived behind Talos was directly hit in the abdomen with a punch from Taros, and the powerful force burst out, and the cat viper’s body was directly blasted out, breaking several big trees in succession.

Then with a wave of his hand, the cat fur tribe on the right who was about to sneak attack was directly hit in the abdomen. The powerful force caused blood to spurt out of the opponent’s mouth, and his body flew out like a broken kite and fell to the ground. Life and death.

“Is it only to this degree?”

A look of dissatisfaction flashed in Taros’ eyes, and he said in a deep voice. “As a fur clan, you are called a fighting race. Is this the only level? I have been looking forward to fighting with you for half a month, but don’t let me not even feel the joy of fighting. Arrived.”


The voice fell.

The terrifying aura broke out again, the powerful aura was like the collapse of the sky, and everyone present felt a terrible sense of oppression.

“Too strong.”

A fur clan swallowed his saliva and looked at Talos like a waking abyssal beast, with a flash of fear in his eyes.

“Everyone, all focus on attacking!” Dog Lan’s face looked heavy, and he shouted without hesitation.

There are not many fur tribes under Talos. Aside from those fur tribes who are fighting against Talos, there are a large number of other fur tribes. At this time, a large number of fur tribes began to besiege Talos under the order of Inu Lan. go.

The scene was so magnificent, just the sound of shouts shook the sky, and a famous fur clan ran away, driving the dust on the ground, almost covering this area.

The vibrating sound kept ringing.


“You damn guy, you actually hurt me.”

Godot grinned, raised his hand to cover his chest, feeling the sharp pain in his chest and the blood stained when his palm touched the wound, he couldn’t help but show a coldness in his eyes, staring at the one in front of him. Cat tribe and fur tribe.


Step out.

Godot’s figure disappeared, blinked and appeared on the right side of the cat fur tribe, slashed out, the cat fur tribe’s head and body separated, turned into a corpse and fell on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Godot looked at Tarros.

The scene where more than 10,000 fur tribes besieged Talos caused Godot’s eyes widened and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

“Damn it, the boss won’t be over now, right?”

“With so many enemies, the strength of these fur tribes is very good.”

Some Tarros’s subordinates said with some worry.

Godot curled his lips and slashed out. An ordinary fur tribe was directly beheaded, and then he shouted in a deep voice. “Don’t be kidding, you newcomers haven’t seen the real terrifying power of the boss. The strength of these fur tribes may be good, but in the eyes of the boss, it is rubbish. No matter how much rubbish there is, it is rubbish. Look at it, slightly Don’t be too shocked afterwards, the boss’s ability will make you feel the fear of death.”



Talos’ side.

A series of wounds appeared on Talos’ body.

A lot of blood was spilled.

It can be seen that surrounded by tens of thousands of fur tribes, in a very short period of time, there are a lot of wounds on Talos’ body, and it turns into a blood man in an instant.

However, immediately afterwards, a frantic laughter suddenly sounded.

“Hahahaha, this is almost the same, you guys.”

Talos’ arms shook, and a terrifying aura broke out, and the fur tribe members all over him were subconsciously retreated a few steps.

The corners of Talos’ mouth turned up, and he suddenly grabbed a fur tribe and held it tightly in his hands, and laughed. “Although your strength is no different from that of ants in Laozi’s eyes, at least for now, you have made Laozi a little interested. But just this is not enough. It is far from impossible to kill me, so… . Explode your ultimate strength, hahahaha!”

Accompanied by laughter.

The fur clan imprisoned in Talos’ hands immediately shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the whole person’s life had been sucked away.

But Talos, who was originally a blood man, had his injuries quickly recovered in a breath.

This is…

Power drawn.

Talos himself did not possess other powerful attack methods or abilities. His real power lies in his body and the power to draw the fruits of Momo.

Coupled with his body comparable to Kaido, Talos is almost like a ferocious beast, terrifying.

Wanting to kill him is almost more difficult than killing Kaido.

Kaido will be injured, but Talos is different. As long as there are enemies around Talos, he will not be injured.

Even if he is injured, he can recover instantly.

“Come again.”

Throwing the mummified fur tribe aside, Talos grinned, and a more terrifying aura broke out on his body. At the same time, Talos’ whole person was also rapidly changing.

The body is getting bigger and bigger, the muscles on the bronze body are linked together, and mysterious lines appear everywhere on the chest and arms, like tattoos with weird images and certain animals.

On the forehead, there are double horns on the head, and while the face is terrifying, it exudes a fierce breath.

From now on, Talos is in the strongest state.


Physical fitness.




Almost all aspects have reached the strongest point, and he is also his strongest form.

The whole person is like a beast rushing out of hell, stepping out at will, the terrifying power is to sink the ground, stepping on a deep footprint.


Talos gave a low growl, and his voice was like a roar of a beast, just that made people feel daunting.

The moment the voice fell, Talos’ figure disappeared even further.


Inu Lan growled loudly.At the same time, the whole body is tight.

But next lesson I, Talos’ figure appeared in front of a furry tribe, with a grinning smile on his face, making a fist with his right hand, Armament Haki had already wrapped Taros’s body at this time, and hit it with a punch. .

With Inu Lan’s reminder, this fur tribe was already prepared.

Facing Tarros’s blow, he almost made a defensive form without hesitation.



Tarros fell with a punch, and the ground shook.

Under the punch of Talos, this fur tribe was blasted into the ground abruptly, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

“Come on, everyone in Zau Country.”

Talos faced all the fur clan creatures, grinning wildly with a grin. “Better beat me, otherwise, I will be your king from now on!”

“The king of the fur clan!”

“The King of Zou!”

“The King of Elephant Lord!”


Rampant laughter almost rushed into the sky.

The sky was feared by dark clouds at some point, and violent storms seemed to be about to come.

The black clouds are as heavy as the hearts of these fur tribes at this time.


Cat Viper took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice.


Accompanied by the sound, the cat viper’s figure disappeared almost instantaneously. It appeared in front of Talos in the blink of an eye, swept with one paw, and Armament Haki covered it. Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the sky, the sharp cold light flashed on the cat viper’s paw. , And even vaguely carried a little power of thunder.

Talos raised his right hand and grabbed it suddenly, blocking the blow easily, and then threw the cat viper into the distance with a wave, hitting the ground heavily.

The battle broke out again.

The sound of fighting soaring into the sky sounded on the back of the elephant master.

Even some passing ships near the elephant can hear clearly.

“Report, report, this is the 126 warship, I am the New World branch soldier non-commissioned officer Gray, and the beasts Talos and Zou have fought!”

“Report again, fighting has broken out on Zou, and the two sides of the battle are the mad beasts, the Talos Pirate Group and the Fur Race!”

On a naval ship not far from the elephant master, a Marine soldier hung up the phone worm, looked at the huge elephant master with solemn eyes, and listened to the sound of fighting from the elephant master, and sighed. Later, he then looked at the soldier beside him. “Pay attention to your surroundings. If anyone approaches, report immediately.”

“Sir, shall we go up?”

“No, with our level of strength, we are only going to die. Now let’s wait for the Admiral to arrive.”

The non-commissioned officer hardly hesitated was Kaidō.

He still knows himself the strength of these people.


In the sky, the blue thunder python rolled over in the dark clouds, and the heavy rain began to pour down.

A Marine soldier hurried over, with a frightened look on his face, and quickly reported. “Report, it’s not good, there is a pirate ship coming here, looking at the flag, it seems to be the Black Crow Pirates!”


Hearing this, the sergeant named Gray was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly ran to the side and picked up the binoculars and looked at it. As expected, he saw a ship approaching here under a heavy rain.

On that ship, a flag was slowly flying.

It’s a black crow.

“Damn it, why did the black crow come here?” The sergeant cursed inwardly, but he didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone worm to inform Naval Headquarters.

Like Zou on the Lord, there are many people who are interested, especially Marine.

After all, this is a good New World stronghold.

Originally, after learning that Talos had gone to the elephant lord, Marine had been waiting. When Talos and the fur clan broke out in the fight, he stepped in to repel Talos and took the opportunity to build Marine on the elephant lord. The branch, coupled with the characteristics of the elephant, if the Marine branch is successfully built, then basically there is no need to worry about the danger of pirates, and maybe you can take this opportunity to step on the line of the fur clan and provide a lot for Marine. The new force.

Marine is not afraid of Talos alone.

but now……

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